Video: How To Make A Hidrogel So That Our Plants Never Run Out Of Water

Reading Time 2 minutes

This video shares a simple tip on how to use hydrogel to retain moisture in plants, ensuring they never run out of water, perfect for gorilla crops or houseplants.

Hey friends, welcome to Pevgrow! Today, I have a short video to show you a little tip that will work great for retaining moisture in our plants.

With this tip, we will be able to use it, for example, in our gorilla crops, where we do not go there every day. Consequently, we do not water our plants as we should. It can also be used in normal pots in the house, such as with an autoflowering plant. This will help us retain moisture, and also, if we go away for the weekend and we don’t have anyone to water the plants, we can ensure that our plants won’t lack water.

In order to successfully accomplish this task, we will require the following:

  • A layer that will be placed on top of the soil to provide additional support structure.
  • A bowl to mix all the components together thoroughly.
  • A small amount of water.
  • More soil.

Now that I’ve said that, I’m going to show you how to do it.

The first thing we’re simply going to do is take the layer and open it up in the middle. You’ll notice that inside the layer, there’s a kind of crystal fiber—so that’s what we want! We’re going to use this crystal to retain moisture in our plants.

What’s great about this trick is that this gel is non-toxic, meaning we won’t harm our plants. Once we have the gel completely ready, all that is left to do is simply add the soil and mix it properly.

So, what is this hydrogel going to do? It will retain moisture effectively. You see, as you can clearly observe, there it goes! Right now, it will swell up and, consequently, that means our plants will absolutely never run out of sufficient watering. All we have to do is transfer the contents into the soil where we have our pot. There you go! Transplant, water, and it’s done.

Well friends, our plant is happy since it will never run out of water. This video is coming to an end. I hope you like it! If that’s the case, don’t forget to give it a big thumbs up below. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them. We will be there to respond to you as quickly as possible.

Don’t forget to check out our website and subscribe to our YouTube channel to get more tips for growing cannabis. I’ll definitely see you in the next video. Catch you later!

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