Video: How to maintain a healthy root system in your cannabis plants

Reading Time 2 minutes

This video explains how to maintain healthy root systems in cannabis plants by managing moisture levels and preventing roots from protruding out of drainage holes.

Hello friends! Welcome. Today, we’re going to talk about how we can keep our roots healthy so that our plants don’t suffer and don’t die. Our silent friend is moisture. The moisture in the soil can’t be too humid for many days because it’s bad. It can lead to fungi.

We also shouldn’t let the roots stick out from the little drainage holes. To prevent this, we can buy expanded clay and put it at the bottom of the pot. What this will do is create a base like this:

  • It will prevent the roots from searching for water downwards.
  • If we leave a layer like this, the roots don’t have to come out.

However, the moment our roots stick out here and touch the plastic, they won’t dry out. What we have left in the saucers is also very important. Trying it out is crucial because as soon as it touches here, the root is going to die.

Now, as the plants begin to get a little stressed, we need to water them just right. We estimate that we should water them every 2 or 3 days. With LED lights, we can extend this during the vegetative period a little longer for the smaller ones, around every week or every 6 days. But with sodium lights, we need to water them at most every 2 or 3 days.

This frequency is important since the solid gives off a lot of heat, even when it’s inside the whole culture. Remember, maintaining a healthy root system is key to the success of your cannabis plants.

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