Video: Apply Potassium Soap to cannabis plants

Reading Time 2 minutes

This video explains how to prepare and apply potassium soap to protect your plants from pests, emphasizing the importance of treating nearby plants as well.

Hello to everyone, welcome to Pevgrow! In the previous video, we saw how to make potassium soap in a homemade and easy way. Easy, but with its steps. Okay, and now we’re going to see how it turned out in the end and how to apply it to our plants.

It’s stored in a glass jar in the fridge, and when we want to use it, like we’re going to do now, you see? It looks like it’s like honey.

How are we going to store it in our fridge? Right, it’s not mayonnaise or anything like that. Okay, write down “potassium soap,” because there might be someone crazy in your house who will say, “Let’s see, what is this?” You see? It’s dissolving, and this goes into 2 liters of water. Okay, 2 liters of water.

And we make it here so they don’t feed on our plants, but on other plants. They have the right to live, but not on our plants. Now we’re going to use a spray bottle. Thanks!

We give it a little turn like this. If we have plants around in our garden too, and other plants such as vegetables—for example, here I have tomatoes—we also spray the tomatoes as well. If we have geraniums, if we have whatever we have, we also spray it. Everything you have around.

  • If we kill the pests on our plant, but it turns out that the plant next to it, even if it’s a rose, has something, it’s going to pass it back again.
  • We need to keep the whole area clean.

Nothing more! See you soon in the next video. See you later, friends!

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