Video: How to water weed correctly from the beginning

Reading Time < 1 minutes

This video provides essential tips for beginner growers on how to avoid overwatering their plants by understanding their water needs and recognizing the signs of excess moisture.

One of the most common problems for beginner growers is overwatering. Roots need water as much as they need oxygen to carry out their function effectively.

The initial signs of overwatering are that your leaves become firm and point downwards. What happens is that the plant absorbs as much water as it can. Your leaves are full of water, which means you are watering too often and not giving the soil enough time to dry out. This also means that your roots are probably saturated.

Learning how much water your plants drink and how the soil feels when it needs more water is pretty simple. Just stick your finger in the soil up to the first knuckle. If you notice that the soil is dry, it is time to water.

Here’s a second lottery play: water your plant next time. All right friends, before we finish up, one last tip—I’m going to show you how to water your plants.

I always do it gradually. It’s better to add more than to realize you’ve overdone it with the water. For that, I recommend using a small container. That’s how it’s done!

And we water gradually. There you go! See that the soil…

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