Guide and best marijuana vaporizers 2021

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Best marijuana Vaporizers 2021
Best marijuana Vaporizers 2021
Alan Martínez Benito
CEO of Pev Grow, expert grower with more than 20 years of experience.
In constant struggle for the regulation of cannabis, mainly in the medicinal field.
21-01-2021 10:00:47 - Updated: 21 January, 2021



Estimated Cannalover! Back here again? I’m so glad! Are you thinking of buying a portable Vaporizer to smoke marijuana? Do not know where to choose and which of them is best for you? Well, you’re lucky! Because I have prepared for you the best marijuana Vaporizers that are going to blow up in 2021.



⚠️ How does a marijuana Vaporizer work?



Well, the marijuana Vaporizer is a healthy and safe system, as it is consumed by means of inhalation of steam, which you leave aside the secondary effects derived from the traditional combustion. In addition, you enjoy a higher level of concentration and effects that you can notice very quickly. Smoking with Vaporizer also allows smokers who due to health problems can not do it in the traditional way, to enjoy the benefits of the mother plant.

There are two ways of using a marijuana Vaporizer, either by convection or by conduction. I will explain this in the following :


Combustion forms of weed: Conduction and Convection



In conductive Vaporizers, marijuana comes in direct contact with the heating source. The main disadvantages of this type of combustion, is that cannabis can get to burn and that it must be moved to each puff, as the heat is not distributed equally. Its advantages, is that these are Vaporizers to smoke marijuana cheaper and smaller, so they are a little more discreet.



The Vaporizers that burn by convection, heat the marijuana indirectly, with warm air. In this case there is a filter that separates the marijuana from the plates that generate the heat, passes through the filter and goes evaporating the marijuana. Although it takes a little longer to warm up, it is much simpler to use this type of Vaporizers than those that work by conduction, although they are a little more expensive, but much more effective.


Combustion forms of weed: Conduction and Convection
Combustion forms of weed: Conduction and Convection



➕ What different types of Vaporizers are there?


When choosing the marijuana Vaporizer that best suits your needs, it is very important to know that there are two types of Vaporizers, portable marijuana Vaporizers and desktop cannabis Vaporizers.


Portable Vaporizers


How does a portable Vaporizer work? The portable marijuana Vaporizers, are of a reduced size, usually with the size of a pen as discretion is valued. The main reason to buy a portable marijuana Vaporizer is to be able to do it anywhere, at any time and with the security of not being detected. Powered by a rechargeable battery, which in many cases even has adapters so you can keep it charged and fully operational a good amount of hours.


Desktop Vaporizers


Desktop cannabis Vaporizers must be plugged into the power supply to operate, so they must be used in the privacy of your home, while you watch a good movie, enjoy a book or have a party with your friends. The best thing about this type of Vaporizers is the power they have, ensuring good smoke.



📲 Is it necessary to grind the herbs before vaporizing them?


Ideally, you should grind the grass before placing it in the Vaporizer, as this will help the heat flow better between it and you can vaporize it much more easily. In the conduction Vaporizers it is essential to grind marijuana very well, while in convection Vaporizers you can overlook it, since its power is much greater, but even so I recommend you to do it. You will notice its effectiveness!



👾 Vaporize Resin and E-Liquids


Another way to vaporize and consume marijuana is through resins and E-liquids. E-liquids are the best way to vaping marijuana in a healthy and economical way. There are also hundreds of flavors, created with the most exclusive and sold genetics in the world, ensuring a very customizable experience. Do you know that in PevGrow we have the largest catalogue of E-Liquids? Click here and know them!



✅ What side effects does vaping cannabis have?


Quite the opposite, since it has not been proved that steaming marijuana involves any side effect that does not occur smoking in a traditional way, in fact, it has been shown that vaping marijuana, is much healthier than smoking a joint in a traditional way, because you avoid the effects of traditional combustion and also enjoy a clearer experience.



🧐 Benefits and disadvantages of marijuana Vaporizers


Vaping marijuana has a series of advantages and disadvantages that of course I am going to let you know so you can decide for yourself. For me, the advantages that it reports are enough so that for years I use Vaporizer for my daily consumption of marijuana, leaving all time joints only for nostalgia moments or the ones left with friends.


Benefits of marijuana Vaporizers


– Eliminates harmful toxins

As you well know, the traditional combustion that occurs when smoking a joint, evaporates a number of substances that are quite harmful to health, either by the paper itself, by mixing it with tobacco, and so on. If you smoke marijuana in Vaporizer, the smoke will be much cleaner, with a much clearer enjoyment of marijuana, without the side effects of traditional combustion.


– Vaping is healthier for your lungs

In this aspect, studies have not yet been carried out that reinforce this statement, but what is certain is that the temperature of the steam inhaled in the vaporization is much lower than that of traditional joint smoke and, of course, it does not contain carbon dioxide.


– Faster effect

When vaporized, cannabionides are metabolized in a matter of seconds, so the effect is almost instantaneous, certainly much faster than if you choose a traditional smoke.

In the U.S., medical marijuana users do it mostly in cannabis Vaporizers, mainly because it produces a very rapid relief of pain or symptoms that carry on.


– Discretion is the key

Since the ban on smoking in public places my light bulb has been turned on, because since then and after the electronic cigarette trend in the office, I am enjoying at lunchtime with my portable Vaporizer and my discreet E-liquid, Lunches are great now!

Discretion is undoubtedly an essential element for all of us who smoke marijuana, and the vaporisers go perfectly unnoticed like electronic cigarettes !


Disadvantages of marijuana Vaporizers


  • In some models it is true that  portability is not just fine, because some are too bulky, but hear … we are here to advise you! There is some pocket size!
  • It requires regular maintenance, such as recurring cleaning and so on, so that it is always in top condition.
  • It may seem expensive at first and you’re right, but don’t worry because at PevGrow we think about you and have permanent offers on all our portable Vaporizers and desktop Vaporizers.
  • It’s not the same as smoking a lifetime joint, rolling and enjoying, it has its intrigulis, but nothing that a clever smoker like you can’t learn quickly and easily.


Avantages et inconvénients des vaporisateurs de cannabis
Avantages et inconvénients des Vaporizers de cannabis



⚠️ Does a marijuana Vaporizer smell a lot when used? What is its optimum temperature?


Regarding the first question, a cannabis Vaporizer smells and whoever says different lies, but obviously it doesn’t smell like a traditional marijuana joint, nor does it leave the smell impregnated on the clothes or in the room, it’s much more discreet. This also varies depending on the Vaporizer you choose, there are some more discreet than others in this regard.

Each Vaporizer of the market, has an own range of temperatures, reason why it is not possible to establish an optimal temperature for all, but to vaporize marijuana, the optimal temperature is between 180º-205º. Start with the lowest temperature and see it rising progressively, for maximum enjoyment. If you are going to vaporize resins or E-liquids, the temperature will have to be higher.



✨ How do I clean my marijuana Vaporizer?


The cleaning of the Vaporizer is essential to maintain it in full form and perfect state of operation. After each vaping session, you will have to empty the stove and pass it with a brush to remove all the remains. It is also important to clean every 10 sprays, clean the steam duct and the grids, to remove all traces of resins and other elements, so that it is always at its best.

Now that you know a little more about marijuana Vaporizers, I’ve prepared for you a selection of the best cannabis Vaporizers, all of them available at PevGrow!



⛳ The best marijuana Vaporizers



The best portable marijuana Vaporizers


Vaporizer Pax 3


One of the latest creations by Pax Labs, which improves the efficiency and versatility of its predecessors. The Pax 3 stands out for a very elegant, versatile design and manufactured with first class quality, being able to vaporize so much resin, weed and E-Liquids.

For the most gourmets and concerned about aesthetics, you have the Pax 3 in 4 different colors, but it is also the latest in all the technological updates of the moment, with a downloadable App on your mobile phone, you can personalize your experience to the maximum.

The Pax 3 vaporizer has a 10-year commercial guarantee, which is a statement of how well manufactured it is and what Pax Labs trusts in its creations. Its battery gives two hours of full performance without stopping smoking and if it is discharged it only takes about 90 minutes to charge 100%.


Crafty Vaporizer


Le Vaporizer Storz & Bickel Crafty est l’un des plus vendus sur notre site et je vous garantis qu’il n’est pas le fruit du hasard. J’ai moi-même un Crafty à fumer tous les jours depuis un certain temps, j’ai dû remplacer quelques pièces d’usure et un peu plus, un investissement très sûr !

Le Crafty a un design élégant et est très facile à utiliser, équipé d’une batterie lithium-ion, garantie de vie et de puissance. Alors que nous vivons à l’ère de la technologie, Storz & Bickel a équipé le Vaporizer Crafty d’une application pour appareils mobiles, avec laquelle vous pouvez gérer des aspects tels que la température et autres détails de votre téléphone mobile!


DA VINCI Vaporizer


Possibly the most smart vaporizer on the market today, with a lithium battery with a full performance life of up to 90 minutes, with a temperature oscillation of between 121 º and 212 º.

Its nozzle is made of Circona ceramic material, a perfect isolator that gives the smoke unique smoothness and purity. With the Da Vinci Iq vaporizer, you will be able to personalize your experience with up to 4 modes, among which the Boost mode stands out, for the most impatient that want to have the vaporizer ready as soon as possible.



Mighty Vaporizer


One of the most intuitive and reliable vaporizers, the Mighty vaporizer from Storz & Bickel regulates its temperature simply by using buttons and an LED display where the information is reflected. Its size is only 14 cm and its weight is 230 gr, so it is perfect to take where you want and hide it easily.


Vapomax V8 Vaporizer


With the Vapomax V8 Vaporizer, you can vape dry marijuana, resins and e-liquids and thanks to its discreet design you can smoke almost anywhere without fear of being caught. Its use is very simple and includes the possibility of alternating between degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit, being able to regulate the temperature degree by degree.

In the office there are two colleagues who have the Vapomax V8 and I could not resist and a couple of months ago I took mine and since then, I have not stopped using it. Its quality is perfect, the nozzle has been manufactured in Pyrex Glass material, ideal to support very high temperatures and with two compartments one to place the grass and another to keep the nozzle after using it.

The best thing about the Vapomax V8 is its durability thanks to its lithium batteries and its automatic timer, with which if it detects inactivity for a few minutes is put into sleep mode to save battery.



The best desktop marijuana vaporizers


Arizer Extreme Q Vaporizer


For quality-price ratio one of the best in the market. The Arizer extreme Q has been manufactured using first quality materials, such as boron-silicate glass, which allows you to enjoy a unique taste and without alterations.

It has 3 speeds of ventilation, to adjust it to your taste depending on whether you are relaxing or you need more rod. As if that weren’t enough, the most comfortable ones are lucky because it incorporates a remote control which regulates its operation… Top!


Verdamper Reizer Vaporizer


The Verdamper reizer, is the economic version of the Verdamper Deluxe, saving a little quality materials to lower cost, but certainly with the same power and improving its versatility, making it more manageable and easy to carry with you. What I like most about this vaporizer, is that with very little weed is able to generate large doses of steam, so you’ll also save on marijuana and with the same price you can enjoy more vaporizations.


Volcano Digital Vaporizer


The Volcano digital vaporizer is one of the most popular desktop vaporizers in the world, known for its robustness and practicality, with a power of madness and now with the technological advances of digitization itself, which make it easier to use.

Its form of smoking is totally special, as it keeps the steam in a bag, which can hold up to 15 minutes, equivalent to smoking a traditional joint. The temperature is adjustable from 40º to 230º The king of desktop vaporizer is here !


Plenty Vaporizer


The Plenty tabletop vaporizer offers quality, durability, ease of use and economical maintenance, all in one desktop vaporizer! The temperature is adjustable from 130º to 202º, which can be regulated by means of an analogical thermometer.

Its materials are of high quality, including a spiral made of stainless steel, which is used to cool and enhance the flavor of vaporization. More than a safe bet!


Verdamper Deluxe Vaporizer


For the last I have left the jewel of the crown, the Verdamper deluxe table vaporizer, one of the classics for more than 20 years in most Dutch coffeeshops. Its best virtues are its incredible power and great flavor enhancement, also has a resistance that heats in just 90 seconds.

The difference between the Verdamper Deluxe and other table-top vaporizers is that the steam passes through water before being inhaled, which helps to lower its temperature to avoid irritations and increase its purity.




⭐ Conclusion


Now that you know what a vaporizer is, its main benefits and disadvantages as well as which are the best marijuana vaporizers on the market, are you sure of what you are looking for? Has it helped you? You’ll be contributing to the creation of original and useful weekly content! Also, if you share your experience with us, leaving your opinion in the comments, you can get great rewards!

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