Video: How to make weed milk

Reading Time 2 minutes

In this video, Alexia guides you through the simple process of making cannabis milk, a versatile ingredient for various recipes.

Hello everyone, my name is Alexia and I welcome you to our Cooking Channel. The recipe we’re going to prepare today is one you can’t miss; it’s a must-have in cannabis cooking. We’re going to make marijuana milk, which will serve as a base for a multitude of recipes. We can make everything from a béchamel sauce to any dessert recipe that contains milk, so it’s going to give us a lot of versatility in our cooking. So, don’t hesitate and prepare it with me!

Here’s what we’ll need:

  • Half a liter of whole milk (as it has a high fat content)
  • Two grams of marijuana (I’ve already chosen the AK-47 Auto strain from our Pevgrow seed bank)

If you haven’t tried this strain, I recommend checking it out in our online store. Now, let’s get started!

First, we’re going to add our whole milk, which, as I mentioned, will be half a liter. We’ll wait for it to heat up. Once it’s about to boil, we’re going to add our two grams of decarboxylated marijuana. We already have our two grams of decarboxylated marijuana ready to use.

It’s important to keep an eye on the mixture to prevent it from overheating or boiling over. If that happens, remove the pot from the heat, wait for the temperature to drop, and then put it back on. We’ve had the cannabis milk on the heat for 15 minutes now; let’s leave it for another 5 minutes.

We’re going to need:

  • A bowl
  • Our cloth strainer

You can use metal mesh strainers, but it’s true that some bits will probably get through. That’s why I always prefer a cloth strainer, as it leaves a much finer texture. Since all the cannabinoids are dissolved in our milk, we want to ensure a smooth finish.

When it comes to storage, I recommend putting it in a glass bottle. It will last almost as long as any open carton of milk, about 3 days approximately, in perfect condition. And now, we have our cannabis milk ready! As you can see, it has reduced the liquid content quite a bit since we’ve had it on heat for 20 minutes. So that’s something to keep in mind depending on the amount you’re going to use in your recipe.

Well, friends, that’s it for today’s recipe. You’ve seen that it’s pretty simple and it’s going to give us a lot of options when preparing a multitude of recipes. I’m going to think about what to make with this cannabis milk, and I hope you all try this recipe!

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Thank you for joining us, and we’ll see you in the next recipes!

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