Dismantled an Alfa-PiHP Distribution Point in Valencia: Alarm over the Increase of Dangerous Synthetic Drugs

Reading Time 3 minutes



Police officers with tactical gear are near a police van with flashing lights, outside an apartment building at night. Large bags labeled “ALPHA-PHP” are on the ground. The scene is illuminated by streetlights and vehicle lights, creating an intense atmosphere.
Alan Martínez Benito
CEO of Pev Grow, expert grower with more than 20 years of experience.
In constant struggle for the regulation of cannabis, mainly in the medicinal field.
06-08-2024 07:00:13 - Updated: 6 August, 2024


In a significant blow against drug trafficking in Spain, the Civil Guard has intercepted a major shipment of alpha-PiHP in the city of Valencia. The operation resulted in the seizure of more than 200 grams of this synthetic drug, known for its dangerous health effects. This discovery was made in two drug dens and culminated in the arrest of four individuals involved in the distribution of this substance on the black market.



🚀 Alpha-PiHP: Characteristics and Dangers



Alpha-PiHP is a synthetic drug belonging to the class of cathinones, similar in structure to substances like alpha-PVP. These drugs are known for their potent stimulant effects, which can induce euphoria, increased energy, and alertness. However, the consumption of alpha-PiHP can pose serious health risks, including hypertension, hyperthermia, and, in severe cases, psychotic episodes, to the extent that it was once called the cannibal drug or even the zombie drug.

Unlike more well-known drugs, alpha-PiHP has gained notoriety for its unpredictable and dangerous effects. It has been reported that even low doses can cause an overdose, leading to erratic behavior and, in some cases, extreme violence. This drug has been used in sexual encounters, which increases the risks due to the combination with other substances and the lack of knowledge about its exact composition.



✨ Context and Relevance in the Drug Market


Alpha-PiHP is not a widely distributed substance in Spain, but its presence is increasing, following a trend observed in other parts of Europe and the United States. These synthetic drugs are often manufactured in clandestine laboratories, and their production quickly adapts to evade legal regulations. This not only makes it difficult for authorities to control but also increases the risks for consumers, who often do not know the purity or exact components of what they are consuming.

The operation in Valencia is part of a series of efforts by security forces to combat synthetic drug trafficking, which has been boosted by the use of international routes and parcel services. This network, with connections in the Netherlands, demonstrates the sophistication of modern drug trafficking operations, and the need for close international cooperation for their dismantling.



⭐ Implications for Public Health


The emergence of drugs like alpha-PiHP represents a significant challenge for public health. Health professionals and authorities warn about the devastating effects of these substances, which can include severe psychological disorders and irreversible physical damage. The lack of precise information about these drugs and the rapid evolution of their chemical compositions further complicate medical and preventive responses.

It is crucial that citizens are informed about the risks associated with the consumption of synthetic drugs. Awareness campaigns and education about these substances are essential tools to prevent their use and mitigate associated harms.



⛳ Conclusions and Pevgrow’s Opinion


In summary, the recent operation in Valencia underscores the severity of the threat posed by synthetic drugs like alpha-PiHP. Authorities continue their efforts to combat this growing problem, while society must remain vigilant and informed about the dangers of consuming these emerging substances. At Pevgrow, we recommend that all our readers thoroughly inform themselves before consuming any substance they are not sure about. In Spain, there are organizations like Energy Control that analyze all types of drugs to check their purity and authenticity, and they also allow you to send a small amount of the substance for free analysis.

In other countries, we are unaware if this service is offered, but caution is necessary because in many cases, these types of drugs known as research chemicals (RC’s) have activity at minimal doses, but on the black market, they can be sold as amphetamines, cocaine, methamphetamine, or any other known drugs, and in those cases, consuming a high dose can be disastrous. Please, consume in moderation and always with the maximum information, keeping in mind the reduction of risks associated with drug consumption.

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  1. Avatar for Joan Clemente Sales

    I had no idea that a drug called Alpha-PiHP existed, how concerning!