Safe destinations for marijuana lovers

Reading Time 11 minutes


The safest destinations for hold cannabis for personal use
the safest destinations for hold cannabis for personal use
Alan Martínez Benito
CEO of Pev Grow, expert grower with more than 20 years of experience.
In constant struggle for the regulation of cannabis, mainly in the medicinal field.
24-11-2017 09:30:30 - Updated: 24 November, 2017


When we are planning a trip, marijuana users always think about the relationship we will have during those days with the weed we like so much and also ask ourselves questions such as…


How can I transport it there? Is it legally available in that country? Does possession of cannabis in that city have serious consequences? Does the hotel or apartment have a balcony?


When we go on vacation, the last thing we want is to have problems, so in this post I’m going to tell you what are the safest destinations for hold cannabis for personal use, and what is the current legislation in force.


You will no longer have to travel with fear of the police being able to move peacefully around the world, without fear of taking some joints for personal use.


I introduce you the countries where possession of marijuana is legal, decriminalized or simply has minimal consequences such as an administrative fine


Are you ready? Well, here we go. ?




The Netherlands



Although in the Netherlands, drugs are totally banned. The government designed an anti-drug policy where it could supervise all soft drugs sold and the quality of them, so coffeeshops emerged no less than 40 years ago, being highly regulated establishments that have become famous throughout the planet due to their peculiarity.


These “cafés” are all over the country, although the most famous coffeeshops are in Amsterdam and Rotterdam, where cannabis is consumed and can be bought either for smoking or for food.


However, always keep in mind that in these places you have to be the legal age to enter, being aware of you cannot take other stronger drugs.


The coffeeshop in Amsterdam that you can't miss
The coffeeshop in Amsterdam that you can’t miss


Don’t forget to visit: Marijuana Museum






Although not fully regulated, this country is very tolerant on marijuana, since it can be consumed peacefully throughout the country.


Even many Cambodian restaurants have elaborate recipes using cannabis on their menus, or serve some of their cannabis dishes as accompaniment.


It’s easy for a taxi driver or in the pizzeria that you will have under the hotel to get some weed, the quality of it will depend on the contacts you are able to make.


Cambodia: Recipes menus made with cannabis.
Cambodia: Recipes menus made with cannabis.






Cities such as Quebec, Vancouver, Montreal, are places with a great culture, full of museums and art centers. Canada also overflows with enviable natural heritage, such as lakes, mountains and many parks, which make up an idyllic landscape in this quiet and advanced country, which seeks to continually reinvent itself.


In the summer of 2018, this country will become the first G10 country to end the ban on recreational cannabis use.


And although it is not currently legalized, there are many establishments where smoking is allowed and even there are bars where you are served food made from marijuana.


Among Canadians there is a broad movement for legalization, a destiny that you can’t miss out!


Vancouver Restaurant
Vancouver Restaurant




North Korea


Although it may not seem a truly story , this country does not consider cannabis an illegal drug. Growing, consuming and selling is not penalized. Many North Koreans enjoy weed being especially popular with young army soldiers.


Travelers who have had the opportunity to know this hermetic country have told that plants grow everywhere, and that in a sudden way, marijuana smoke may appear in the environment.


It’s good to know that if you ask your guide where do you can get some joints, he probably won’t even answer you. They know how we occidentals treat marijuana, and prefer not to promote it in order to avoid discrediting their country.


North Korea: cultivating, consuming and selling is not penalised






Italy is the place in the world where there are more works that are considered heritage of humanity. Its streets are littered with historic monuments that we have seen 1000 times in history books. You will fed up with visit churches, sculptures and frescoes of the best known geniuses in cities like Florence, Rome or Venice.


But besides all that, lovers of smoking pot in foreign countries have the tranquility of being in a respectful place with the use of this soft drug.


Possession of cannabis for personal consumption is decriminalized with a limit of 1.5 grams. There is a large majority of Italians in favor of medical marijuana, so much that in 2017 began to sell marijuana in pharmacies.


If you are in Europe on holiday, don’t forget to visit the country of the boot. You’ll love it.


Italy: Possession of cannabis for personal consumption is decriminalized with a limit of 1.5 grams
Italy: Possession of cannabis for personal consumption is decriminalized with a limit of 1.5 grams




United States


It’s a tolerant country with cannabis, wherein is not criminalized in any state except Alabama, where the current law dates from 1931, in this state it’s illegal to have marijuana for any purpose


In contrast, there are states that have legislated for cannabis use even at recreational level, such as Colorado, Nevada, California, Washington, Oregon, Alaska, Massachusetts and Maine. There you will enjoy like a child in an amusement park. Not only you will be able to consume with total tranquillity, but also know establishments (stores, bars, restaurants…) in which the main ingredient traded is marijuana.



Colorado: where the first automatic cannabis dispenser was installed.
Colorado: where the first automatic cannabis dispenser was installed.






Although Denmark is not the most open-minded territory on this list, it is worth highlighting a peculiarity of this small Scandinavian country.


Until the 1990s its soft drug policy was quite permissive, even considering the possibility of permiting the opening of coffeeshops in the purest style of the Netherlands, but it has been in this millennium when they have radicalized their position, and although consumption is not a crime, possession of marijuana is, and can be punished with a penalty of up to two years in prison.


The interesting thing is that in the capital, Copenhagen, there is an independent commune called Free City of Christiania, where the police seem to turn a blind eye, there you can smoke and buy marijuana without any problems, there are also farmers who sell cannabis edibles like little pot cakes.


Cophenhage - Denmark: Photo of the "market" operating on the streets of Christiania.
Cophenhage – Denmark: Photo of the “market” operating on the streets of Christiania.






Spain is one of the most open-minded and respectful countries, wherein you will find beautiful beaches, ancient culture and kind people that will surely make your trip enjoyable. Marijuana is tolerated by society although at present the sale of cannabis is prohibited, there are numerous associations where you can buy and smoke if you are registered in the club.


Two of the areas with the most cannabic clubs are the Basque Country and Catalonia. In the Basque Country there are 77 cannabis clubs and around 400 in Barcelona, although you can also find cannabis associations in Valencia, Alicante, Tenerife, Madrid, Vigo etc….


Spanish people also have the possibility to plant weed at home for their own consumption. If you travel there, I recommend you to be discreet when you smoke marijuana, and don’t do it in public places, yet, the legal consequences are nothing more than an administrative fine if you have the bad luck of being catch by the police with some joints.


Cannabis Social Club
Cannabis Social Club






Jamaica is a beautiful island with paradisiacal beaches, rivers and waterfalls that are very interesting for adventure sports lovers.


You can also visit the museum dedicated to the king of reggae, the place where Bob Marley and his family lived, kept in perfect condition, a real tribute to the most famous Jamaican person with permission of Usain Bolt.


As far as cannabis is concerned, recently the possession of up to 45 grams has been decriminalized, you will only have to pay a small fine of 5 euros, if you carry more amount you can get into trouble, because the fines are much higher and can accuse you of trafficking. Of course there are numerous clubs and places where you can consume joints with certain piece of mind.


If you’re thinking of disconnecting from the routine on a Caribbean island and want to enjoy a marijuana vacation, Jamaica may be a destination to consider.


Jamaica: The Cradle of Marijuana
Jamaica: The Cradle of Marijuana






Although it’s one of the smallest countries in South America (about 3,500,000 million inhabitants make it up), Uruguay surprises by the kindness of its people, its fine-grained sand beaches and its delicious beef, don’t forget to try the barbecues they put in restaurants, are first class.


It was the first country in the world to legalize cannabis and its derivatives in 2013 for recreational and medicinal use. Self-growing in this country is allowed with a maximum of 6 plants, medicinal cannabis is sold in pharmacies, and there are numerous clubs spread throughout the country where you can buy and consume without problem.


Nowadays it’s the safest country to consume marijuana, although with the nuance that, according to the law of this country, only residents can consume and cultivate marijuana, although from my own experience I can tell you that obviously, they do not interfere with tourists in this aspect.


Uruguay becomes the first country in the world to legalize marijuana
Uruguay becomes the first country in the world to legalize marijuana






Between the enigmatic Himalayas and the bustling jungles of India lies Nepal, a country where the Nepalese character, monasteries, snow-capped peaks, sherpas and incredible rice terraceS… will captivate you forever.


As far as marijuana is concerned they are tolerant, although the 1973 law prohibits the legal use of cannabis in the country, the police turn a blind eye if you do not carry large quantities, so being discreet, you will be able to get quality joints for just 1.5 euros/gram.


I recommend you to participate in some religious rite of the sadhus rastas, it’s amazing how they smoke cannabis to reach spirituality and communicate with the gods.


Nepal: allowed only enough for consumption.
Nepal: allowed only enough for consumption.






Cities like Cartagena, Bolívar, Antioquia or Santander are places that you should know at least once in your life. If you like coffee, in Colombia you will taste the best in the world.


A good idea is to visit the Katíos National Park, declared a World Heritage Site, to delight yourself with its dream landscapes and incomparable marine biodiversity. If you want a bit of culture, don’t forget to visit the Botero Museum, an extensive collection of art in the place where the artist was born.


As far as the legal situation regarding marijuana, this year 2017, according to Decree 613 signed by the ministers of Justice, Health and Agriculture, the use of marijuana is authorized for medicinal purposes, granting the first licenses to grow cannabis legally in Colombia.


Currently, the government allows the private cultivation of up to 20 plants, while the first Grow Shops, specialized stores for the sale of cannabis products for self-growing, are starting to open.


Colombia: government permits private cultivation of up to 20 plants
Colombia: government permits private cultivation of up to 20 plants






In the Portuguese country you will find a great cultural activity, an extensive nightlife, beaches and islands that will make your vacation an unforgettable moment.


Portugal is a country of contrasts, it offers cities like Lisbon that seems to be from another era, its trams and alleys will make you lose the track of time inmerse in its beautiful neighborhoods; on the other end, you can enjoy places like Algarve, beautiful beaches, and a privileged climate throughout the year.


Now let’s talk about its anti-drug policy, one of the most advanced in the world. All narcotic substances are decriminalized and the results are satisfactory, nowadays the police do not arrest anyone for carrying up to 25 grams of marijuana. In Portugal, you may have a marijuana vacation you won’t forget.


Portugal: up to 25 grams of marijuana is allowed.
Portugal: up to 25 grams of marijuana is allowed.




Czech Republic


The capital, Prague, is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, its rivers and canals, majestic Orthodox churches and castles, will transport you to a fairy tale.


In this central European city there is a very widespread cannabis culture. Its inhabitants are open and tolerant, and much of them (more than 10%) consume weed every day.


In 2010 this country decriminalized small amounts of cannabis, so the law allows there to carry up to 15 grams. Undoubtedly a good place to enjoy our sacred plant.


Cannafest Marijuana Fair presents in Prague
Cannafest Marijuana Fair presents in Prague






The Germanic country will always surprise you, from the black jungle to the best beer, a modern country proud of its culture, which presents itself as a fabulous destination which will make your dreams come true.


Although it’s not the most liberal country in terms of drugs policy, marijuana for medicinal use is authorized by the government for sale in pharmacies. At the moment there is no significant progress in terms of recreational use, but you won’t have much trouble (except for an administrative fine) if the police find out that you are carrying some cannabis for your own consumption.



Los médicos alemanes pueden prescribir tratamientos de cannabis
German doctors can prescribe cannabis treatments





Switzerland is one of the greener countries in the old continent, full of museums and history, lakes and nature, and endless mountain villages that seem to be drawn from a fairy tale. A perfect country for skiing and practicing outdoor sports.


As far as marijuana is concerned, this nation is open, and has one of the most advanced anti-drug policies in Europe. You can carry up to 10 grams of weed and you will only be subject to an administrative penalty.


Swiss people are also quite advanced in its medicinal use. Thanks to being the only European country where it is legal to sell marijuana with less than 1% of THC, has created a large industry of therapeutic products that you can find in specialized stores, ranging from candies with CBD to the sale of cannabis buds for infusion or vaping.


An excellent choice for a holiday destination if you also like enjoying a good joint when you are relaxing while visiting a foreign country.


Cannabis is recognized as a substitute for tobacco in Switzerland
Cannabis is recognized as a substitute for tobacco in Switzerland






The capital of Europe has an enviable historical and cultural heritage. Don’t forget to visit Bruges if you are looking for medieval scenery, it’s impossible not to be stunned by the little houses which look directly at its channels. Another beautiful city is Ghent, where you will find the old quays of Graslei and Korenlei, one of the busiest and most beautiful places.


Cannabis in Belgium was legalized for therapeutic use, there are cannabis clubs where people have access to it on a medicinal level. Recreational users were also considered, with the cultivation of a single plant for private use being decriminalized.


Although there is a certain permissiveness on the part of the authorities if you are caught smoking pot, it should be remembered that selling marijuana is considered a crime and carry prison sentences ranging from 3 months to 5 years, and a fine ranging from 1000 to 100,000 euros.


Belgium: marijuana for therapeutic use legalized
Belgium: marijuana for therapeutic use legalized






When you land on the Holy Land, you have multiple options to make your trip unforgettable. The Dead Sea, Nazareth, Mount Zion or the Qumran National Park, where the oldest scrolls known from the Bible are located, are experiences you will never forget.


The Israelites are respectful people with the use of cannabis, in fact, if you smoke in the street, it’s not uncommon to be asked for a puff. Israel was the first country in the middle East to approve the use of marijuana for medicinal use, and its recreational use is also decriminalized. If the police catch you smoking in public places, they’ll give you a fine of about 250 euros, but things won’t go beyond..


There are also growshops and coffeeshops where you can quietly consume weed and drink some beer. What else can you ask for?


Israel approves the use of marijuana for medicinal use and decriminalized its recreational use.
Israel approves the use of marijuana for medicinal use and decriminalized its recreational use.






This Asian country will give you a breathtaking wilderness, such as Sundarbans National Park, with the largest mangrove forest on the planet.


A visit you can’t miss is the Buddhist monastery of Vihara, one of the most famous in the world, located in the city of Naogaon. And if you have an additional day, you have the mosque-city of Bagerhat in the delta of the Ganges River, with more than 6 centuries old can boast of having the highest concentration of mosques and Islamic monuments in the world; of course it has the distinction of World Heritage Site by UNESCO.


To get to the point, in this region marijuana grows wildly, it’s worth remembering that some marijuana genetics from this part of the world are present in the best strains.


The good thing here is that there are no specific laws that regulate the consumption of cannabis, therefore, there is a free way to find the sacred plant as you think best, you will have no problem in talking to a farmer who can sell you a few grams of their crop and enjoy first-hand what this enigmatic culture means.


Sundarbans National Park
Sundarbans National Park






This beautiful island in northern Europe has many attractions to visit. Aurora borealis, thermal waters, waterfalls and a landscape that looks like from another planet. Diving is an activity that you certainly could not have considered and you shouldn’t miss out if you have an adventurous spirit; In the Silfra rift is the only place in the world where you can dive between two continental plates. Divers who have submerged here say that it is possible to see more than 100 meters thanks to the clarity of its waters.


Icelanders are also a cannabis-loving population, have the world’s highest consumer rate of cannabis per capita, and Icelandic legislation only contemplates small fines for people who cultivate or consume cannabis in public places.


Nonetheless, politicians in this small country want to go one step further and seek to create a legal framework to regulate the basic health parameters for cannabis production and sales.


A country that won’t leave you indifferent.


The Silfra rift in Iceland: the only place in the world where you can dive between two continental plates
The Silfra rift in Iceland: the only place in the world where you can dive between two continental plates


I hope you liked this selection, if you know any country that could be on this list because of its permissiveness with our beloved weed, I will be happy to read your comment. ?✍️

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