Differences between ionizers and ozonators

Reading Time 3 minutes
ozoniser / ionizer purifier main rooms
ozoniser / ionizer purifier main rooms
Alan Martínez Benito
CEO of Pev Grow, expert grower with more than 20 years of experience.
In constant struggle for the regulation of cannabis, mainly in the medicinal field.
10-02-2016 07:00:22 - Updated: 10 February, 2016

Both systems are used to purify or clean air or water. But these devices have differences.

One difference between them is that the ozonizer operates during a controlled time since these devices usually have timers while the ionizer continually produces ions. Ozone generators produce ozone as the main product while ionizers produce ions.

Also, the processes differ in the way they act because in the ozonizer, ozone creation disintegrates and breaks any remaining particulate contaminants (dust, mites, hair …); however, ionizers are powered by millions of negative ions wich join forces to eliminate germs.

Also, when an ionizer is used, we need not away from it while acting as breathing air while ionizing is beneficial for our body. But in the case of ozonizers it is not advisable to be present if the devices are very powerful. Of course, it should be noted that ozonizers for domestic use are absolutely safe.

As regards the environment that can generate both systems, the ozone generator provides pure oxygen environment, and ionizer provides an environment that smells clean but in a different way, perhaps more natural.

Ozonator Operation demo video:

Finish with the contamination


Another difference is the way to end pollution with both systems since the ionizer emits negative ions which they are mixed with the positive ions that cause contamination, after this mixture pollutant particles fall to the ground and are easily removed or through a vacuum or scrubber (broom is not advisable because it can spread the particles). Unlike ozonizers that destroy harmful particles, and end by converting ozone molecules into oxygen, and leave no residues, as that achieve disinfection, causing harmful particles that may exist in the environment disappear.

How ozone works
How ozone works

Ionizers are highly effective in spaces where a large magnetic charge produced by appliances that produce static electricity. Not only that, but the magnetic charge can lead to health problems such as headaches, concentration problems, irritability ….

But, finally, for example, ozone generator finish with odors forever.


Ozonizers eliminate organic odors. Ionizers, eliminate static electricity or microscopic dust and purify the air, can improve and combat allergy symptoms. Also these systems researchers have said that breathe air laden with negative ions can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression and may also improve cases of insomnia.

How does the activated oxygen and negative ions
How does the activated oxygen and negative ions

The smell of marijuana

In indoor growing it is when you may need the smell of our plant pass unnoticed. To mitigate the smell produced by cannabis you can be used both ozonizers as ionizers. The ionizer itself can be installed in the room where our plants are as it will improve air quality and that is very good for our harvest, but caution! the ozonator is not good to be in the same cabinet as our plant that can produce harmful effects on it. If we have an ozonator we can place it in the next room where we have our culture because this way all traces of odor leaving the room will be deleted. In addition, ozone is also good for repelling fungi and bacteria that may come to have our plantation.

On the other hand, the day that we will make our harvest of marijuana is very advisable to have a device of this type on our side because it will reduce the smell considerably. We can place the device at the entrance of our house, for example, and thus no neighbor will come to know by the smell what we are doing.

From Piensa En Verde you want to help with this task and we offer the Ozonator air / ozone generator , ecological and low power consumption. With this device you will have a powerful disinfectant, sterilizing and deodorant. And you can kill germs, bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc., producing a decontamination of the environment by eliminating harmful particles and undesirable odors.

Air ozonator / Ozone Generator Ozotres Pipe
Air ozonator / Ozone Generator Ozotres Pipe

This device destroys and completely eliminates microorganisms, germs, viruses, bacteria, fungi and dust mites that cause colds, flu, allergies, asthma, bronchitis, etc.

By Noelia Jimenez Team Piensa En Verde

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  1. Avatar for Richard

    On a The above picture of what appears to be an ozone generator MODELO C, it is called;

    “Ozonator/Ozone Generator Ozotress Pipe”

    Does this unit have an Ionizer and an Ozone Generator that operate separately?

    Since an Ionizer is not the same as an Ozone Generator, how does this machine work?

    Does it work in two separate cycles?