Cannabis at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games

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Illustration combining Olympic Games themes and CBD. The Olympic rings are central, surrounded by medals, trophies, torches, sports equipment, and CBD oil bottles. The background features a cannabis leaf, trucks labeled “CBD,” and various sports symbols like balls and a podium, highlighting cannabis-at-the-Olympic-Games.
Alan Martínez Benito
CEO of Pev Grow, expert grower with more than 20 years of experience.
In constant struggle for the regulation of cannabis, mainly in the medicinal field.
17-07-2024 07:08:31 - Updated: 17 July, 2024


With the Paris 2024 Olympic Games in full swing, cannabis is gaining attention as a potential ally in athlete performance and recovery. This trend highlights the growing role of cannabis, especially CBD, in the sports arena.



Sports Recovery and CBD



Many Olympic athletes are exploring the benefits of CBD for muscle recovery, inflammation reduction, and improved sleep. CBD, a non-psychoactive component of cannabis, has proven effective in relieving pain and anxiety without the side effects of some traditional medications.

For example, CBD oils and topical creams are being used by athletes to aid in post-training and post-competition recovery. These products help reduce recovery time and improve overall well-being, especially CBD for athletes which has been specifically created for this mission.




Regulations and Testing


The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has allowed the use of CBD in sports, although THC, another component of cannabis, remains prohibited. This differentiation is crucial, as THC has psychoactive effects that can impact athletic performance. However, the discussion about including other cannabinoids in the list of permitted substances continues to evolve.

During the Paris Olympic Games, this debate has gained momentum, and we may see changes in sports policies in the coming years. Current and future regulations will influence how athletes can use cannabis-derived products to enhance their performance and recovery.



Innovations and Market Opportunities


Cannabis companies are using the global platform of the Olympic Games to promote CBD products and establish new partnerships with athletes and sports teams. This global visibility is driving the acceptance of cannabis in the sports arena and opening new market opportunities.

For example, gels, balms, and CBD creams are gaining popularity among athletes for their anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Additionally, innovative products like CBD capsules and CBD-infused beverages are beginning to be considered viable options for recovery and athletic performance.




Future Perspectives


As more athletes and sports organizations recognize the benefits of cannabis, we are likely to see a deeper integration of these products into sports wellness. Ongoing research and regulatory changes could allow for broader and more accepted use of cannabis in professional sports.

Consumers are also benefiting from these advances, as cannabis products are available to anyone looking to improve their health and well-being. Products like CBD oils, creams, and capsules can be found in specialized stores and online, such as at Pevgrow, where a wide range of products for different needs is offered.





The Paris 2024 Olympic Games have highlighted the growing interest and acceptance of cannabis, especially CBD, in the sports arena. Athletes are leveraging the benefits of CBD for muscle recovery and overall well-being improvement. WADA’s regulation and innovation in cannabis products are opening new market opportunities, benefiting both athletes and consumers. As this trend continues, cannabis could become an essential component of athletic performance.

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  1. Avatar for Jari Huovinen

    Incredible to see how cannabis finally has a place in the Olympics this summer, a big step towards normalization!