All About Frozen Hash: Complete Guide to Frozen Hashish

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Frozen Hash
A close-up of a hand holding a bunch of crumbly, dark brown hash. The background shows a blurred view of green plants, evoking the essence of its natural origins.
Alan Martínez Benito
CEO of Pev Grow, expert grower with more than 20 years of experience.
In constant struggle for the regulation of cannabis, mainly in the medicinal field.
26-08-2024 07:12:07 - Updated: 26 August, 2024


The “frozen hash” or frozen hashish is gaining popularity as one of the most fascinating and valued cannabis derivatives in today’s market. This method of cannabis extraction preserves a significantly higher amount of terpenes and cannabinoids, resulting in a final product with exceptional potency and aromas. In this article, we will delve into the nature of frozen hash, its production process, the different types available, its advantages, and its growing impact on global cannabis culture.



👾 What is Frozen Hash?



Frozen hash is a type of cannabis concentrate obtained by freezing the cannabis plant immediately after harvest. This process preserves the “life” of the plant, capturing its terpenes and cannabinoids in their purest state, which are often lost in traditional extraction methods. As a result, frozen hash offers an intense consumption experience, with aromatic fidelity and a flavor profile that faithfully reflects the original strain.



🧐 Types of Frozen Hash


There are several types of frozen hash, each with distinct characteristics and extraction methods:

  • Frozen Sift Hash: This type is produced using sieving screens in a cold environment, resulting in a fine-textured and highly potent hash. It is the fastest, cheapest, and simplest method, as it only requires one or two sieves with different micron sizes. The final product is similar to the famous Dry Hash but with higher quality and yield.


frozen sift hash
Image of a piece of frozen sift hash pressed and ready to consume.


  • Fresh Frozen Bubble Hash: It is made using ice water to separate the trichomes from the plant, resulting in a very pure and potent concentrate. It is the most famous frozen hash, and from our point of view, the best in terms of quality.


frozen bubble hash
Image of fresh frozen bubble hash freshly extracted and ready to dry.


  • Whole Plant Fresh Frozen Hash: This method involves freezing the entire plant and then extracting the trichomes using Ice-O-Lator screens, maximizing the capture of cannabinoids and terpenes.


fresh frozen hash
Photograph of fresh frozen hash extracted from a whole outdoor plant, which could be considered Whole Plant Fresh Frozen Hash.



🎯 How to Make Frozen Hash


The production of frozen hash is an art that requires precision and care at every step:

  • Plant Selection: Select high-quality plants with rich cannabinoid and terpene profiles.
  • Rapid Freezing: The plants are frozen immediately after harvest to preserve their properties.
  • Extraction: Different extraction methods, such as cold sieving or using ice water, are used to separate the trichomes from the plant material.

The extraction method is always mechanical. In the case of Frozen Sift Hash, it is exactly the same as for making Dry Sift, but in this specific case, frozen weed is used instead of dry, non-frozen weed. This way, the yield and quality are usually higher because freezing the trichomes facilitates the breaking of their stalks, making it easier to separate the heads we want to aggregate. To make Fresh Frozen Bubble Hash, you need to freeze the freshly harvested weed, and then make bubble hash with this frozen material. In both cases, the extraction is dried in cold conditions, ideally in a freeze-dryer, but if not available, it can also be done in a No Frost refrigerator.


Frozen Sift Hash
Image of Frozen Sift Hash showing the quality of the extraction against the light.



🚀 THC Content and Other Cannabinoids


Frozen hash is highly valued for its elevated THC content and other cannabinoids. This freezing process ensures that these compounds are preserved in higher concentrations than in conventional extraction methods, contributing to its potency and effectiveness. Concentrates have higher levels of THC than weed, but in some cases, a portion of these cannabinoids can be lost during the drying process, which does not happen with frozen hash. Among all types of frozen hash, we have seen some Fresh Frozen Bubble Hash exceeding 60% THC, surpassed only by extractions obtained through solvent methods like BHO.


Fresh Frozen Bubble Hash
Image of Fresh Frozen Bubble Hash in a piece that stands out for its shine and color, reflecting high potency.



✨ Frozen Hash in Different Cultures


Frozen hash has found a place in the cannabis culture of several countries, especially in Amsterdam, where it has become a popular selection in coffee shops. The adaptation and acceptance of frozen hash vary by region, reflecting local trends and cannabis legislation. Although there are several versions in this regard, many people believe that the method was invented by the Pollinator company.

The price of frozen hash can be considerable, influenced by the quality of the plant, the extraction method used, and the exclusivity of the strain. This segment provides an insight into the frozen hash market, offering valuable information for both consumers and potential producers. In some coffee shops in Amsterdam, you can pay over €50 per gram of Frozen Hash, making it one of the most valuable cannabis products.



⛳ Conclusions


Frozen hash not only marks an evolution in the way cannabis is consumed but also demonstrates how continuous innovation can create products that offer enhanced and unique experiences. It can be made using buds or harvest leftovers like resinous leaves, so in addition to consuming a purer, more potent, and tastier product, you can make use of leftovers that would otherwise have no use. If you haven’t tried it yet, you don’t know what you’re missing, and if you have tried it, we would like you to share your impressions in the comments. Now that you know what Frozen Hash is and that it represents one of the best cannabis extractions, if you are interested in this topic, I am sure you will greatly enjoy reading this other article about the best types of hash in the world.



⭐ FAQs Related to Frozen Hash


What is Frozen Sift?

Frozen Sift, or frozen sieving, is a hash extraction method where the plant material is frozen immediately after harvest and before sieving. This technique helps keep the trichomes intact and preserves the terpenes and cannabinoids, resulting in a purer and more potent final product.

What is WPFF?

WPFF stands for “Whole Plant Fresh Frozen”. This method involves freezing the entire cannabis plant immediately after cutting it, to then use it in hash extraction. This technique stands out for capturing a complete profile of cannabinoids and terpenes.

What does Fresh Frozen mean?

“Fresh Frozen” refers to the process of freezing freshly harvested cannabis flowers. This method preserves the quality and original characteristics of the plant, preventing the degradation of terpenes and cannabinoids that can occur during traditional drying and curing.

What does making frozen mean?

Making frozen, in the context of hash, involves the technique of freezing the cannabis plant material immediately after harvest. This process is used to maximize the retention of terpenes and cannabinoids, which is crucial for producing high-quality concentrates like frozen hash.

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  1. Avatar for Nick Kerton

    Thanks to this article, I now perfectly understand what hash frozen is and how to prepare it at home.