Video: How to perform an Apical Pruning on our weed plant

Reading Time 2 minutes

The video explains how and when to perform apical pruning on a weed plant, emphasizing the importance of tool sterilization and optimal timing based on the lunar calendar for better growth and production.

Welcome, Pevgrow. What I’m going to explain is how and when to do our apical pruning. So, it’s time to prune. Let’s get to it!

Whatever I’ve been told, it has to be done with smaller scissors, so I brought the pruning shears for plants and shrubs. Now, we’re good. Not really. Let’s get serious; we’re going to show you how we can do apical pruning on this plant, and we can do it in two ways:

  • One way is by using some scissors that we might find around the house. Always remember that with a little bit of alcohol and a cotton ball, you need to sterilize them to avoid contamination.
  • The best thing to do is to go to the website, and there you will find the best tools for this job.

The first thing we need to do is check the lunar calendar. They will see when the optimal time for pruning is. When should it be done? The ideal time to do it is when the plant has six nodes, so it has enough strength to grow. This one is a little bit bigger; now that’s okay; it can also be done. So, let’s do it!

I’m going to explain how we’re going to get the camera really close because I want you to see exactly where to cut. We’re going to the main branch, all the way at the top. Let’s look for the branches and up to the last one. OK, growers?

And now, what are we going to achieve? What we’re going to do is let these two little leaves that we have left here grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, and they’ll turn into two heads. For plants that have low production, this is a good pruning technique because this way, instead of having one, you will have two.

This has been the video on apical pruning. You can leave all your comments down below; feel free to ask questions. I also encourage you to like, share, and remember: think green!

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