Not recommended destinations for consumers of cannabis

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There are many countries where cannabis is penalized. If you are habitual marijuana smoker, you have to take into account your holiday destinations. While, yes, there are very different punishments depending on the country you visit. Take note.

In many countries, there is no distinction between consumption and drug trafficking. Also, the drug laws apply in the territory where the crime occurred, and are binding for all persons present in a specific territory. Therefore, if a person is arrested in another country that is not their own, and there are very strict laws regarding the possession and consumption of cannabis, nor the embassy nor consulate of the country of origin of the detainee may make nothing to prevent the application of the law. So be very careful when choosing the country you visit. If not, you know, any doubt, nor take over, nor consume cannabis.

Countries with sentences for possession of marijuana
Countries with sentences for possession of marijuana
Alan Martínez Benito
CEO of Pev Grow, expert grower with more than 20 years of experience.
In constant struggle for the regulation of cannabis, mainly in the medicinal field.
01-02-2016 07:00:11 - Updated: 1 February, 2016

Saudi Arabia


In this country, trafficking in large quantities of drugs is punishable with the death penalty by beheading. Cannabis consumption is punished with imprisonment, deportation or public flogging.


Smoking is prohibited and even talk of cannabis. The use and possession of marijuana lead to penalties of arrest.


At the antipodes it is also prohibited the use of marijuana. In this country there are very high jail if you get caught with cannabis seeds, although it seems that the law is softer with the consumption of small amounts. That is, you’d better not see you smoking cannabis in the pocket. However, for safety, keep in mind that if you visit Australia, better not take nor consume marijuana.


In this Caribbean island, if you are caught in possession of cannabis can fall you six months to two years in prison.

Cuba penalizes the possession of cannabis with jail.
Cuba penalizes the possession of cannabis with jail.


Possession of drugs in this Asian country (and marijuana is considered as such) can lead to imprisonment and even capital punishment. If you are carrying more than 50 grams can condemn you to death. According to a report by Amnesty International, in 2011, they were carried out thousands of executions for drug possession and trafficking.

Possession of marijuana in China can lead to imprisonment and even capital punishment.
Possession of marijuana in China can lead to imprisonment and even capital punishment.

USA (except Denver and Washington)

It is the largest number of consumers and the leading producer of marijuana, but, paradoxically, its consumption is penalized. Penalties for possession or consumption of this substance vary from days to several years in prison. Denver and Washington in the recreational use is legal.

Arab Emirates

The minimum penalty if you get caught with any drugs is four years’ imprisonment. There are even beheading death sentences for possession and use of prohibited substances (marijuana is one of them). Moreover, in these countries not only consumption and possession is penalized but may also accuse you of complicity, harboring or entrapment.

Arab Emirates: The consumption of cannabis is punishable by death by decapitation.
Arab Emirates: The consumption of cannabis is punishable by death by decapitation.


It is one of the countries with the toughest legislation as far as cannabis is concerned. By selling a gram and a half of marijuana you can spend the rest of your life in jail. Not only that, but certain penalties for drug trafficking can take you to death.


In the champion country of freedom, consumption and possession of “Maria” is penalized. Even if you wear visibly shirt or sticker with the image of a marijuana leaf, they can get fined. Of course, if you show that you have not done with the intention of “consumer advocacy”, perhaps only you obtain a warning by the competent authority.

In France, consumption and possession of "Mary" is penalized
In France, consumption and possession of “Mary” is penalized.


In this country, sentences can range from economic sanctions to prison through flogging and even care, the death penalty. So, better to refrain from carrying or smoking cannabis if we chose to visit this country.

Iran: Sentencing of up to 100 lashes for possession of cannabis
Iran: Sentencing of up to 100 lashes for possession of cannabis.


In this country they do not go around with half measures. The possession and use of marijuana is punishable by the death penalty by hanging.

Singapore: arrests and convictions related to Cannabis
Singapore: arrests and convictions related to Cannabis

By Noelia Jimenez Team Piensa En Verde

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