New Study Reveals: Cannabis Users Are Less Likely to Be Obese.

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An old scale on a gradient background with the word “PevGrow” at the bottom. On the left side, a woman holds a potted plant. On the right, a man is sitting and holding a drink, making his side feel heavy.
Fran Quesada Moya

05-09-2024 06:16:33 - Updated: 5 September, 2024


The relationship between cannabis and health continues to generate debates and surprising revelations. A recent study has found that people who consume cannabis are less likely to be obese compared to those who do not. This finding challenges traditional stereotypes about the “voracious appetite” associated with weed consumption and its possible contribution to weight gain.



✨ The Study Details



The study, published by Marijuana Moment, reviewed large-scale data and found that cannabis users have, on average, a lower body mass index (BMI). Although weed is known to stimulate appetite, the study suggests that there may be an effect on metabolism that counteracts the expected weight gain. In other words, despite consuming more calories, regular cannabis users tend to maintain a healthier weight than those who do not consume the plant.

This result aligns with previous research that also noted a lower prevalence of obesity among cannabis consumers. However, what distinguishes this study is the focus on how cannabis could affect appetite regulation and metabolism in a more complex way than previously thought.



📖 How Can Cannabis Impact Body Weight?


Although science still does not have definitive answers, researchers have proposed some theories. One of them is that cannabis could influence basal metabolism, accelerating calorie burning. It is also possible that the endocannabinoid system, which regulates a variety of physiological processes, plays a role in how the body manages fat storage and energy.

Additionally, it is important to note that not all cannabis consumers experience the same impact on their weight. Factors such as frequency of use, dosage, and type of cannabis consumed can vary the results.



🚀 A Continuing Debate


This study reopens the debate about the long-term effects of cannabis on health. While some studies have associated cannabis use with a higher risk of metabolic diseases in certain contexts, these new findings suggest that the relationship between cannabis and obesity could be more complex than previously thought. As cannabis becomes a more common option for both recreational and medicinal use, research like this will be key to fully understanding its impact on overall well-being.



🏹 Conclusion and Pevgrow’s Opinion


At Pevgrow, we strive to keep you informed about the latest research and developments in the world of cannabis. This study offers a new perspective on the possible unexpected benefits of cannabis consumption and how it could positively influence metabolic health. As science continues to explore these topics, we will keep sharing the most relevant news to help you make informed decisions as a consumer and grower.

Some regular consumers like the one writing this article, have never understood how we can eat so much without gaining weight, especially considering that when we overindulge in food is at night after dinner, when we no longer burn as much, and even more so considering that we don’t eat salads or fruit precisely… Now we have the answer 🌿⚖️. Now tell me, doesn’t this topic seem curious to you? Please leave us your opinion in the comments so we can draw better conclusions.

*Video link: Smoking marijuana is slimming

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  1. Avatar for Zack Mr

    Now I understand why I don’t gain weight! I always thought my munchies cravings when smoking cannabis were a problem, but reading this made me realize that they don’t have to make me gain weight.