Canna cultivation chart for soil, coconut, hydro and autoflowering strains

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Canna cultivation chart for soil, coconut, hydro and autoflowering strains
Canna cultivation chart for soil, coconut, hydro and autoflowering strains
Fran Quesada Moya

01-01-2021 17:00:25 - Updated: 1 January, 2021


Canna is one of the world’s best known brands of cannabis fertilizers. Their products have been in the industry for a long time, so they have proven their effECtiveness in thousands of crops. But many times customers ask us… When should we start adding Cannazym? Can I mix Terra Vega with Rhizotonic? Don’t worry, those questions and many others will be solved after reading this post.



🎯 How to use Canna chart to grow cannabis on soil



Let’s start by mineral fertilization in crops with soil substrate, such as Professional Terra by Canna, although they can be used with other types of soil. In the following figure you can chECk the amount of each type of liquid fertilizer to be added in each week of cultivation:

RHIZOTONIC -4 ml/l or 0.13 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. (1st week)
-2 ml/l or 0.067 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. (2nd week)
-2 ml/l or 0.067 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. (1st and 2nd wk)
-½ ml/l or 0.017 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. (up to root wash)
CALMAG AGENT Up to 0.4 EC (all irrigation) Up to 0.4 EC (all irrigation)
TERRA VEGA -2.6 ml/l or 0.088 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. (1st week)
-3.8 ml/l or 0.13 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. (2nd week)
4.7 ml/l or 0.16 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. (1st and 2nd week)
TERRA FLORES -6.2 ml/l or 0.2 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. (3rd, 4th, 5th wk)
-5.3 ml/l or 0.18 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. (up to root wash)
CANNA BOOST -2 ml/l or 0.067 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. (1st and 2nd wk)
-3 ml/l or 0.1 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. (all the way)
PK 13-14 1.5 ml/l or 0.05 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. (4th or 5th week)
CANNA FLUSH 2 ml/l or 0.067 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. (penultimate and last week)
CANNAZYM 2.5 ml/l or 0.084 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. (from 2nd week) 2.5 ml/l or 0.084 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. (once a week until the end)

Canna cultivation chart for soil


This Canna product dosage chart is suitable for indoor growing of cannabis varieties on soil with a flowering cycle of about 9 weeks. Below you can see the ideal PH and EC values for each week of cultivation with this type of substrate, where the first 2 weeks correspond to the growth cycle and the last 9 to the flowering phase:


1 5,8 0,7
2 5,8 1,0
3 5,9 1,2
4 5,9 1,4
5 6,0 1,6
6 6,0 1,8
7 6,1 2,1
8 6,1 1,6
9 6,2 1,6
10 6,2 0,4
11 6,2 0,4

Ideal pH and EC values for each week of cultivation for soil cultivation


Dosage table of Canna products for growing cannabis in soil and suitable pH and EC values
Dosage table of Canna products for growing cannabis in soil and suitable pH and EC values



✅ Growing in coconut with Canna growing chart


The spECific fertilizers for coconut fiber substrate formulated by Canna brand have been proving their quality for many years, being one of the reference brands in this sense. The stimulators and additives used in this type of cultivation are the same as in soil, changing only the base nutrients, which instead of being Terra Vega and Terra Flores, in this case is A + B as you can see in the following chart:


RHIZOTONIC -4 ml/l or 0.13 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. (1st week)
-2 ml/l or 0.067 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. (2nd week)
-2 ml/l or 0.067 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. (1st and 2nd wk)
-½ ml/l or 0.017 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. (up to root wash)
CALMAG AGENT Up to 0.4 EC (all irrigation) Up to 0.4 EC (all irrigation)
COCO A+B -1.9 ml/l or 0.064 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. of A + 1.9 ml/l or 0.064 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. of B (1st without)
-2.3 ml/l or 0.077 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. of A + 2.3 ml/l or 0.077 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. of B (2nd without)
-2.7 ml/l or 0.064 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. of A + 2.7 ml/l or 0.064 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. of B (1st and 2nd week)
-3.4 ml/l or 0.11 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. of A + 3.4 ml/l or 0.11 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. of B (3rd and 4th week)
-3.8 ml/l or 0.13 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. of A + 3.8 ml/l or 0.13 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. of B (5th week)
-2.5 ml/l or 0.084 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. of A + 2.5 ml/l or 0.084 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. of B (root wash)
CANNA BOOST -2 ml/l or 0.067 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. (1st and 2nd wk)
-3 ml/l or 0.1 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. (all the way)
PK 13-14 1.5 ml/l or 0.05 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. (4th or 5th week)
CANNA FLUSH 2 ml/l or 0.067 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. (penultimate and last week)
CANNAZYM 2.5 ml/l or 0.084 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. (from 2nd week) 2.5 ml/l or 0.084 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. (once a week until the end)

Canna cultivation chart for coconut


This fertilizer program of Canna products is designed for indoor crops with coconut fiber substrate, cannabis seeds or cuttings with a flowering cycle of about 9 weeks.

Below you can see the ideal PH and EC values for each week of coconut cultivation, where the first 2 weeks correspond to the growth cycle and the last 9 to the flowering phase:


1 5,5 1,2
2 5,5 1,5
3 5,6 1,7
4 5,6 1,7
5 5,7 2,0
6 5,8 2,0
7 5,8 2,2
8 5,9 1,6
9 6,0 1,6
10 6,1 1,0
11 6,2 0,4

Ideal pH and EC values for each week of coconut cultivation


Dosage table of Canna products for growing cannabis in coconut and ideal pH and EC values
Dosage table of Canna products for growing cannabis in coconut and ideal pH and EC values



✨ How to apply Canna chart in hydroponics


Adapting Canna’s watering schedule to hydroponic cultivation is as easy as in any other medium. The only point you have to be more careful is when measuring and regulating the PH and E.C. because when you fertilize in hydro or aeroponics, you feed the plant directly, something very different from when it is done in soil, which fertilizes the substrate and the plant eats from it in a cationic exchange.

Luckily the guys at Canna thought of everything, and they have an informative chart of the doses of each product needed in hydroponics. To make it easier to understand, we have adapted the Canna chart to hydroponic cultivation as the previous ones, so you can see the quantities product by product, here it is:


RHIZOTONIC -4 ml/l or 0.13 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. (1st week)
-2 ml/l or 0.067 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. (2nd week)
-2 ml/l or 0.067 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. (1st and 2nd wk)
-½ ml/l or 0.017 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. (up to root wash)
CALMAG AGENT Up to 0.4 EC (all irrigation) Up to 0.4 EC (all irrigation)
HYDRO VEGA -1.8 ml/l or 0.06 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. of A + 1.8 ml/l or 0.06 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. of B (1st week)
-2.2 ml/l or 0.074 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. of A + 2.2 ml/l or 0.074 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. of B (Until the change to flowering)
2.8 ml/l or 0.095 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. of A + 2.8 ml/l or 0.095 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. of B (1st and 2nd week)
HYDRO FLORES -3.2 ml/l or 0.1 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. of A + 3.2 ml/l or 0.1 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. of B (3rd, 4th, 5th week)
-2.6 ml/l or 0.088 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. of A + 2.6 ml/l or 0.088 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. of B (until root washing)
CANNA BOOST -2 ml/l or 0.067 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. (1st and 2nd wk)
-3 ml/l or 0.1 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. (all the way)
PK 13-14 1.5 ml/l or 0.05 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. (4th or 5th week)
CANNA FLUSH 2 ml/l or 0.067 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. (penultimate and last week)
CANNAZYM 2.5 ml/l or 0.084 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. (from 2nd week) 2.5 ml/l or 0.084 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. (once a week until the end)

Canna cultivation chart for hydroponics


I don’t need to tell you that in crops with inert substrate, such as coconut or hydroponics, it is essential to work with the cleanest possible base water, if possible osmosis. Here below you can see the ideal PH values in each week of cultivation, remember to calibrate the meters at least once a month.


1 5,2 1,2
2 5,3 1,5
3 5,4 1,7
4 5,5 1,7
5 5,6 2,0
6 5,7 2,2
7 5,8 2,2
8 5,9 1,6
9 6,0 1,6
10 6,1 1,0
11 6,2 0,4

Ideal pH and EC values for each week of cannabis cultivation in hydroponics


Dosage table of Canna products for growing cannabis in hydroponics and ideal pH and EC values
Dosage table of Canna products for growing cannabis in hydroponics and ideal pH and EC values



⛳ Can the Canna fertilization chart be adapted to the cultivation of autoflowering plants?


As you may know, autoflowering cannabis strains do not rely on hours of light and dark to grow and flower. These plants begin their flowering spontaneously after 3 or 4 weeks of life, and their total cycle is about 11 weeks, from the germination to the harvest, so we are going to extrapolate the data from Canna’s watering chart to a weekly graph, so that it is easier to adapt it to the culture of autoflowering strains.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
RHIZOTONIC 4 ml/l or 0.13 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. 2ml/l or 0.067 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. 2ml/l or 0.067 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. 2ml/l or 0.067 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. 2ml/l or 0.067 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. 2ml/l or 0.067 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. 0.5 ml/l or 0.017 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. 0.5 ml/l or 0.017 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. 0.5 ml/l or 0.017 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. 0.5 ml/l or 0.017 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal.
CALMAG AGENT 0,4 EC 0,4 EC 0,4 EC 0,4 EC 0,4 EC 0,4 EC 0,4 EC 0,4 EC 0,4 EC 0,4 EC 0,4 EC
TERRA VEGA 2.6 ml/l or 0.088 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. 3,8 ml/l or 0.13 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. 3,8 ml/l or 0.13 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. 4,7 ml/l or 0.16 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. 4,7 ml/l or 0.16 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal.
TERRA FLORES 6,2 ml/l3 ml/l or 0.21 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. 6,2 ml/l3 ml/l or 0.21 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. 6,2 ml/l3 ml/l or 0.21 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. 5,3 ml/l or 0.18 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. 5,3 ml/l or 0.18 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal.
CANNA BOOST 2ml/l or 0.067 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. 3 ml/l or 0.1 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. 3 ml/l or 0.1 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. 3 ml/l or 0.1 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. 3 ml/l or 0.1 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. 3 ml/l or 0.1 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. 3 ml/l or 0.1 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. 3 ml/l or 0.1 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal.
PK 13-14 1.5 ml/l or 0.05 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal.
CANNA FLUSH 2ml/l or 0.067 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. 2ml/l or 0.067 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal.
CANNAZYM 2.5 ml/l or 0.084 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. 2.5 ml/l or 0.084 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. 2.5 ml/l or 0.084 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. 2.5 ml/l or 0.084 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. 2.5 ml/l or 0.084 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. 2.5 ml/l or 0.084 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. 2.5 ml/l or 0.084 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. 2.5 ml/l or 0.084 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal. 2.5 ml/l or 0.084 US lq.oz./0.26 US gal.

Canna cultivation chart for autoflowering


We recommend working with osmosis water, adding Calmag Agent until it reaches 0.4 EC and then mixing the products recommended by the manufacturer for each week of cultivation. Remember that the PH is corrected after diluting all fertilizers and additives, this is because some products cause the fluctuation of these values. Here is the chart of optimum PH and EC for automatic genetics cultivation:


1 5,8 0,7
2 5,9 1,0
3 5,9 1,2
4 6,0 1,4
5 6,0 1,6
6 6,1 1,8
7 6,1 2,1
8 6,2 1,6
9 6,2 1,6
10 6,3 0,4
11 6,3 0,4

Ideal pH and EC values for each growing week for auto-flowering cannabis plants


Dosage table of Canna products for growing auto-flowering cannabis plants and ideal pH and EC values
Dosage table of Canna products for growing auto-flowering cannabis plants and ideal pH and EC values



⭐ Conclusion


Today we have learned to use Canna chart in indoor cannabis cultivation with soil substrate, coconut fiber, hydroponics and also applied in autoflowering varieties.

Keep in mind that this data is only indicative, since each plant is a whole different world and even within the same variety there are phenotypes that eat more than others. The tests are carried out on crops of healthy plants that develop with the ideal parameters, so they usually eat more than those with limiting factors.

If you have any feeding tricks with Canna’s liquid fertilizer line we would like to know, write us a comment and tell us, and if you liked the article do us a favor and share it, thanks.


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