Marijuana in England

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Marijuana in England
Marijuana in England
Alan Martínez Benito
CEO of Pev Grow, expert grower with more than 20 years of experience.
In constant struggle for the regulation of cannabis, mainly in the medicinal field.
14-04-2016 07:00:45 - Updated: 14 April, 2016

Possession of cannabis is illegal in this country and may entail imprisonment plus financial penalties. No cultivation is even contemplates therapeutic purposes.

Although cannabis possession is illegal, the authorities can only warn if it is the first time they meet a person with marijuana. But if the police find someone repeat, this can lead to imprisonment of up to five years, although rarely usually apply this penalty. But caution, if you have cannabis with intent to sell, the penalty can be up to 14 years in prison. In practice, this sentence rarely occurs as strict as it would, for example, being caught selling 200 kilos of cannabis.

Sativex, a spray with extract of cannabis.
Sativex, a spray with extract of cannabis.

As it regards the cultivation of cannabis also condemns a maximum penalty of 14 years and unlimited fines. The law specifies that it can take into account extenuating circumstances in cases of medical necessity, and in practice, imprisons very few individuals with serious medical conditions to cultivate small amounts for medical use.

The only company licensed to produce cannabis drugs is GW Pharmaceuticals, which grows 20 tons of cannabis annually and uses it to produce Sativex spray cannabis extract. But it is not available in the UK, but only in some places. Some UK doctors have prescribed cannabis to people traveling to other places in Europe to buy cannabis legally prescribed. However, despite existing laws in the European Union, the Ministry of Interior has prohibited residents of the UK can enter the UK with medicinal cannabis legally obtained elsewhere.

Both consumption and possession of soft and hard drugs are illegal in the UK, including possession for own consumption.

GW Pharmaceuticals, a company licensed to produce cannabis drugs
GW Pharmaceuticals, a company licensed to produce cannabis drugs

Are frequent arrests of Spanish citizens as a result of possession of drugs for personal consumption. Three-quarters of Spanish prisoners in British jails serving sentences for drug trafficking. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs says that lately there has been an increase in arrests of young Spaniards of both sexes, especially during holiday periods, which generally do not result in felony charges constituent subject to deprivation of liberty although in arrests police station where they remain to go before a judge.

Possession of soft and hard drugs are illegal in the UK
Possession of soft and hard drugs are illegal in the UK

The arrests are generally from other issues such as theft, possession and consumption of drugs (including so-called soft drugs in Spain, such as cannabis). So keep this in mind if you’re traveling to this country.

If arrested, you have the right to ask the British authorities to put you immediately contact the Consul of Spain. The Spanish consulate may notify the detention to their families if the detainee so wishes, to visit regularly give and receive messages and correspondence. What the Spanish embassy or consulate can not do is, in case of arrest, guarantee better treatment than that accorded to nationals of the country, nor, of course, will pay the fines.

Cannabis in politics


British MPs discussed the issue of cannabis only a few months ago (in October 2015) following a request for legalization that collected more than 220,000 signatures. But the British Home Office confirmed that it had no plans to change the legalization of cannabis, which is considered illegal drug class B.

Hundreds of young people gathered in Hyde Park, London, to demand the legalization of marijuana. (PHOTO: EFE)
Hundreds of young people gathered in Hyde Park, London, to demand the legalization of marijuana. (PHOTO: EFE)

All aforementioned must also frame it in the study made ​​by the British Treasury in which was said that regulating marijuana market would generate significant tax revenues and lead to an overall saving of the criminal justice system. The study also said that more than 2 million people aged 16-59 believed they used cannabis in 2014 and a total of 216 tons were consumed.

Hemp is legal

Hemp cultivation (seed, oil and fiber included) is legal in the UK. Hemp is used for the production of food, CBD Cosmetics and fibers used for automotive, construction and textile industries. Of course, the producer must have a license issued by the Ministry of Interior.

Hemp House in England
Hemp House in England

In this country it is legal to buy and having any kind cannabis seeds, but nevertheless, the law prevents seeds germinate and cultivate cannabis of any kind without a license.

A year without a driving license

Police stopped in the town of Huntingdon once a driver for going too slowly and after an inspection, police discovered he was under the influence of marijuana.

Therapeutic cannabis oil
Therapeutic cannabis oil

The driver admitted the charges and released, but the penalty imposed was the withdrawal of his driving license for one year. His blood THC level was above the permitted level. The man was arrested at 2 am on one of the main streets of the city that was traveling at a speed of 30 kilometers per hour in an area where the speed limit is 50 kilometers per hour. When he was arrested he was immediately made ​​a test substance as a driver, the citizen was charged with driving under the influence of cannabis. His passport was withdrawn for one year and also had to pay a fine of 230 euros.

On the other hand, a woman who grew cannabis to extract oil to combat the illness of her husband who was close to death was sentenced to community work for 18 months after a judge accepted that had not cultivated cannabis to market with it. At least, this woman who only wanted her husband did not suffer, could save her from imprisonment. But, as we see, the penalties in the UK do not forgive nor such cases.
By Noelia Jiménez, Team Piensa En Verde

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