03-03-2020 11:00:16 - Updated: 3 March, 2020
Rosin has started a real revolution in the world of cannabis extractions. The speed and ease you can get a pure concentrate has displaced other forms of extract as favorites for cannabis users. In this post we will see what it is, how it is done and other curiosities. Would you like to discover them? Keep reading…😀
📲 What is Rosin?
It is a method of cannabis extraction based on 3 factors that determine the quality and quantity of the final product: pressure, temperature and time. Usually a multi-ton press, filters and rosin paper are used, but there are more ways to do this.
What does Rosin mean?
In Spanish it is resin or rosin, and the definition of rosin is something like the amber residue obtained from the distillation of raw oleoresin. In our case it does not come from distillation, the process is different but the by-product obtained is similar.
It emerged in the USA, when a user put a bud wrapped in baking paper in a hair iron and pressed until resin started to come out. Since then the technique has not stopped evolving and nowadays there are thousands of Rosin Tech fans all over the world.
➕ What do you need to make Rosin?
The most important thing is the rosin press, and you’ll say… and what is a rosin press? It is just a press, which can be pneumatic or hydraulic, adapted with adjustable heat plates, used to press cannabis until its resin is extracted. There are portable presses that work very well, but there are also producers who use giant industrial presses.
This new press will transform plants extracts into a compact paste to make it easier to remove excess water. Jack Puck consists of a removable mold, which allows heating in the oven or other heating surface…
Dimensions: 11,4 x 11,4 x 29,2 cm
Inside diameter mold : 7cm
Mold Height: 6,35 cm
You will also need filter bags or meshes for rosin, they are used to introduce buds or hash, so they do not mix with the rosin extraction. They have holes of different sizes measured in Microns, ranging from 25 to 190 Microns.
If you have a press for Rosin Hash and want to make an extraction with the best guarantees, these nylon filters by Secret Smoke will help you. They are perfect for making homemade marijuana extracts without suffering unforeseen events…
25 microns…50 x 114 mm.
37 microns…63 x 114 mm.
120 microns…50 x 114 mm.
160 microns…63 x 114 mm.
Another thing you’ll need is rosin paper, which is a type of silicone paper that is quite non-sticky, that is used to wrap the meshes so that resin is stuck there. Then it is easy to collect the rosin from the paper with the help of a dab or similar.
Now you can buy at the best price in PevGrow, the new product from the guys of RAW to make your life easier, RAW Paper Roll! With RAW Paper Roll in envelope format, you can handle your resins or BHO easily and simply, because they are coated with a layer of natural wax that, as well as being environmentally friendly, is non-toxic…
– Each envelope measures 8 cm x 8 cm
– RAW roll of full parchment: 30 cm x 10 m
And the essential element, obviously, is cannabis, which can be in flower, kief, bubble hash or even crop trimmings form. Let’s take a look at all the elements needed to make rosin tech separately to make it clearer.
🚀 Rosin’s Presses
There are dozens of models of presses for making rosin, with different sizes, shapes and powers. You might think that the more tons of pressure the press can apply, the better, but this is not always the case, as 10 tons is more than enough.
There are pneumatic presses that facilitate the process of extracting rosin, as they work with a compressor that is just a push of a button, without the need for any extra effort.
Electric rosin presses are also very comfortable, as are the pneumatic ones. They do not require any effort, but they are not as powerful and are quite expensive.
The most widespread model of rosin press is operated by a hydraulic jack. You can find them from half a ton to over 30 tons. The problem with the biggest ones is the difficulty of transporting them, but in terms of quality/price they are unmatched.
The most practical are the high-powered portable presses, as they are lightweight but offer great features. A portable press that is not too heavy or takes up much space, and has a pressing power of 5, 6 or 10 tons is ideal for getting a high performance and quality of solvent free extract.
✅ Filter bags or meshes for Rosin
These bags act as a filter so that the concentrate is not mixed with the raw material during the extraction process. They are more important when we are going to press kief or bubble hash than for flowers, because when you crush buds most of the plant residues can be cleaned manually, however we recommend their use in any case.
The measures of the holes of these meshes vary depending on the raw material used for pressing, below you can see the recommended filter microns for each type of extraction:
- 25 Microns : For bubble hash or kief, less return but supreme quality
- 37 Microns : For bubble hash or kief, good balance between return and high quality
- 45 Microns : For bubble hash or kief, great return and good quality
- 73 Microns : For kief, flowers or trimmings, good return and excellent quality
- 90 Microns : For kief, flowers or trimmings, best return with very good quality
- 120 Microns : For flowers or cuttings, very good return and still very good quality
- 160 Microns : For flowers or cuttings, great return and good quality
- 190 Microns : For flowers or cuttings, excellent return and still good quality
🔥 What’s the best paper to make Rosin ?
Until relatively recently we all used baking paper to make rosin, which can be used, but since specific papers for extractions came out, they are the most recommended. Among all the brands we stay with Raw for its resistance and effectiveness, since it allows scratching the concentrates with dabs or blades without breaking.
Another point in its favour is that it does not contain Quilon, a chemical component usually found in normal baking papers that can be harmful. It is covered by a thin silicone film that makes it very non-stick, and you can buy it on a roll or in separate sheets.
Another brand of paper to make rosin that we like is Lion Rolling Circus, made with 100% natural paper, without bleach and with a low porosity and great non-stick power.
🎯 How to make Rosin? Making Flower Rosin
Rosin technique is quite simple, you just have to heat the heat plates of the press until they reach a temperature of about 194º F (90º C). While they are heating up, we take a dry bud and introduce it into the filter, measuring between 73 and 190 microns, we take a piece of rosin paper and wrap everything up in a kind of envelope.
Once the temperature has been reached, we introduce the prepared envelope with the bud and the filter between the plates of the press, taking care not to burn ourselves.
Then we start to apply pressure little by little, to the maximum we can, and we maintain the pressure for about 3 minutes, or until we see that the resin stops coming out. Then we open the plates and take out our envelope, we open it and remove the filter with the bud and we put it in the freezer the paper with the rosin stuck on it for a few minutes.
This is the most common way to make homemade rosin with flowers or buds, but there are other methods to achieve different textures and qualities, such as Live rosin
▶ How to make Live Rosin?
The process is similar, but changes raw material, pressure time, filters and temperature. In this case instead of dried buds we need Bubble hash made with the Fresh Frozen method, in other words, made with fresh frozen vegetable matter.
Once the bubble hash sample dried, we introduce it in a filter bag of 25, 37, 45 or 73 Microns, and cover it with rosin paper while heating the plates of the press to a temperature of about 167º F (75º C). When it reaches that temperature we place it between the heated plates and press it very slowly, slower than with the flowers, since the hash expels more resin and if it is done quickly the filter can be broken.
👾 How to remove the Rosin from the paper
When rosin is still hot it is difficult to remove it from the paper, so we recommend putting it in the freezer for a few minutes, this is the way to stabilize the rosin. Once it has cooled down it is easy to remove it with the help of a dab or similar, with the tip we separate a little bit of rosin carefully, it is the most difficult part, because then that rosin that you have in the tip of the dab helps you to remove the rest more easily.
We have also seen people gluing one part of the paper with rosin with other areas of the paper, so that as they are glued and removed, the extraction will come off and adhere to the part with more rosin.
📱 How much weight or profit do you get from the rosin?
Normally, with a cured, well cultivated and resinous flower, there is usually a rosin return between 12% and 22% of the total weight of the flower. With kief you can get a return between 40% and 60%, it is a good way to clean the dry hash. The highest return on rosin is achieved by making live rosin, up to 80%, but of course, think that in this case the raw material is already a quality concentrate.
As with other extraction techniques, the return of the rosin depends on several factors. The first one is the quality of the raw material, if it is a bud with little resin it is impossible to achieve a great weight with our concentrate. The second factor is the temperature during the pressing process, the higher the temperature, the higher the return, but of poorer quality.
Another variant that has an influence is the drying of the plant material, the drier it is the more return, but also of poorer quality. Pressing pressure is also important, with a pressure of 10 tons there is more return than with 2 tons with the same raw material.
🎬 How to consume Rosin
Here comes the part we like best, the time to taste our extraction, and it can be done in many ways. Although it can be consumed as soon as it is taken out of the press, the ideal is to stabilize it and then leave it for a few days so that the concentrate “settles” before enjoying it.
If you like to smoke, the best thing to smoke rosin is bongs or crystal pipes, a good rosin dab will lift anyone’s spirits.
From our point of view, the best way to enjoy the taste and effect is to vaporize the rosin. With the help of a good vaporizer like Pax 3 you take advantage of each and every terpene, and it is much less toxic than smoking. Rosin vaporizer cartridges are very popular in many places because of the comfort and discretion they offer.
You can also cook edibles with rosin, which is very popular in the USA, Canada and other countries. In this case remember to decarboxylate the rosin before mixing it with your favorite recipe, to activate all the cannabinoids.
🧐 Rosin Effects
Rosin’s power is on a par with the best Bubble hash, above kief or dry hash and also charas of course, and only surpassed by some extractions with solvents. The best thing about rosin effect is that as it contains more terpenes than most concentrates, entourage effect is more effective, with the rosin becoming more potent than many BHO types and even THC diamonds without terpene sauce.
Vaporizing rosin or smoking it in a dab offers you a very clean effect, then it will depend on the genetics used so that the potency is relaxing or stimulating, but it is certainly a much clearer and cleaner effect than rolling a rosin joint with tobacco.
💻 BHO Vs Rosin
BHO can give you a little more return and power than Rosin, but the danger of working with gas is a point against it. Purging BHO is a rather delicate subject and difficult to carry out correctly, since the balance between cleaning all the gas without removing the terpenes is not easy to achieve. The time it takes from when you make the BHO extraction until it can be consumed is much longer than that of the rosin.
Rosin can be made and consumed in less than 5 minutes, it is better to let it rest, but if you want you can try it. Apart from speed, the safety of working with the press has nothing to do with using flammable gas. Rosin does not need to be purged, which makes the post-extraction process much easier.
Personally I prefer rosin, not only for the safety and speed, but also for the quality of the final product, which usually has more aroma and taste.
– What is BHO?
– Find the main differences between BHO and DHO
– Rosin hash technique: one of the latest trends
– Live Resin, extractions cannabinoids
⚠️ Conclusion
Rosin is the cannabic concentrate with the best ratio between ease and quality, perhaps that’s why it has replaced other extractions as the common users’ favourite. In just five years it has evolved a lot, and I’m sure it will continue to do so because there are more and more Rosin fans.
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