Growdiaries Manual

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Image d'un téléphone portable avec l'application growdiaries ouverte
Image of a mobile phone with the growdiaries application open
Fran Quesada Moya

03-09-2021 12:00:06 - Updated: 3 September, 2021


Growdiaries is one of the most important pages of the cannabis industry on the Internet. It is a website where users share monitoring of the marijuana plant crops they are doing at all times, providing a lot of data that the rest of the registered people can see.

In this way the community learns from the many experiences that are shared, and in many cases it acts as a test bed to massively test certain techniques, products and cultivation methods, which is why it is very interesting for growers with little experience.



⭐ Who participates in Growdiaries?



The best thing about this website is that both growers and seed banks, fertilizer manufacturers, lighting, or even grow cabinet brands participate. This allows users to evaluate both the skill of the growers and the quality of the products used in their daily or follow-up.

One of the best things about Growdiaries is the ranking of each of these categories, because that way anyone can see the scores that the participating products and brands have. This serves as a reference when choosing the genetics and producer of seeds, fertilizers, grow lights or the tent that best suits each person’s needs.



⛳ How to join Growdiaries


The first step is to log in or register with Growdiaries, if you haven’t already, and for that you have to go to the tab you have in the upper left part of the web. When registering, they ask you to choose an avatar, your personal name or nick, a password and confirm this password.

From here on out, you are a new user of this marijuana growing journal page and now you can participate like any other, easy, right? Well, now you just have to start your monitoring and share your experiences with the rest of the community.



✨ How to Create a Diary


GrowOnce you have registered with Growdiaries and logged in, you have the option toTrack create your own Growth. Getting very simple, you just have to enter the PEV Seeds section which you can see here startedpress the “+ Start my diary” button you have at the top of the screen (If you enter with your smartphone you have to press the 3 dots at the top right)  follow the instructions and fill in the empty fields with the information it requires, here you can see the steps:


1-Start my diary


Imagen de como iniciar el proceso
Image of how to start the process of registering your crop


The first step is to click on the green button you have in the bar at the top of the screen, where it says “+ Start my diary”


2-It opens the window with the cells to be filled in with the diary data


Como rellenar los campos correspondientes a tus datos
How to fill in the fields corresponding to your data


This is where you need to enter all your crop monitoring data, don’t worry, it’s very simple and you will finish in just 2 minutes:


  1. Diary Name: “My back terrace”, “Walk from the garden”, ” The corner smelly ”, or whatever you prefer, are very personal.
  2. Strains: Here you have to put the varieties you are going to grow, you can put up to 8 strains (Except in some competitions that allow less)
  3. Type of space: It refers to the type of cultivation and you can choose between 3 options, indoor, outdoor and greenhouse.
  4. Type of irrigation: At this point it is necessary to indicate the type of irrigation, which can be manual, drip, hydroponic or aeroponic.
  5. Vegetation Lamps: Click on “Select” and a drop-down menu opens where you can choose the type of light, brand and power of the lamps you will use during the vegetative growth phase.
  6. Flowering lamps: In case of using the same device for the growth cycle and for the flowering, select the option “Copy of vegetation” and if in your case they are different, click on select and choose the ones you use in flowering.
  7. Growing medium: Choose from earth, coco, perlite, vermiculite, rockwool, expanded clay, or the type of substrate or growing medium you will use.
  8. Cultivation techniques: Cannabis can be grown without using optimization methods, but in the case of FIM pruning, Main-Lining, SOG, SCROG, or any other cultivation technique, this is where you have to indicate it and press the “Save” button.”



3.Choose the cultivation phase


Empezar eligiendo la fase de cultivo
Start by choosing the cultivation phase


You have already registered your cultivation diary in Growdiaries, and to start sharing data, photos and videos with the rest of the users, the first thing is to indicate the cultivation phase you are in, and you can choose between germination, vegetation, flowering or harvest.


4.Share data, comments and images from the diary


Importante, comparte tus avances
Important, share your progress


If you are in the seed germination phase, you must put the method or technique you used for that step, if you do it directly in the pot, in the blink of an eye, between the napkins, directly in the water, or how you do it. It is also interesting to share photos or videos of the process, as well as the conditions or parameters of the crop, the products you use and any comments that you think are appropriate.

During the germination phase there are not many actions that can be carried out, but as the cultivation proceeds, more factors appear that can be important, such as the volume of irrigation of the plants, their height, or the aroma they give off. and we have to take them into account because they provide a lot of data.


Indica todas las novedades de tu cultivo
Indicate all the news of your crop



📱 “Best Photo Contest” the best contest of the summer in Growdiaries


At the moment we have an active contest from the PEV Seeds section of Growdiaries that has given a lot to talk about, and the prizes are impressive. Just for entering you have already secured the seeds, which are already a great gift, but if you were lucky enough to be one of the first 3 diaries of the contest you will have won a gift voucher of € 100 or € 250, and for the best, a latest generation electric scooter for the best crop monitoring.



👾 All these prizes await you


Our previous contest was a huge hit, and the prizes were worth it too. With an Iphone SE for the winner e gift cards of € 250 and € 100 respectively for second and third place, it’s easy to get motivated, right? Well, follow PEV Seeds on Growdiaries or subscribe to our blog and you will never miss any contest again



🚀 Which are the most characteristic important of Growdiaries?


  • Diaries Grow: One of the best ways to learn how to grow marijuana is to write down all the important facts about the grow, because it allows you to see the mistakes made and correct them in the future.
  • Contests: No other website organizes as many contests and sweepstakes as Growdiaries, with cash prizes and gifts everywhere. Currently there is one of the most important contests, since a bank of the likes of PEV Seeds gives away the seeds you choose for your diary and you can also win an electric scooter and gift vouchers of hundreds of euros, here you can see it https: / /
  • Discover all the news in the sector: Discover the new genetics presented every year by the seed banks, the most advanced growing lights, new fertilizers or additives and all products that come out.
  • Learn from the best: Growdiaries is ranked with the growers who have received the most votes and “likes” in recent years. You can enter their diaries and check all the data provided in each of the phases of their monitoring, to learn about their cultivation techniques and tricks.
  • Growdiaries Blogstrain: There are new articles and blog posts every month with lots of important information,rankings, history, anecdotes, growing tips, and much more.
  • Ask your questions and help others: As if all this wasn’t enough, you also have the possibility to ask your own questions or solve those of other users thanks to the community forum of Growdiaries.



✅ Share information, learn, know everything, and win prizes


This site has become a reference in the cannabis industry, after the success of Erbelp and Icmag at the moment, at the moment it can be said that Growdiaries is the community of marijuana growers. for self-consumption around the world. Are you still not there? You don’t know what you’re missing …


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