In this video, learn how to create an effective homemade fungicide for cannabis plants using just skim milk, water, and baking soda to prevent fungal issues in your garden.
Welcome to Pevgrow! Hello everyone, and welcome to Pevgrow. In this video, I’m going to talk to you about how we can make our own homemade fungicide, completely homemade, especially for dealing with fungi.
All we need is:
- Skim milk
- Water (if it’s tap water, that’s fine)
- Baking soda
Since we don’t have any other option, we’re going to let it sit for 3 days to allow all the impurities in the tap water to settle at the bottom. If you have a little osmotic tap installed, that’s perfect; we can use that water. Ideally, it should be rainwater. If we have patience and we have rainwater, then we’re going to use that water because it’s the best.
Next, we’re going to add a little bit of baking soda, which I have prepared here. That’s all there is to it! You can find this in any market. Here’s how it’s made:
We have put 800 mL of water here (as marked), and then we’re going to add 200 mL of skim milk. What we like about the milk is that the lactic acid acts as the fungicide, which works as a repellent. Additionally, it contains beneficial components, especially during flowering, such as potassium and phosphate, which are great for our plants.
Let’s go ahead and put it in a dispenser, in a spray bottle. Now we’re going to add 200 mL of milk to the mixture.
Make sure to spray underneath and all around the plants. If we have the opportunity, as we mentioned, get closer with the baking soda and add 20 g, which is the suggested proportion. It’s that simple!
Now, we’re going to cover it and mix it well. We shake it up, as this is meant for prevention. Every 15 days, we’ll make a little mixture like this and apply it.
Let’s go over there; I’m going to look for a victim… Found one! It’s always best to do these things when the sun has set, so there’s no direct light.
You see it? It’s done! I mean, I was left speechless! That’s what having a little garden is all about.
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