Video: How to make spaghetti with weed and garlic oil

Reading Time 3 minutes

In this video, Alexia demonstrates how to prepare a light and unique dish: oreo sour spaghetti with shrimp, garlic, and cannabis oil, ensuring a flavorful and aromatic experience.

Hello everyone, my name is Alexia and I welcome you to our Pevgrow cooking channel!

Today I’m going to prepare a pasta dish that I’m sure many of you will love, and it’s going to be oreo sour spaghetti. It’s a very, very light recipe that I personally really like. As you know, pasta can be quite heavy, so if that sounds good to you, I’ll show you the ingredients, and we’ll get to work.

We will need:

  • 150 g of peeled shrimp
  • 125 g of pasta (I chose spaghetti in this case, but you know you could use another type)
  • Three cloves of garlic (make sure they’re big; that’s very important, as that’s basically what it’s known for)
  • Three chili peppers (if you want it to be even spicier, you can add more)
  • Olive oil and cannabis (in this case, I prepared it with the Pevgrow lemon Cascadia strain)

I like this strain because it has a certain lemon flavor with some spicy notes that, in my opinion, are perfect for this dish. So if that sounds good to you, let’s get to work!

Remember, if you want your decarboxylation to be 100% reliable, we recommend that you decarboxylate your material before starting the recipe. This will ensure that it retains all its potency and active compounds. During the recipe process, don’t worry because we definitely won’t lose any of our precious cannabinoids; you might just lose some terpenes, but it won’t be a big deal.

So go ahead and absolutely decarboxylate first. The very first thing we’re going to do is very carefully peel the garlic and then slice it. I’ve heated up the oil, and now we’re going to add the garlic. We will sauté them slowly without letting them get brown.

I always add the oil raw to this dish because I think more oil is needed. So, once you see it starting to get a bit of color, it’s time to add the shrimp, and now it’s time to add the chilies.

The next step is to put the pot on the stove with water and wait for it to boil so we can add our spaghetti. As you can see, it’s starting to boil. I’m going to add a few drops of oil so the pasta doesn’t stick together. I use cannabis oil all the time!

Once we add the pasta, it needs to be completely covered by the water. We’re going to keep it in there for about 8 to 10 minutes. Taste it; for example, I like my pasta a bit al dente.

I’ve taken a round container, and what I’m going to do is fill it up to present the dish so that it looks much nicer visually. Finally, to finish it off, we’re going to add the special touch, which will be our rock cannabis oil and olive oil.

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Thank you for joining us, and we’ll see you in the next recipe!

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