Brazil Decriminalizes Marijuana Possession for Personal Use: A Historic Step in Drug Policy

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Image of a phone case with the Brazilian flag, overlaid with a large cannabis leaf. Below the leaf is a depiction of the National Congress of Brazil with cannabis plants in the foreground and several smaller Brazilian flags surrounding the building.
Alan Martínez Benito
CEO of Pev Grow, expert grower with more than 20 years of experience.
In constant struggle for the regulation of cannabis, mainly in the medicinal field.
19-07-2024 07:14:21 - Updated: 19 July, 2024


In a historic decision, the Supreme Court of Brazil has decriminalized the possession of weed for personal use, allowing citizens to carry up to 40 grams without facing criminal penalties. This legislative change, announced in July 2024, aims to address deep-seated issues of mass incarceration and social discrimination.



🥇 A Necessary Change in Legislation



The decriminalization of weed in Brazil responds to an urgent need to reduce mass incarceration, especially among young people from marginalized communities. Supreme Court President Luís Roberto Barroso explained that this measure is a way to deal with the problem of hyper-incarceration of young people with good records, who were detained for carrying small amounts of drugs. The lack of a clear distinction between consumers and traffickers had led to excessive incarceration, disproportionately affecting poor people and black communities.



✅ Impact on the Judicial and Prison System


It is estimated that around 60,000 inmates could be released thanks to this new regulation. More than 6,000 court cases were pending awaiting the court’s ruling, and now, with the new established criteria, those affected can request a review of their sentences. This measure will not only relieve the prison system but also allow thousands of people to resume their lives without the burden of a criminal conviction for possessing small amounts of weed.



🎯 Contrasting Opinions


Despite the significant progress, the decriminalization has faced opposition from various sectors of Brazilian society. Evangelical churches, Bolsonarism, and a majority of parliamentarians have expressed their rejection of any form of drug legalization, arguing that it could exacerbate problems related to drug trafficking and drug use in vulnerable areas like Cracolandia in São Paulo.



🧐 A Step Forward in Drug Policy


The decision to decriminalize the possession of weed for personal use places Brazil in line with other countries in the region that have adopted more progressive approaches to cannabis regulation. Although the sale of weed remains illegal, this measure represents a significant step towards a more humane and less punitive drug policy.



👾 Pevgrow’s Opinion


From our point of view, this decision is very positive for Brazil for different reasons. On one hand, it will save police, judicial, and prison resources, as consumers will no longer be pursued as they were before, which represents a significant expenditure of money each year. On the other hand, it removes the allure of weed for younger people, which is one of the reasons they start using it. Another issue that is often overlooked are the problems associated with prohibition, such as product adulteration and potential mental issues caused by the paranoia of having to hide as a weed consumer, which are often worse than those caused by the substance itself.



📱 Conclusion


The decriminalization of weed in Brazil is a crucial step in the fight against mass incarceration and social discrimination. As the country navigates this new legal framework, it will be essential to observe how these reforms are implemented and their impact on Brazilian society. This decision not only offers a second chance to thousands of people but also sets an important precedent in the region for the more humane and just treatment of drug consumers.

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  1. Avatar for Mark Writelastname

    After reading this news, I am convinced that Brazil is the perfect place to start a new life ahahahahaha