Video: How to make chocolate and cannabis truffles

Reading Time 3 minutes

In this video, Alexia from Pevgrow Cooking Channel shares a delicious recipe for chocolate and cannabis truffles, highlighting the ingredients and step-by-step preparation.

Hello everyone, my name is Alexia, and I welcome you to our Pevgrow Cooking Channel. Today’s recipe is for you chocolate lovers out there! I think you won’t be able to resist making it because you’re going to be amazed by these chocolate and cannabis truffles I’m bringing you today.

So, if that sounds good to you, I’ll show you the ingredients and we’ll get started. First, we will need:

  • 25 grams of inverted sugar
  • 350 grams of white sugar
  • 150 mL of water
  • Two packets of baking powder (one with baking soda and the other with malic acid and tartaric acid)
  • 125 mL of cream
  • A bit of cocoa powder
  • 180 grams of chocolate to make the truffles
  • 50 grams set aside to coat the truffles once they’re made
  • Our special ingredient, which is our cannabis butter. In this case, I’ve used Girl Scout Cookies strain from our Pevgrow bank. I chose this strain because it has a somewhat earthy flavor that really reminds me of freshly baked cookies. Since this dessert is sweet, I think it will go great with it.

So, if that sounds good to you, let’s get to work! Remember, we recommend decarboxylating your cannabis before any recipe. This way, you’ll ensure that the decarboxylation is done correctly. Do you want to know how to do it? So, click here!

We will add the 150 mL of mineral water and bring it to a boil. Once it reaches the boiling point, we will add the 350 g of sugar and keep stirring constantly until it is completely dissolved. We’re going to add one of the packets; in this case, we’ll add the one with malic and tartaric acid. Now we just have to wait about 5 minutes to add the baking soda, and then we’ll stir until you can see a whitish foam.

Use 25 grams for the sauce on the heat and add the 125 mL of cream until it comes to a boil. Once it reaches a boil, we will remove it to mix it with the chocolate.

It has a bit of a freshly baked cookie flavor, and it should go great with the chocolate. Cover with plastic wrap and leave it in the fridge for 24 hours. After 24 hours, it has solidified, as you can see, and we’re going to take small portions and roll them into balls to make our truffles.

Now, we just need to dip the tip of the truffle in the chocolate so that it gets well coated and the cocoa sticks nicely. And this is how our chocolate and cannabis truffles are ready!

Now, the best moment has arrived—the one I like the most—and that is to be able to taste it! So, with your permission, I’m going to enjoy this marvel.

If you have any questions, feel free to write to us below, and we will respond as soon as possible. Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel, and if you’re one of those who don’t want to miss a bite, activate the notification bell. Thank you for joining us, and we’ll see you in the next recipes!

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