Insecticide for Trips

Pevgrow presents, now available in our online store, the best insecticides against the mythical and feared plague of the Trips.
Right now you will be asking yourself, What is this plague and what does it suppose? Well we have to tell you that it is not an ordinary pest of parasites, the Trips are bred and grow in the ground, when they are adults and want to lay their eggs, they do so on the surfaces of plants, gradually deteriorating the integrity and properties of these.
Although it is a pest much feared by cannabis growers, everything can be prevented or even eliminated. In order to do this, you will need an insecticide via foliar, but also a good quality substrate for the soil, because as you well know the seed is just as important as the plants, as the foundations on which you cultivate.
Tierra de diatomeas, has been a great reference in the world of substrates for cannabis crops and prevents the emergence of thrips pests among others.
From PevGrow, we would like to give you a series of indications to put an end to the feared Trips. The most important thing is to eliminate the leaves that contain eggs, to avoid a reproduction and that the plague becomes already uncontrollable.
Once you have eliminated all the eggs, the next step is to sanitize the entire soil, starting with a good substrate for the soil, avoiding abundant accumulations of water. Once you have followed all these steps, stop using insecticides in a period of 15 days and you will be able to cultivate again without affecting the aroma and taste of your buds.
A few years ago, we suffered an incredible plague of Trips that spoiled a magnificent crop of White Widow, and since then any prevention is little. The insecticides used by our professional growers to prevent the appearance of Trips are the following:
Cinnaprot is an insecticide against Trips 100% biological, composed of 100% natural cinnamon extracts, which acts effectively against all types of pests, without leaving any trace. This type of insecticide can be used in organic crops and will offer your plant unbeatable regenerative effects.
Align Sipcam:
Align Sipcam is an insecticide against Trips 100% natural, which has its origin in nothing more and nothing less than the Neem plant, known as the most feared by all parasites and pests, as it is known to kill any insect, fungus or pest that dares to enter its terrain.
So, if you also want to become a true warrior and win the battle against the fearsome Trips, don't hesitate to acquire as allies the insecticides against Trips, now available in PevGrow, your trusted Growshop.
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