Cannabusiness – Jobs in the cannabis sector

Reading Time 10 minutes
Un cartel indicando "contratamos" con un fondo de un campo de plantas de marihuana
Un panneau indiquant “nous embauchons” sur un fond de champ de plantes de cannabis.
Fran Quesada Moya

10-03-2023 09:00:11 - Updated: 10 March, 2023



The legal cannabis business is booming and in 2022 it generated more than 150.000 million dollars worldwide, but the best thing is that it is estimated that throughout 2023 and 2024 it will exceed 250.000 million. It is clear that the jobs in the marijuana industry are increasing every day, since there are hundreds of millions of users around the world and the demand does not stop increasing. There are many types of marijuana jobs, from growers, extractors, testers, delivery guys, dispensary clerks, specialized chefs, etc. In this article we will see a few ideas in the marijuana business, so if you are thinking of changing jobs and dedicating yourself to what you like the most, I advise you to read it carefully..



🚀 The best jobs in the cannabis industry



Currently there are more than 500.000 people who are dedicated to the business of legal marijuana all over the planet, the majority in the USA and Canada of course, but they have also increased to a great extent in other countries such as Colombia, Mexico, Thailand, Germany, Switzerland or South Africa to give a few examples. Every day there is more demand for qualified workers in this industry, but the illegality that prevailed until recently in most of the world has not allowed good job training, and at the moment there are many companies that have problems finding experts in this sector.

Until recently cannabis companies had no choice but to train their own workers, but luckily there are currently platforms like thc.sciencie that offer very comprehensive training courses for people who dream of working in the marijuana sector. There is a phrase that I love that says “Choose a job that you like and you will not have to work a single day of your life” This is so and I tell you by experience, since the one who writes these lines left his fixed, normal, routine and boring work more than 12 years ago, and started working in the world of cannabis, or what is the same, I started to really live just over 12 years ago. If you are also in that position right now, you have to know that there are quite a few types of work related to the cannabis plant, and below you can see the most interesting ones.



📱 Weed grower jobs


Jobs in marijuana farms do not stop increasing, both THC and CBD and other cannabinoids. In the USA and Canada there are many companies dedicated to growing cannabis to serve dispensaries in these countries, in this case especially THC, although there are several states that also offer CBD, THCV, HHC, Delta 8, Delta 10, THC -O and other minority cannabinoids. In Europe however, businesses related to the cultivation of weed are more cannabidiol oriented, basically because THC is limited to a measly 0.2%.

What is needed to start working as a legal marijuana grower? The most important thing is to be a good grower of course, it is not only about getting a great production or that the marijuana has a good taste, it is important to have a good working method, to know perfectly the needs of the cannabis plants, the deficiencies and nutritional problems, pests, fungi, types of stress, cultivation techniques, etc.

How much does a legal marijuana grower charge? That depends on several things, since a paid grower does not earn the same as a self-employed grower who sells his harvest directly. A self-employed hemp grower can earn an annual salary ranging from $15.000 to $45.000, however a self-employed hemp grower can earn more than a million dollars a year. You also have to understand that the self-employed have to subtract a lot of expenses from that billing, so the net profit will be much less, but the grower who works for a company all he earns is profit. The best farms in the USA like the ones that serve the Jungle Boys or the Cookie Fam can even exceed a million dollars a month, but we are talking about the most in-demand weed in all of North America..


Información sobre trabajos como cultivador de marihuana
Information about jobs as a marijuana grower



✨ Cannabis trimmer jobs


Although at first glance it may seem like an interesting job for a cannabis user, weed trimming jobs are some of the hardest and most boring jobs you can find. Every year there is a great demand for marijuana trimmers during the harvest season of outdoor crops from the USA, Canada, and now also Colombia, Switzerland, Italy and other places in the world. This work related to cannabis consists of cutting the leaves that come out of the buds to make them ready for sale in dispensaries, consumer clubs, coffeeshops, etc.

What is needed to be able to work as a grass trimmer? In principle, no experience is needed in this regard, since it is a very simple job that everyone can do without prior preparation. A few minutes are enough to know how to leave the buds, and for this reason most people who work cutting marijuana have nothing to do with the sector, and are seasonal workers like those who are hired to pick fruits or vegetables of any kind.

How much does a worker who is dedicated to cutting marijuana earn? The fact that this job does not require extensive training means that the salaries are quite low, and as a general rule it could be said that they earn between 2.000 and 4.000 dollars a month, but it must be taken into account that they normally do not work more than 2 or 3 months a year. In some cases, in addition to cutting, they are also dedicated to packaging the cannabis, and in those cases they can work a few more months. Marijuana users can earn a “plus” or extra as trimmers, and that is that sometimes they are allowed to keep the resin that remains stuck to the scissors, a true cannabis delicacy.


Información sobre trabajos de recortador de marihuana
Information about jobs as a marijuana trimmer



⛳ Jobs as a dispensary, coffeeshop or club employee


Jobs in marijuana dispensaries are very well paid, and it is actually a good cannabis job because you spend all day talking about varieties, effects, flavors, etc. It is not just about weighing buds or extracts and bottling them so that the client goes home happy, the work of a budtender or dispensary employee goes further and in many cases they have to advise when choosing the product that best suits them to the needs of each consumer, whether therapeutic or playful.

What is needed to work as a budtender? It is essential that the clerk knows the products it offers very well in order to know first-hand its characteristics, and for that it has to be a person who has tried many varieties of cannabis, concentrates of all kinds, edibles, drinks, etc. In addition to this, it is important that you know the best ways to consume the product, and that is that on some occasions it is about guiding customers about the best way to take advantage of the properties of marijuana.

How much does a budtender or dispensary worker make? Typically a budtender’s salary ranges from $25.000 to $40.000 per year, but that depends on the state you work in, your cannabis knowledge, and even your general salesmanship. Right now it is one of the most in-demand jobs related to marijuana, because more businesses selling legal cannabis are opening today than at any other time in history.


Información sobre trabajos como dependiente de dispensario, coffeshop o club
Information on jobs as a dispensary, coffeeshop or club



⭐ Weed delivery jobs


Jobs as a weed delivery driver have also increased a lot in recent years, especially since the covid pandemic arrived and with it the forced confinement. In the marijuana home delivery business, the workers are dedicated to distributing weed, concentrates, and other cannabis products to the people who request it, and they usually travel by motorcycle, bicycle, or scooter, although we have also seen buses that combine the Dispensary and delivery man mission at the same time.

What does it take to work in marijuana home deliveries? It is not really necessary to understand cannabis, although it is a factor that can help at any given time. The most important thing is to know the city or neighborhood where you work so that you can move quickly and be as efficient as possible in that regard. A good vehicle and a GPS is enough to be able to deliver marijuana, but the biggest handicap is that this job is only in demand in those states where cannabis is legal and home delivery is allowed, and so far there are very few

How much does a weed delivery man charge? The salary of these cannabis workers ranges between 20.000 and 35.000 dollars a year, but it must be taken into account that in many cases the delivery man receives a tip from the customer, a widespread practice in Anglo-Saxon countries. You also have to see if it is a self-employed or self-employed driver, because if you are self-employed, you will have to subtract several expenses from the total billing.


Información sobre trabajos de repartidor de marihuana
Information about marijuana delivery jobs



✅ Weed tester jobs


This is one of the best jobs for marijuana smokers, if not the best because it is directly the dream of millions of consumers of this plant. The works testing weed are based on testing different buds, hashish, rosin, BHO, edibles, etc. to be able to give an assessment of the product as close and professional as possible. Marijuana control businesses are becoming more professional as legalization progresses around the world, and in addition to expert tasters, they need specialized technicians, agronomists, biologists, and chemists, among other professions.

What does it take to work as a weed tester? For the job of taster in particular you need to be a true connoisseur, since this person has to value the quality of the product empirically, a kind of work of marijuana reviewer. But there are also other marijuana quality control works that rely on analysis to determine the purity and cleanliness of the product, or if it is free of pests, fungi, heavy metals or debris, and in this case a degree in biology is needed, agronomic chemistry or engineering, among others.

How much does a marijuana tester charge? It is a highly paid cannabis job, and salaries can range from $50K to $100K a year. As with other trades and sectors, the salary may also depend on the type of company and its turnover, and it must also be taken into account that working for a company is not the same as having your own laboratory, with all the costs that this entails.


Informations sur les emplois de testeur de marijuana
Information about marijuana tester jobs



🔥 Weed chef jobs


Little by little, ingested marijuana is gaining ground over other forms of consumption such as smoking or vaporizing, among other things because the effect is more intense and long-lasting, but also because it is much healthier. Another reason is that cannabis is being integrated into the kitchen due to the new flavors it can bring, regardless of its effect, since in some cases it is added to recipes without decarboxylation, as one more ingredient. However, the job of a cannabis chef that is most in demand at the moment is to prepare psychoactive edibles, such as jelly beans, brownies, cookies, drinks, chocolates, etc.

What does it take to work as a cannabis chef? In this case, skill as a cook is almost more important than experience with cannabis, but the best are those who master both worlds. In some countries, such as Spain, a food handler’s card is required to be able to legally work in any kitchen, but the minimum that is needed is knowledge of food safety and a code of good practice, since they can put the health of consumers at risk..

How much does a cannabis chef charge? It is another well-paid trade within cannabis jobs, because on average they charge between $40.000 and $90.000 a year, well above what traditional chefs usually perceive. If you like to make recipes of all kinds and you are a cannabis lover, I recommend you to start combining your 2 hobbies because I am sure that this will be one of the best cannabis works in the medium and long term.


Información sobre trabajos de chef cannábico
Information about cannabis chef jobs



🎯 Works of technician or master of extractions and concentrates


This cannabis work is also going to be in high demand in the medium and long term, because there are relatively few people in the world who can be considered masters of marijuana extractions and concentrates. This sector is key to meeting the needs of many therapeutic and recreational consumers, but above all for people who take cannabinoids to alleviate pain or illness, since it is very important to administer specific doses that achieve the desired effects. From a recreational point of view, concentrates are usually the most attractive product due to their purity and potency, be it dry hash, bubble hash, rosin, BHO, supercritical CO2, QWISO, or any other extraction derived from our favorite plant.

What is needed to work as a technician or master of cannabis extractions and contracts? The first thing is to have a theoretical base, something that can be achieved by studying one of the training courses that are available in this sense, but without a doubt the most important thing is experience, and that can only be achieved by trying, repeating, and improving the technique. to control all the parameters and factors that intervene in the final quality of the product.

How much does a master extractor charge? The fact that there are so few teachers in this specialty means that the salaries paid are very high, and in countries where legalization has already spread, they can earn between 80.000 and 250.000 dollars a year. In some cases, the teacher has laboratory instruments that cost a lot of dough, such as freeze dryers, vacuum ovens, rotary machines, BHO tubes with gas recovery, CO2 extractors, large rosin presses, etc.


Información sobre trabajos como técnico o maestro de extracciones y concentrados
Information about jobs as an extractions and concentrates technician or teacher



👾 Weed remote Jobs


Working from home is a booming trend across the planet, which has been the case for more than a decade, but as a result of the damn coronavirus pandemic, it is accelerating at a forced march. Are there remote jobs related to marijuana? Of course, especially working as a weed tester from home, another dream for many people that a few have already begun to achieve. Can you imagine being able to dedicate yourself to this and that dispensaries or clubs send you samples of their products to carry out a tasting and leave your assessment? Another remote work option related to weed is that of a community manager for companies in the sector, content creators, webmasters, etc



🧐 Conclusion


Every day there are more people working in the marijuana sector, and the need for qualified people continues to increase because the demand is greater than the supply, since more and more countries allow the consumption of cannabis, medically or recreationally. If you ever dreamed of dedicating yourself to what you like the most, I assure you that if you want you can achieve it, and now it is easier than ever thanks to the training courses and cannabis job exchanges that are being created.



⚠️ Frequent questions


How to get into the legal marijuana business?

There are many ways, but it depends on the budget you have. If you do not have a lot of money, it is best to set up a grow shop or hydroponics store, since you do not need more than $25.000 to start. Another option for low budgets is to farm for a licensed company, and little by little gain experience and save until you get your own license and start serving shops. If you have a high budget, the most interesting thing would be to open a dispensary or coffeeshop in the USA, Canada or the Netherlands, since these are businesses that pay for themselves in a short time.


How many jobs will marijuana legalization create?

In the United States alone, in 2021 more than 100.000 cannabis-related jobs were created directly or indirectly, and it is estimated that when legalization is complete throughout the country there will be around 1.750.000 cannabis workers in the USA. Globally we can exceed 20 million people who will work in this industry before the year 2030, and we think that it is very possible that companies have problems finding qualified workers to carry out these jobs.



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