Marijuana in China

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It is currently illegal marijuana as a narcotic, however, hemp cultivation is legal. But beware! In this country can condemn you to death if you are in possession of 5 kilograms or more of marijuana.

Emperor Shen Nung, circa 2700 BC, already knew the medicinal uses of this plant
Emperor Shen Nung, circa 2700 BC, already knew the medicinal uses of this plant
Alan Martínez Benito
CEO of Pev Grow, expert grower with more than 20 years of experience.
In constant struggle for the regulation of cannabis, mainly in the medicinal field.
14-03-2016 07:00:20 - Updated: 14 March, 2016

Cannabis is used in this Asian country for thousands of years (they are documented remains of hemp the year 4,000 BC). Not surprisingly, many Eastern countries have been pioneers in experimenting with the cultivation of plants for medicinal purposes, as well as opiates.

One of the many legends that Chinese Emperor Shen Nung, who lived no more and no less than circa 2,700 BC, already knew the medicinal uses of this plant. Since then, and perhaps much earlier, have been studied in this country uses and properties of cannabis, both as regards its recreational use as the food, textile or therapeutic use.

Cannabis is one of the most common drugs in China, especially in rural areas. Until 30 years ago the legislation had enough ‘leeway’ with marijuana but for several years the Chinese authorities are not as permissive with consumption and sale of cannabis in the streets, a fact that had the benefit of consumers of this substance to buy marijuana anonymously online. Although trade ‘on line’ is also monitored and users of these services should also be cautious.

Death penalty


According to Amnesty International, China carried out more executions last year than the rest of the world combined. However, figures on these executions are treated as a state secret in this country and it is impossible to determine the exact number of death sentences that have occurred because there is little data on them. Based on the data that this organization has been confirmed, it concludes that the cases of persons convicted of drug offenses constitute a significant proportion of total executions for other offenses. Amistía International confirms that in recent years, China has made ​​some attempts to reduce its use of the death penalty. However, drug offenses continue punishing by death. Also, it is held every year thousands of prison sentences for possession of drugs ranging from five years imprisonment to life imprisonment. Recent studies, 90% of sentences in China are taken for no more than 10 grams of the banned substance amounts.

In China, drug offenses continue punishing by death.
In China, drug offenses continue punishing by death.

Despite all the existing legislation and punishment in China it is usually consume cannabis and marketed with this substance. There is demand and it is used by many people for attempting to smuggle cannabis in this Asian country, but we must tread gingerly because the traffic of these substances is also highly penalized.

If I travel to China and want to smoke?

It is customary for a tourist in a rural area of the country can be found on sale cannabis, but you have common sense and, above all, need a lot of discretion. The quality of the marijuana leaves much to be desired and the price is not that exactly cheap, but if you want to take a few puffs without risking too much, buy inch grams already said, be discreet.

It is customary for a tourist in a rural area of the country can be found on sale cannabis
It is customary for a tourist in a rural area of the country can be found on sale cannabis

Another thing is to eat or try to buy in the capital of China or in a big city. In these areas there is much more police presence than rural areas. Marijuana use can result in tourists imprisonment and even deportation. But there are many tourist areas where you can openly smoking if not striking. You can also buy cannabis in large cities, higher quality (and more expensive, of course) than in rural areas.

When traveling to China must be taken into account, as in other countries, that the laws of this country on the possession, use and trafficking of cannabis to all those who are on Chinese soil, regardless of nationality apply which should take. If you are detained by Chinese authorities use, possession or ‘exchange’ cannabis, you can get help from the Spanish Embassy or Consulate, but caution! Please note that these organizations may do little to exempt laws in force in that country.

The marijuana industry itself is legal

However paradoxical it may seem, the hemp industry that’s legal in China. This Asian country is the largest producer of marijuana in the world; besides being also a major exporter of this product mainly it has trade relations with Europe and North America.

It is also legal in China’s textile industry hemp. There are several factories, all created under the auspices of the authorities, in which hemp is processed to make clothing.

In China, the textile industry hemp is legal
In China, the textile industry hemp is legal
Hemp is processed to make clothing.
Hemp is processed to make clothing.

United Nations will meet to discuss global drug control

Finally, we must consider a date that could be crucial in regard to the penalties for possession or consumption of cannabis soon, in April 2016, the United Nations General Assembly, one of the principal organs UN will meet in a special session on drugs to discuss the priorities of the global drug control, including the use of the death penalty for drug offenses. The last time United Nations met to discuss this topic was almost 20 years ago, in 1998. So we have to pay attention to see if these meetings can get an agreement to avoid totally disproportionate punishment (death penalty or undue hardship of freedom) by cannabis. Perhaps this is the first step in many countries to make changes in their anti-drug laws.

In April 2016, the United Nations General Assembly will meet to discuss priorities on global drug control.
In April 2016, the United Nations General Assembly will meet to discuss priorities on global drug control.

By Noelia Jiménez, Team Piensa En Verde

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