Video: How to make banana tea, Potassium for our plants

Reading Time 3 minutes

In this video, you will learn how to create a potassium-rich banana tea for your flowering plants using just banana peels and water.

Hello, friends! Welcome to Pevgrow. Now, you catch me in the kitchen, and I want to show you how we can make a potassium-rich tea called banana tea for our plants during the flowering stage.

As we already know, during flowering, the most essential nutrients that our plants will need are potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus. Now I’m going to show you how to easily and quickly obtain potassium.

For this recipe, we need:

  • 5 banana peels
  • 1 liter of water

What do we do?

First, we’re going to cut the peels. Once we have the banana peels ready, it’s time to prepare them. We know two things: one, we’re ready to start making our own tea, and the other thing is that tonight we’re going to have banana for dessert!

Let’s cut the bananas into pieces, with a little bit of chocolate on top until you can’t take it anymore. I’ll leave this to your imagination; let your mind wander! We’re just going to work with the banana peels. Slice them into pieces; they don’t necessarily need to be very small, but they should definitely be cut up properly. Then, we’ll add them carefully into this liter of water that we’re not heating yet.

So now, we have the banana peels cut and our liter of water ready in a pot. We’re going to add the peels to the water and let it boil for 15 minutes. We’ll put it on the heat for 15 minutes and check back afterwards.

I know that cooking can sometimes be a bit complicated when it comes to living together. In my case, what I’ve done is take advantage of the bananas and make this delightful dessert.

Now, there are just two minutes left, and I’ve taken the opportunity to make the wax look different colors. As we saw before, the water has been darkening, and since we have it ready, we’re going to turn off the heat and strain it into a container. You can use any container, but I’m going to use this plastic one so you can see the color of the mixture.

Now, the house smells like bananas! But let’s move on. We need to make 2 liters of water with one banana mixture, so we take our watering can and add one liter and then two or three more liters of water. It doesn’t matter if we go over; it doesn’t have to be precisely measured.

Well, friends, I’ve made my mixture here in this glass jar so you can see how it turned out. The turbidity has become clearer when mixing it with the water. This mixture will be used for our plant that is in bloom, and we can use it right now. This will provide potassium at this crucial time of flowering, which is really needed!

So, that’s it! I hope you like the video and that you try it at home. Let me know how it went!

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