Video: How to make chocolate and cannabis cake in the microwave

Reading Time 2 minutes

In this video, Alexia demonstrates how to make a quick and easy chocolate and marijuana mug cake using simple ingredients in the microwave.

Hello everyone! My name is Alexia, and I welcome you to our Pevgrow cooking channel. Today, I bring you a super, super easy recipe that we’re going to prepare in just a few minutes. It’s a chocolate and marijuana mug cake, and we’re going to prepare it in a mug and in the microwave.

If that sounds good to you, I’ll show you the ingredients, and we’ll get started!

  • Two tablespoons of cocoa powder
  • Four tablespoons of cake flour
  • Four tablespoons of sugar
  • One egg
  • A little bit of chocolate (grated, or you could also use chocolate chips or something similar)
  • Lastly, and of course indispensable, is marijuana butter that I already made beforehand. If you haven’t made it yet, you can check out the recipe, which you’ll see is quite simple. We’re going to add three grams of that.

Does that sound good to you? Let’s whisk all the ingredients together!

I recommend decarboxylating your cannabis before any recipe. This way, you’ll ensure that the decarboxylation has been done correctly. Do you want to know how to do it? Click here!

Now, let’s add the:

  • Egg
  • Four tablespoons of sugar
  • Two tablespoons of cocoa powder
  • Four tablespoons of flour
  • Three grams of marijuana butter
  • A bit more delicious chocolate

Microwave for 5 minutes so that our cake is absolutely perfect! Just keep in mind that the time depends a bit on the power of each microwave; mine is quite powerful, so 3 minutes was enough.

Let’s unmold the chocolate sponge cake with marijuana. A little bit of icing sugar on top, and in just a few minutes, we have prepared a very, very tempting sweet dish!

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