Israel’s Cannabis Industry in the Midst of War: Resilience and Challenges

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A military helmet with a patch of the Israeli flag, a text print that reads ‘BORN TO GROW’ and a peace symbol is filled with cannabis leaves and buds. The background is a textured grey with a faint abstract pattern.
Fran Quesada Moya

19-09-2024 09:15:11 - Updated: 19 September, 2024


Israel, a country known for its innovation and technology, has emerged as a significant player in the global medical cannabis industry. However, the terrible events of October 7, 2023, when Hamas militants carried out a devastating attack in the south of the country, have tested the strength and resilience of this sector. In this article, we will explore the state of the cannabis industry in Israel during wartime.



🔥 A Sector Amidst Conflict



The attack on October 7 not only left an indelible mark on Israeli society but also directly impacted the cannabis industry. In the kibbutz Nir Oz, near the Gaza border, two workers from Israel’s leading medical cannabis producer, InterCure, were kidnapped and taken to Gaza. This agricultural community, once an example of peaceful and productive living, became a scene of horror. With the death of nearly 50 residents and the capture of another 70 as hostages, including employees of InterCure, the tragedy was deeply felt at all levels of the industry.



⚠️ Resilience in Difficult Times


Despite the devastating blow, work in Nir Oz has not stopped. InterCure workers, now displaced and living in Kiryat Gat, travel daily to maintain cultivation operations. The production of medical cannabis is crucial for thousands of patients who depend on this treatment in Israel. According to Yael Marcus, a former resident of Nir Oz and manager at Eybna Technologies, the determination to continue has been strong, driven by the need to keep providing medicine to those in need, despite the extreme circumstances.



✨ Impact on Agriculture and Production


The conflict not only affected the kibbutz Nir Oz but also had repercussions on agriculture throughout the country, especially in the southern and northern regions, which were the most affected by the attacks. The cannabis sector, highly concentrated in these areas, faced significant challenges, including labor shortages due to evacuations and the loss of migrant workers.

However, the Israeli community has shown an impressive capacity for adaptation. Volunteers from across the country mobilized to help with the harvest, ensuring that the production of cannabis and other essential crops did not come to a complete halt.



⭐ A Paradox in Times of War


Interestingly, the current crisis could mean an increase in demand for medical cannabis. The trauma caused by the war has skyrocketed rates of anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the population, which will likely increase the need for cannabis-based treatments. Adi Rozenfeld, a partner at the law firm Herzog, Fox & Neeman, suggests that this boom will be reflected as more people seek to enroll in the medical cannabis program, which already has around 130,000 patients.



✅ Regulations and the Future of the Industry


In an attempt to anticipate this increase in demand, the Israeli government has implemented changes to the regulations surrounding medical cannabis. These new rules, effective since April, aim to ease licensing requirements and stimulate exports, which could further strengthen the industry internationally.

Although the situation is complicated, industry leaders like Ophir Nevo from the Israeli Cannabis Association remain optimistic, predicting that the cannabis sector will not only endure but will grow amidst adversity.



☕ Conclusion and Pevgrow’s Opinion


The cannabis industry in Israel, although hit by recent events, demonstrates impressive resilience. Amidst the conflict, the sector continues to move forward, driven by the need to maintain a steady supply of medical cannabis for patients who depend on it. Over time, as new regulations are implemented, Israel could see significant growth in its cannabis industry, becoming an example of how a country can adapt and thrive even in the darkest times.

From our perspective, the Israeli cannabis industry should be separated from its government, which we do not support due to its militarism. Israeli cannabis companies have always been a benchmark in the sector, and we hope the war ends as soon as possible, first to prevent the tragedies we are witnessing, but also to avoid affecting the development of our industry.

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  1. Avatar for Martin Yakimov

    I am glad to see that Israeli cannabis companies are moving forward despite the war and difficulties, demonstrating their resilience and commitment to the future.