Bio Tabs, Fertilizer for your crop in tablets Simplicity and effectiveness!
Bio Tabs, is a Dutch fertilizer brand, known all over the world for having specialized in the development and manufacture of 100% organic fertilizers in tablet format, making it very easy to use, making it feasible for all growers regardless of their level.
Bio Tabs is made up of growers with more than 30 years of experience in the sector, who after 25 years growing hydroponics with chemical products, discovered more or less five years ago, that with organic fertilizers greatly improved the taste and natural aroma of your weed, and from there arose the idea to patent their own technology and create what is now considered one of the leading brands in the sector of organic fertilizers.
The exclusive organic cultivation method developed by Bio Tabs, perfectly combines beneficial bacteria, symbiotic fungi and humus rich in nutrients, with a wonderful result, enhancing the organoleptic properties of your weed.
What products make up the Bio Tabs catalogue?
Bactrex bacteria, in combination with Mycrotex mycorrhizae, improve and extend the life of the substrate, as a better microbial life increases the natural immunity of the plant against the attack of pests or diseases, and produces a substantial improvement in vegetative growth and exuberant flowering.
On the other hand, you can find Biotabs, which are used to progressively release nutrients over weeks. To correctly colonize the substrate and enrich it so that your weed grows strong and healthy, you have the Startrex supplement.
To finish the Bio Tabs nutrition program, it will be necessary to apply a liquid Orgatrex fertilizer, also 100% organic and that can be used for both growth and flowering.
Buy all Bio Tabs products now, at the best price online... At Pevgrow!
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