Video: How to make tenderloin in roquefort sauce and weed

Reading Time 2 minutes

In this video, Alexia from Pevgrow prepares a delicious tenderloin in Roquefort sauce enhanced with marijuana, guiding viewers through the ingredient list and cooking process.

Hello everyone! My name is Alexia, and I welcome you to our Pevgrow cooking channel. Today, we’re going to prepare a tenderloin in Roquefort sauce with our special touch of marijuana. If that sounds good to you, let’s take a look at the ingredients:

  • 300 grams of pork tenderloin
  • 50 g of Roquefort cheese
  • 250 milliliters of cooking cream
  • 50 g of butter
  • 2 grams of marijuana

For the side dish, I’ll use potatoes and boiled rice. You already know that you can adjust it according to your taste.

The first thing to do is to place a pan on the heat, and we’re going to melt the butter and cheese until it forms a smooth mixture.

Next, we add the finely ground cannabis. As we mentioned, this is going to be the longest part of the recipe because now we need to keep our sauce on medium heat for 40 minutes, always making sure it doesn’t come to a boil. Stir frequently and consistently, ensuring absolutely that it never boils at all times.

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