Is medical or recreational marijuana legal in the state of Mississippi?

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Map of Mississippi with a background of marijuana plants and in the background a man behind bars.
Map of Mississippi with a background of marijuana plants and in the background a man behind bars.
Fran Quesada Moya

27-08-2021 09:00:41 - Updated: 27 August, 2021


You could say that not yet, but luckily it seems that there is little time left for the prohibition of medical cannabis in this state, as social pressure and scientific evidence are dragging Mississippi legislators to change their position.

Instead, legalization of recreational herb for adult use will still have to wait in this historically conservative state, though Mississippi residents have the opportunity to vote to change this backward-looking law, as they can in their own right propose that it be added as an initiative. popular legislation.



β˜• When will medical marijuana be legal in Mississippi?



They have already announced that from the month of August they will begin to issue marijuana patient cards to patients with up to 22pathologies different. In the general elections of November 2020, the inhabitants of Mississippi voted in majority in favor of initiative 65, which called for legalizing cannabis for therapeutic use in patients with a series of diseases.

Until now the only form of medical cannabis that the government of this state allowed, is through CBD oil, and also with many restrictions. In 2014, HB 1231 was passed, also known as β€œHarper Grace’s Law”, the name of a girl with a very serious type of epilepsy.



πŸ“– Will recreational marijuana also be legal in this state?


Sure, and possibly sooner than many people think, because since the White House government changed, all the news indicates that the new administration will promote and encourage the full legalization of cannabis at the federal level in the USA.

In a way since the 1970s the possession of small amounts of marijuana has been decriminalized in Mississippi. The first time you are caught with up to an ounce of cannabis on top (28.3 grams) or up to 10 grams of synthetic cannabinoids, the fine can range from $ 100 to $ 250. From the second sanction the fines increase, the second and third time you are surprised with up to an ounce there is no criminal offense in principle, but the fine is $ 500 and from 5 days to 6 months in prison.

After the third fine for possession of small amounts, it is already considered a serious crime, as is the possession of larger amounts than those previously stated. Possession of more than one ounce of marijuana is punishable by imprisonment from 2 to 30 years, and the fine can range from $ 3,000 to more than $ 1 million, depending on the amount seized, no jokes. There are some aggravating factors that can increase the penalty, such as selling to minors or in places near a school or church. For cases of sale of more than 10 pounds of marijuana there can be sentences of life imprisonment.



πŸš€ Can you buy cannabis legally in Mississippi?


At the moment, the sale of is only allowed oil rich in cannabidiol to patients with debilitating epilepsy, and it must have a CBD concentration greater than 15%, and it cannot have more than 0.5% of THC, the psychoactive component of cannabis.



βœ… How can you get a cannabis patient card in Mississippi?


So far these cards are only granted to people residing in this state and suffering from some type of severe or debilitating epilepsy, since marijuana has proven to be a very effective treatment for this disease.

If unfortunately you suffer from this disease and you reside in Mississippi, you have to request your medical records or history, and obtain a letter fromΒ Β a qualified doctor confirming your patient’s condition. Then it only remains to apply for the card to the state, but remember that at the moment it only entitles you to buy CBD oil in a few stores.



🎯 Is the cultivation of cannabis allowed in this state of the USA?


In general, no, Mississippi law does not allow the cultivation of cannabis plants for self-consumption, and so far only one cultivation license has been issued in this state, which is held by the Natural Products Laboratory of the University of Mississippi.

Due to a lack of popular support, initiative 48 did not collect the 107,216 signatures necessary to include a bill that called for legalizing the use of cannabis by people over 21 years of age, and it included a point that would allow the cultivation of up to 9 plants for personal use. We will have to keep waiting, but we must not lose hope.


Summary in images of Mississippi cannabis laws, penalties and permitted uses.
Summary in images of Mississippi cannabis laws, penalties and permitted uses.



πŸ‘Ύ Conclusion


Mississippi is not a marijuana-friendly state, but it seems that as of this summer of 2021 the cannabis law will begin to change, first at a medicinal level, and then surely also the recreational one. If you live in this state, or you have to travel for any reason, you already know that the possession of small amounts does not pose great problems, but we recommend complying with its rules because they are very strict and severe with the penalties.

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