Sputnik Seeds
Sputnik Seeds: the champions of feminized seeds
The Sputnik Seeds feminized seed catalogue has just burst into our online store. This is a Spanish seed bank, and also very good friends of ours, and therefore we know first hand, the effort and good work of all its members, as we work closely with them. Their creations have been awarded with numerous cannabic prizes in competitions cannábicos of European renown, with which it has been demonstrated that during more than ten decades of work and more work, in the end the things have gone well, but this only has done that to begin, Do you go up to our ship of the cannabis and meet together Sputnik Seeds?
Discover the best feminized varieties of Sputnik Seeds:
Critical Bang
The flagship of Sputnik Seeds is Critical Bang, whose productivity can reach the chilling figure of 600 gr per m2 indoors and 1000 gr per floor under the sun, and is also full of resin, making it perfect for BHO extractions. Indoors, if you can place 14 copies per m2 in pots of 7 liters, with a HPS lighting system of 600w. Outdoors, make sure it is well nourished, for this you have a wide range of fertilizers in our online store so you can feed it as it deserves.
AK mir
If you're looking for a good dose of psychoactivity, AK mir is a real beast, with THC levels of 22%, which provides a long-lasting brain effect, and thanks to which you'll be able to climb the front row to Space Mountain without leaving the couch. Its productivity is very high, giving you a dense and heavy buds practically without disheveling, simply providing a good quality irrigation and a good substrate like worm humus. Under the sunlight you can collect up to 1 kilogram per plant.
Black Domina Explosion
Black Domina Explosion is the largest marijuana seed in the Sputnik Seeds collection, and when its 9-week flowering period ends, it will be absolutely replete with buds. Its origin is a consequence of the union between Northern Lights and Black Domina, What can come out of here? Well, an unprecedented success! In indoor cultivation, you'll need 11 litre pots, so that your large roots have room to grow and develop to their full potential. In outdoor crops, it is best to place it in the area of the terrace where there are more hours of sun, and in combination with a great fertilizer such as Yummi Yield Snoop Dogg Nutrients, can reach up to 1000 grams of production.
Galaxy Cheese
Galaxy Cheese, version of the mythical variety that drags thousands and thousands of followers throughout Britain where it is a myth. It keeps intact its smell and taste of cured cheese with a touch of spice, but has given it greater resistance to pests and insects, as well as enormous productivity. On outdoor crops, you won't need extra care to give you a more than reasonable harvest.
Major Somango
Somango Mayor, is the result of the genetic combination between Super Skunk, Big Skunk Korean and Jack Herer, simply with this ancestry, it is clear that we are before one of the future aspirants to the throne of world queen of cannabis. Its organoleptic properties are a real spectacle, are characterized by a taste of grapefruit, and a very fresh citrus aroma, which will certainly hook you. If you opt for an indoor crop, you will receive a good harvest, up to 600 gr per m2. Outdoors, use a spongy substrate and the necessary dose of nutrients and you can collect up to 900 gr per plant.
I warn you, when you try one of these wonders, you will be so amazed that you won't want to try another, and if you don't fall in love as much as I do, what I guarantee is that they will be an indispensable part of your private dispensary. Discover them now at PevGrow!
Sputnik Seeds: Discover their impressive auto varieties
Welcome to the most fashionable online Growshop! On this occasion you can discover the impressive autoflowering varieties of Sputnik Seeds. All of them are characterized by first-rate quality standards, corroborated by the numerous cannabic prizes they treasure in their showcases. Their experience of more than 10 years, is noticed in every detail, with flavor and aromas very taken care of, to provide you an experience that you will take a lot of time in forgetting.
Personally, the autoflowering seeds of Sputnik Seeds are some of my favorites, when I need automatic, the truth is that I always resort to their catalog, so I have taken the liberty of making a selection of which in my opinion are the most prominent, Let's go!
The best autoflowering seeds from Sputnik Seeds:
Northern Light Sky Auto
It comes from the union between Northern Lights, Skunk and Ruderalis, and becomes a plant much more productive, strong and powerful than its predecessors. Indoors, it is a perfect choice, because its small size is ideal for those who have little space in your closet, so I recommend you use pots of 11 liters, undoubtedly the best choice given its size, and you can collect between about 600 gr per m2. In outdoor crops, you can harvest up to 110 grams per plant, and the good thing is that even growers who live in the city, can place it on small balconies, as long as it receives a good dose of sunlight.
Critical Bang Auto
One of the most potent autoflowering seeds of Sputnik Seeds, with a 20% THC with which you can enjoy a powerful experience, with a fast climb and a very pleasant body relaxation, perfect for lovers of cannabis travel. In interior cultures, in 10 weeks from the germination you will be able to collect 600 gr by m2, and in addition without any extra care, simply giving him a good fertilizer, and to place it under a system of illumination HPS of 600W, so that it obtains to reach his maximum splendor. In outdoor crops, if you have the option of using mother earth as a substrate, it will be perfect because it will naturally obtain all the nutrients it needs. In a definitive pot of 18 liters, with which Critical Bang Auto will have plenty of space for its roots, and therefore, productivity will be squeezed to the maximum, being able to collect up to 100 gr per plant.
Star Widow Auto
It will be your choice if you are looking for a variety for therapeutic use, due to its high content of CBD. More specifically, its pleasant and calming effect is recommended for the treatment of states of anxiety, insomnia, states of nervous alteration, and so on. If the plants under the sun in a substrate enriched with nutrients, you will favour stronger roots and consequently a greater production, up to 80 grams of flowers of top quality more concretely.
Ak Mir Auto
The variety auto more psychoactive, if you are not accustomed to marijuana is better not to notice this strain. Its THC percentage is higher than 22%, so the initial climb is a real trip to space, where you won't need a spacesuit or even a ship, since you don't need to move from the sofa. In outdoor crops, uses a final pot of 18 liters and a good stimulant to fatten buds in the final stage of flowering as Brutal Buds, which is undoubtedly the number one, and provides that extra dose of phosphorus and potassium that require buds to feed and grow very strong.
This is just a small selection of Sputnik Seeds Auto's great know-how, don't hesitate and discover the rest of the auto-flowering varieties from a Spanish seed bank, which is growing by leaps and bounds. It is now available at the best price in your trusted Growshop!
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