Thank you, Fran.

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Thank you Fran
Alan Martínez Benito
CEO of Pev Grow, expert grower with more than 20 years of experience.
In constant struggle for the regulation of cannabis, mainly in the medicinal field.
06-11-2024 08:23:07 - Updated: 6 November, 2024



Fran Quesada passed away in the Dana of Valencia on Tuesday, October 29, at the age of 44.


Fran Quesada began collaborating with us almost 10 years ago, providing us with incredible autoflowering genetics. Until that moment, autoflowering plants were not productive, and the quality of their flowers was not very good; some had a good aroma and flavor, but there was a chasm compared to the quality of flowers produced by feminized seeds.

At that time, Fran sold the best Non-Photoperiod varieties available on the planet.

The Black Mamba Auto is an example of this; this genetic developed alongside his best friend Ruben from Terra Grow was a resounding success. One of the best-selling auto seeds of all time.

Although Fran defined himself as a bricklayer since that was his first job, he was always interested in the genetics of the cannabis sativa species from a therapeutic perspective. He immersed himself in the latest scientific studies related to the medicinal properties of the plant to inform and help the cancer patients he knew.

Fran was also a great writer, which is why I asked him to write news for this very blog. He not only knew the family tree of all the commercially available cannabis varieties today, but he also knew the diseases that affect them and how to obtain a healthy and productive crop.

Fran was a very special person, which is why I asked him to coordinate the different departments of the company and to help colleagues with their daily doubts. His way of relating to people, his willingness to resolve discrepancies, and his calmness in reflecting on complex issues made him unique.

On a personal level, I will confess that until I met him, I thought that the best friends were met at the latest in high school or university, but Fran made me see that you can always meet a true friend. Thank you for so many hours of good conversation, thank you for being so good to your family, friends, and colleagues.


Rest in peace, friend.


Alan Martinez

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