Video: How to make a homemade automatic irrigation system.

Reading Time 2 minutes

This video tutorial demonstrates how to create a simple and efficient homemade drip irrigation system using just a few household items.

Hello friends, welcome to Pevgrow. In this video, we’re going to see how to make a very quick homemade drip irrigation system in an easy and simple way. As you can see, we won’t need much at all. Look, we just need:

  • A bottle
  • A hammer
  • Thread or rope
  • A cutter
  • A knife
  • A nail
  • A small piece of wood

So come along with me, and I’ll show you how it’s done. You’ll see that it’s super quick! I love this type of irrigation; it’s a little round one, and this is just to make our work easier.

Okay, now you’ll see why we did this here. Well, this is where the water park irrigation is going to be. Many times you’ve seen that they make a hole in the store so that the water drips down or you put it into the soil. No, this isn’t how it works; it’s even simpler than that!

We’re just going to open it up. We’ll see that later, but it’s like a regulator. The more open the stopper is, the more water will drip down to hold it in the ground. The wood comes into play here, sticking out about four fingers, which is what goes into the soil. A little nail is used to secure the wood without any problems and with more ease.

As you can see, this has made it easier for us to nail the little tack. Now the bottle is secured, and for extra support, I’m going to tie it here.

Okay, we have put the string on it. Very much play, and how it is falling. With this setup, we would even have enough water for 3 or 4 days. You know that it will depend on the rhythm that we set and the liters of the pot, etc.

Well friends, I hope you like the video. Give it a thumbs up, share it, subscribe to our channel, and that’s it! Thanks for joining us, and we’ll see you soon in the next video. Until now, see you later!

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