Video: How To Control The Humidity Of Our Plants

Reading Time 2 minutes

This video from Pevgrow explains essential tips for controlling humidity during the vegetative and flowering periods of indoor plant cultivation.

Hey friends, welcome to Pevgrow. Today, we’re going to do a video to explain how to control humidity in our indoor cultivation. Alright, we’re going to talk about two periods: the vegetative period and the flowering period.

Let’s start with the vegetative period. During this time, we’re going to try to reduce the humidity by 5% each week. This means we will aim to reach a humidity level between 40% and 70%. With the lights on, we will try to maintain the temperature between 22°C and 28°C, although the ideal temperature is between 25°C and 27°C. At night, we should avoid having a temperature difference greater than 15°C. A 20°C difference is possible, but it’s better to keep it under 15°C.

Now, during the flowering period, we’ll focus on reducing humidity to between 40% and 50%. I recommend not exceeding 55%. Importantly, we should never go beyond 60%, as that would be very detrimental to our plants. With the lights on, we want the temperature to be a bit more precise, aiming for between 25°C and 27°C, although going from 22°C to 28°C could still work. Similarly, at night, we want to maintain a temperature difference of no more than 15°C.

So, how do we reduce humidity? It’s very simple! Here are a few methods:

  • Increase the fan speed.
  • Add an extra fan.
  • Invest in a dehumidifier.

With these solutions, we could say that the problem would be solved.

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