Video: Homemade Remedy With Garlic To Fight Whiteflies And Aphids

Reading Time < 1 minutes

This video presents a simple homemade remedy using garlic to effectively combat whiteflies and aphids, as well as fungi, with a straightforward 7-day treatment plan.

My friends, welcome to Pevgrow! Today, I’m excited to share with you a little homemade remedy to fight against whiteflies and aphids. You’ll see how it’s quite simple, it works pretty well, and it’s easy to make. You’ll also notice that I use the same remedy for several pests. This time, it’s going to be for whiteflies and aphids, but this remedy also works quite well against fungi.

That said, let’s get started!

  • We’ll need three garlic cloves.
  • We’re going to let them sit in a liter of water.
  • All of this will sit for 24 hours.

Once it’s cool enough, we just need to filter the content and pour it into a bottle to spray the area we want to treat. We’re going to do this twice a day: once in the morning, as early as possible, and another time in the late afternoon. We’re going to repeat this process for 7 days, and there you go! Normally, the remedy should work, and we should see how the whiteflies react.

I’m going to show you how to do it, so it’s simple: just use three garlic cloves!

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