Video: What is and how to use diatomaceous earth

Reading Time 2 minutes

This video explains what diatomaceous earth is, its non-toxic properties, and its effective use as a natural fungicide for pest control in plants.

Hello everyone, welcome to Pevgrow. In this video, I want to talk to you about diatomaceous earth. It is used as a 100% natural fungicide. Diatomaceous earth is made up of fossilized algae. I mentioned it is 100% non-toxic to both humans and animals. All this does is that when we spray our plants, it acts like microcrystals that, when they stick to the insect’s exoskeleton, cause damage. The insects rub against it with their own movement, leading to damage to the exoskeleton, penetrating inside, and ultimately leading to their death.

Diatomaceous earth can be applied at any stage of cultivation. It is used on fruits and household items, so you have likely seen it in foods. In its natural form, it’s safe during flowering. For answering it, let’s see how to spray and examine.

In this natural way, absolutely nothing happens if we put it in during its flowering period. When we see that there are ants or some unwanted insect, we can spray it. Let’s see how to spray it.

We can take a look at these microcrystals from the inside. Let’s get to it! We’re going to apply it at a ratio of 4:30, using one tablespoon for each liter of water. When any other insect passes by, it will take some with it. That’s when this diatomaceous earth will start to work, getting rid of all these insects.

It’s important for you to know that this only works when it’s dry. Even though we’re applying it diluted, it will dry out soon, and we’ll see how all the leaves turn a whitish color. There’s no problem, nothing at all.

Also, it’s good because we know that it’s dry and that it’s working. If we applied the diatomaceous earth and it rains or snows, it would not be working. Then it only acts when it’s dry.

Well friends, as you can see, it has dried. You can see that it has a whiter appearance, and it’s highly recommended for prevention and for treatment. We’re going to apply it every 15 days as a preventive measure. You already know that if it rains, it stops being effective, and you would have to wait for it to dry again or spray it again, and that’s it.

If you enjoyed the video, give it a like, share it, and feel free to write any questions you have. I’m going to leave the link to our website, and we’ll see you soon, friends. Thank you for staying with us so far!

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