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In this section you will get to know first-hand contrasted and truthful information about medical marijuana at a scientific level.

But first of all, are you looking to buy medical marijuana?, I would like to tell you that very soon you will be able to get medical marijuana on our website...yeah, you read it right... you will be able to buy hemp buds with a high content of cannabidiol (CBD).

Of course, its sale is totally legal in Spain, Europe and other countries since its THC content is less than 0.2%, and is not psychoactive. Its effect has calming and relaxing benefits.

But let's get down to business, science is advancing in this area at an unstoppable rate, more and more studies are endorsing the use of medical marijuana for its multiple benefits in diseases like:

  • Cancer, marijuana increases appetite and reduces taxol symptoms in chemotherapy treatments. (scientifically proven)
  • Parkinson disease, in less than 30 minutes after inhaling marijuana, muscle stiffness and annoying tremor is dramatically reduced. (scientifically proven)
  • Epilepsy, doctors specialized in this disease have found that in a large sample of patients marijuana reduced the number of seizures being more controlled the spasms episodes. (advances amounts, research continues)
  • Anxiety, there is clinical evidence in animal trials that low-dose marijuana reduces anxious behavior and increases antidepressant responses by the mean of the endocannabinoid system.

It should be noted that marijuana used to treat anxiety or primary depression should be considered with caution, it is not advised to use for people with a history of psychotic disorders. (significant progress, still under investigation).

  • Alzheimer's disease, marijuana is giving great advances regarding the treatment of this disease, has been shown to prevent the development of its symptoms.

On the one hand, it reduces the aggregation of beta-amyloid peptic plaques (mediated by THC), the main indicator of Alzheimer's disease, and decreases phosphorylation of Tau proteins, another biological indicator of this condition.

It also acts as a protector of neurons since cannabinoids are neuroprotective.(scientifically proven)

  • Insomnia, in this case the scientific studies tell us that a punctual use of cannabis can help to combat insomnia and help to sleep deeply, but its prolonged abuse over time could have negative consequences on the sleep processes.(scientifically proven)
  • Arthrosis, although no conclusive clinical studies on cannabis have been conducted to date for the treatment of osteoarthritis. However, there are marijuana users who suffer from this disease who feel pain relief after vaporizing it. It is important to note that Canada permits the use of marijuana for those patients who experience severe pain associated with severe arthritis and are unable to relieve it with traditional treatments.  (significant progress, still under investigation)
  • Autism. There are documented testimonies from parents of autistic children who use cannabis and have found a less invasive alternative to conventional medicine in order to balance their mood changes and help them to be calm and get sleep, but for the time being be cautious, his research continues.
  • Glaucoma, although there have been studies for more than half a century that seemed to suggest that marijuana helped decrease intraocular pressure, more recent studies indicate that it would not be recommended for treating glaucoma because it does not seem to have a prolonged effect. We have to wait for further researches.
  • Fibromyalgia, recent studies have given the go-ahead to the use of medical marijuana to control the effects of fibromyalgia. Many patients have been waiting for this alternative medicine for a long time.

Thanks to cannabinoids, there is great pain relief, which is a hope for relieving the symptoms of this degenerative disease.

  • Multiple sclerosis, it is scientifically proven that cannabis is capable of slowing down its development and palliate the effects of this disease, there is even a medicine such as Sativex that is sold in pharmacies and has the same active ingredients as marijuana.
  • For dogs, cases have been documented where dogs have been treated with marijuana oil in their last weeks of life. It seemed to improve the quality of life of animals, though there are no conclusive studies.
  • Diabetes, the latest studies seem to indicate that there is a correlation between the use of Cannabis and the regulation of blood sugars, it seems to confirm that marijuana fasting users have lower insulin levels than those who do not use medicinal cannabis.

Research continues open, it is still too early to find a drug in the marijuana-based pharmacy for the treatment of diabetes. It is always advisable to consult your family doctor before you start using medical marijuana to treat diabetes.

  • Migraines, according to a recent study, patients with chronic headaches halved their migraines when they used marijuana as medicine.  (scientifically proven)
  • Asthma, Marijuana is a potent bronchodilator and this makes it particularly suitable for asthma treatments.

It is always better and in the case of this disease even more so, using marijuana with vaporizer, steam is much less invasive in the lungs than combustion of plant matter.

  • Depression.  Marijuana to treat depression is not recommended, although among the functions of endocannabinoids we can find the mood regulation, there are contradictory studies on the use of marijuana by depressive people, it is not clear that it can benefit or harm, so it is not wise to use cannabis by the moment to treat this pathology.

You want to make your own medical marijuana?

You can do it in different ways:

  • In oil, if you make your marijuana oil you can take its drops via sublingual, here we show you how to prepare it.
  • In infusion, the easiest and simpliest way, you can make your infusion with leaves and buds as if it were a tea but with milk. It is important that milk is fatty so that cannabinoids dissolve properly.
  • Medicinal marijuana extract, there are many types of medical marijuana extractions, the advantage is that its high purity in terpenes and high concentration of cannabinoids, with only a puff of these resins is enough to leave you stoned. If you want to know more... please take a look at our blog posts...
  • Vaporized. If you have a vaporizer is the most recommendable option, you can find all prices, sizes and features. Inhaling the herb without combustion,  marijuana becomes less harmful than smoking.

You can always get your own medical marijuana by growing it yourself. I recommend you to purchase  cannabis seeds of strains containing high levels of CBD, or even THC/CBD ratios between 1:1 and 1:2.