Video: Transplant cannabis plant to a good substrate

Reading Time 3 minutes

In this video, learn how to properly transplant cannabis plants using a nutrient-rich substrate to ensure healthy growth and avoid common mistakes.

Wake up, fat girl. In this video, I want to talk to you about the importance of choosing a good substrate for our cannabis plants. I planted these two plants on the same day; they are identical, from the same seed, and they are the same. Just look at the difference.

Okay, here we have one planted in used soil, which had already been used for everything. It doesn’t have any nutrients at all. Right? Well, it hasn’t died, but look, it’s already starting to flower. Why? Because we used good soil. It can cost us around 12 euros, and you can visit it on the website—it’s very cheap to do this. So, this is what not to do. Why are we here? To solve this! I’m going to show you how to fix it, and along the way, we will see how to do a proper transplant.

Here we are with the soil I was telling you about: supercheap, this one, but it’s also the one I recommend. Yes, it’s on the website; you can check it out. It’s a Top Crop soil and it has a lot of nutrients—it’s exactly what the plant needs.

Let’s take a little plant and a pot. We don’t need a pot bigger than this one. Use whichever one you want, but with this one, it’s going to grow well. So, let’s get to it! In the pot, I recommend putting some stones to help the roots develop, and that way, the plant will grow much better.

  • You need to put in some small stones, not too big.
  • These small stones help with water drainage.

By just touching the soil, you can tell it’s loose and good soil, but it will definitely help its growth. We need to leave enough space for the root ball to fit. Let’s continue. Let’s transplant it. This is step one, one of the most important ones, and we have to do it with extra care.

First, we move the soil around and take our plant out with the whole root ball, trying not to break any roots—neither the main ones nor the secondary ones. We put this in and take it out; we have to do it slowly.

The type of soil it needs is quite different. The other type of soil is full of debris and elements that are not conducive to the growth of certain plants, as well as other unwanted materials. This is all vitamin.

We haven’t finished yet; we’re still going to add a growth fertilizer product, but we can also add a root stimulator. I’m going to use this one, which is Biogrow from Bayou Bits. You just add it like this: we need a liter of water and to measure out 2 milliliters of the product.

Both this product and the root enhancer or root stimulator—you know where to find it! Alright, we’re going to add a liter, as I said. You can find it on our website at the best price, and that’s it, guys!

We’re going to keep an eye on it, and I’ll keep showing you how it goes and how we see these products doing their job and fulfilling their purpose. So, I hope I’ve helped you!

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