Learn to interpret and apply the GHE cultivation chart in hydro, coco, and aeroponics.

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GHE Growing Chart
A colorful chart titled “GHE Growing Chart” is framed on a wall. It features illustrations of various stages of plant growth, fertilizers, tools, and containers. The chart is divided into sections with icons and detailed diagrams emphasizing horticultural practices.


Welcome to our comprehensive guide for using the GHE Growing Chart Flora-Series. Here you will find all the necessary information to optimize your crop yields through the correct application of these high-quality GHE fertilizers. Flora-Series provides balanced and complete nutrition, designed to meet the needs of your plants at every stage of their life cycle.



⭐ GHE Flora-Series Growing Chart



Week FloraGro (ml/10L) FloraMicro (ml/10L) FloraBloom (ml/10L) Bio Roots (ml/10L) Bio Protect (ml/10L) Bio Bloom (ml/10L) Diamond Nectar (ml/10L) Mineral Magic (g/10L) Ripen (ml/10L)
1 2.5 2.5 2.5 2
2 2.5 2.5 2.5 2
3 7 7 7 2 50 20 4 gr.
4 15 10 5 20 4 gr.
5 15 10 5 50 2 20 4 gr.
6 5 10 15 2 4 gr.
7 5 10 15 50 2 4 gr.
8 5 10 15 2 4 gr.
9 5 10 15 4 gr.
10 4 gr. 40-50



⛳ Product Descriptions and Contributions


Flora Gro

Usage: During all growth and flowering stages.
Contribution: FloraGro is a fertilizer formula designed to promote vigorous vegetative growth. It provides nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, essential for the formation of strong roots and the development of dense green foliage. Additionally, it contains secondary elements and micronutrients that support the plant’s metabolism and ensure balanced growth.


Flora Micro

Usage: During all growth and flowering stages.
Contribution: FloraMicro is the central component of the Flora-Series nutrition program. It contains microelements, secondary elements, and trace nutrients in a chelated solution that are essential for healthy plant development. FloraMicro supplies iron, calcium, and other microelements necessary for complete and balanced nutrition, allowing optimal absorption and preventing nutritional deficiencies.


Flora Bloom

Usage: Mainly during flowering.
Contribution: FloraBloom is used to stimulate the development of flowers and fruits. It provides high levels of phosphorus and potassium, essential for the formation of robust and large flowers. Additionally, it contains magnesium and sulfur, which are crucial for protein synthesis and energy production in plants during the flowering stage.


Bio Roots

Usage: In the first 3 weeks.
Contribution: Bio Roots is a root system activator that improves the structure and absorption capacity of the roots. It contains natural plant extracts that stimulate the growth of new roots, improve disease resistance, and increase nutrient absorption efficiency. Using Bio Roots at the beginning of the life cycle ensures a strong and healthy root system, essential for the overall development of the plant.


Bio Protect

Usage: During weeks 3, 5, and 7.
Contribution: Bio Protect is a plant immune system activator. It helps plants resist diseases and pests by strengthening their natural defenses. It is applied through foliar spraying, creating a protective barrier on the leaves that repels insects and pathogens. This product is crucial for maintaining the overall health of plants throughout the growing cycle.


Bio Bloom

Usage: During weeks 5, 6, 7, and 8.
Contribution: Bio Bloom is a flowering activator that strengthens the root system and improves the overall health of the plant. Its use during the flowering phase ensures abundant and high-quality flower production. It contains nutrients and biostimulants that promote cell division and the development of dense and aromatic flowers.


Diamond Nectar (Fulvic)

Usage: In weeks 3, 4, and 5.
Contribution: Diamond Nectar improves the overall health of plants and strengthens the root system. It contains humic and fulvic acids that increase nutrient absorption and improve soil structure. This results in more vigorous growth and greater resistance to abiotic and biotic stress.


Mineral Magic (Silicate)

Usage: From the last week of growth until the end.
Contribution: Mineral Magic strengthens the resistance of plants to diseases and insects. It improves soil structure and nutrient availability, creating an optimal environment for root growth. Regular use promotes healthier and more productive plants.



Usage: In the last 10 days of the cycle.
Contribution: Ripen accelerates the maturation of flowers, allowing for an earlier and more uniform harvest. It provides a specific blend of nutrients that maximizes the cannabinoid and terpene content in the flowers, enhancing their potency and aroma.




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✨ Conclusions


By following this growing chart for coco, hydro, and aeroponic and using the GHE Flora-Series products, you can ensure that your plants receive all the necessary nutrients at each stage of their growth. This will not only improve the health and vigor of your plants but also maximize the yield and quality of your harvests. Implementing a well-planned fertilization strategy is key to the success of any grower, and GHE Flora-Series provides all the necessary components to achieve this. GHE is one of the most important marijuana fertilizer brands in the world, but if you want to see other options, the Canna brand is another of the most prominent, and if you click here, you can see the Canna growing chart for hydroponics, coco, and soil. Happy growing!



✅ FAQs


What is GHE Flora-Series?

GHE Flora-Series is a line of liquid fertilizers composed of FloraGro, FloraMicro, and FloraBloom, designed to provide all the essential nutrients that plants need during the different phases of their growth and flowering. This system offers balanced and adjustable nutrition for each stage of cultivation.

How are FloraGro, FloraMicro, and FloraBloom applied in the cultivation cycle?

FloraGro, FloraMicro, and FloraBloom are applied according to the growth stage of the plants. During the vegetative phase, they are used in lower doses and increase during flowering. The simplified growing chart provides specific doses for each week of the cycle.

Why is it important to use Bio Protect?

Bio Protect strengthens the natural defenses of plants against diseases and pests. Its regular application through foliar spraying helps keep plants healthy and free from pathogens, ensuring a successful and productive crop.

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Alan Martínez Benito
Alan Martínez Benito
CEO of Pev Grow, expert grower with more than 20 years of experience.
In constant struggle for the regulation of cannabis, mainly in the medicinal field.
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  1. Avatar for Corine Soulie

    Finally, I understand everything about the GHE feeding chart thanks to this article! I always found it confusing to know how to correctly apply the nutrients and the cultivation times, but this text explains it so clearly and in such detail that I now feel much more confident in managing my hydroponic cultivation. Thank you for sharing such valuable information!