What is Kamala Harris’s current opinion on cannabis?

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Kamala Harris
Kamala Harris in a blue suit and pearl necklace is facing away from the viewer in front of the White House. Around the scene are images of large weed leaves, hinting at her initiative with weed.
Alan Martínez Benito
CEO of Pev Grow, expert grower with more than 20 years of experience.
In constant struggle for the regulation of cannabis, mainly in the medicinal field.
02-08-2024 06:12:58 - Updated: 2 August, 2024


Kamala Harris, the Vice President of the United States, has had a notable evolution in her stance on weed throughout her political career, becoming one of the most influential figures in the movement for legalization and drug law reform in the country. This change reflects a response to growing public demand and a recognition of the historical injustices perpetuated by the war on drugs.



⚠️ From Attorney General to Weed Advocate



During her tenure as Attorney General of California, Harris was known for her tough-on-crime approach, opposing weed legalization initiatives and strictly enforcing drug laws. However, in recent years, her position has taken a 180-degree turn. As a senator, Harris became an active advocate for weed reform, sponsoring the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act in 2019, which sought to legalize weed at the federal level.



🏹 A Paradigm Shift in the White House


Since taking office as Vice President, Harris has been a prominent voice in advancing weed reform within the Biden administration. In a recent meeting at the White House, Harris called it “absurd” and “patently unfair” that weed is classified alongside substances like heroin. This statement underscores her commitment to reclassifying weed under the Controlled Substances Act, arguing that the current treatment is not only disproportionate but also counterproductive to public health and social justice policies.

Harris has been an active supporter of President Biden’s actions to pardon individuals convicted of minor weed-related offenses, a measure that is part of a broader effort to address racial disparities in the enforcement of drug laws. “No one should go to jail for smoking weed,” she has stated, emphasizing the need for reforms that not only decriminalize weed use but also promote equity and justice for communities most affected by the war on drugs.



🎯 Looking to the Future


Kamala Harris’s current stance on weed not only advocates for legalization but also seeks to integrate a social justice perspective into drug policies. Harris has emphasized the importance of ensuring that individuals with prior weed convictions are not excluded from the emerging legal market, and has called for a comprehensive review and reform of drug laws to align them with contemporary realities and equity demands.

The impact of Harris’s stance could be significant. As Vice President, her support for weed reform could accelerate federal legalization efforts and influence other states to follow suit. Additionally, her focus on social justice and economic equity could transform how weed policies are structured, ensuring that the benefits of legalization are distributed more fairly.



✅ Conclusions and Pevgrow’s Opinion


In conclusion, Kamala Harris has gone from being an opponent of weed legalization to becoming one of its main advocates within the U.S. government. Her evolution reflects a broader shift in American society towards greater acceptance of weed and a recognition of the need to reform drug policies to correct past injustices and build a more equitable future. At Pevgrow, we are pleased that the Democratic Party has changed its candidate and that Kamala Harris has a positive view of legal weed and what total legalization across the United States could mean. We will be watching the elections in this country closely and hope that the weed industry is not affected by the fierce battle taking place during the campaign. What do you think? Who do you support? Please leave your opinion in the comments, we are interested.

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  1. Avatar for Ramanefer Rodrigues

    What a joy to know that Kamala Harris supports the full legalization of cannabis in the USA; it is a great step towards progress and justice!