Revegetation of Cannabis plants

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Sign of infinity filled with cannabis plants
Sign of infinity filled with cannabis plants
Fran Quesada Moya

20-11-2020 10:00:09 - Updated: 20 November, 2020


In the following article we will know what the different techniques of revegetation in Cannabis plants consist of.

Cannabis is a plant which evolves in cycles of one year and during this time, it undergoes all the stages of its life. First, the process of germination takes place, then the phase of growth which is followed by the bloom, and finally, the awaited moment of the harvest arrives.

From the harvest, this plant loses the properties and genetics from which we usually benefit, although there is an exception: when it is possible to take cuttings in full growth phase.

But, is it possible to get these cuttings if the plant has already passed the flowering phase and the grower has forgotten about it? Thanks to revegetation or regeneration this can happen and in fact it is quite a common practice for several reasons.

This sounds interesting, do you want to know more? Keep reading:



⭐ When is revegetation possible ?



Growers usually seek optimal production by avoiding stressing the plant with unexpected phase changes. So do you know why some Cannabis growers want plants in full bloom to grow back?

The fact is that growers who plant cannabis seeds on a regular basis often make cuttings during the growing phase, so that they can make a careful selection and maintain the phenotypes they are most interested in. This is how they maintain their genetics and have the possibility to grow them again.

In this process some adverse circumstances can happen, such as space problems, lack of time or a simple mistake, which can lead to going through the growth phase without making cuttings. The solution to preserve a certain genetics that is interesting for the producer, is going to make use of revegetation to keep it growing and from there take out the necessary cuttings.

If what has happened is a problem of photoperiod in a space of mother plant cultivation, revegetation can also be the perfect solution. This happens when some plants of more sensitive genetics bloom more quickly if the hours of light are reduced, it finally leads to a problem in the photoperiod when the transition to the flowering of its mother plants takes place.

To make a proper re-vegetation, there are different techniques such as taking cuttings of flowering plants or re-vegetation at harvest time.

Image in which a crop can be seen
Image in which a crop can be seen



⛳ Techniques for good revegetation


*Revegetation at harvest time


This is the most widespread method and also the most used when doing a revegetation. To apply this technique you must wait for the harvest and cut only the branches from which the buds will be extracted, while keeping the plant with its leaves and some healthy shoots.

After this, the plant is placed in a growing space with a photoperiod of 18h of light and 6h of darkness. At this point, you must take into account the change of nutrients that will be brought to the plant and it is convenient to apply fertilizers for its growth. It is also interesting to transplant the plant into a bigger pot and add new soil encouraging the growth of the roots.

After a few days, the plant will start producing leaves with rather strange shapes, something that should be ignored in this first phase since later on the well-formed leaves will appear as the ones we are used to seeing.

This regeneration is also very useful to check the stability of a particular variety. As the manipulation to which the plant is exposed generates a great deal of stress on it, if it is a hermaphrodite variety, it is very likely that it will show this characteristic during the process. For the breeders who want to produce new crosses, this will be a perfect technique.

Image in which you can see a harvest
Image in which you can see a harvest


*Flowering plant cuttings

There is also the option of taking cuttings from a flowering plant in order to preserve its genetics. You may have heard the term: Monster Cropping. If you want to execute this technique in the right way, the ideal is to avoid letting too much time go by. The cuttings must be taken between the second and third week of the flowering phase and from the lower parts of the plant. Also, all the pre-flowers must be cut to favor their rooting.

As with the previous technique, first you will get some slightly deformed leaves and then the plant will go back to its normal growth. The cuttings that come out of a plant with flowers will produce a much more vigorous result than those obtained from plants in the growing stage.



✨ How long and how many times ?


As you can guess by knowing the different techniques, the whole process of cannabis revegetation can take several weeks, usually between two and four. This will depend on the vigour of the plant and you can always accelerate the process a bit by using a 20/4 light cycle.

On the other hand, it is uncertain how many times the re-vegetation can be done or if it is possible to do it more than once on the same plants. The truth is that some producers repeat the technique on different occasions and obtain good results, although, as we have already concluded, it means a situation of stress for the plant and the best option is not to perform revegetation in a too consecutive way.



👌 Conclusion


When cannabis plants reach the flowering stage without the producers taking cuttings, it is possible to use the different techniques of revegetation. This consists in returning the plant to the phase of growth once it has already moved to the period of bloom.

One of the most popular techniques is revegetation at harvest time, which consists in cutting the branches from which the buds will be extracted.  The plant is placed in a growth space with a photoperiod of 18h of light and 6h of darkness and it starts again its process of growth. 

Another possibility is to take the cuttings of flowering plants, although this should always be done during the first weeks of this phase. You should cut the pre-flowers to encourage their growth. In both cases, leaves may come out a bit strange at first but then the plant will grow again as usual.

As you have seen there are several techniques of revegetation for Cannabis plants, now you know more about this old technique and you can practice it at any time.


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