Stage Reverse Osmosis System

Improve the quality of your crop with reverse osmosis systems at Pevgrow. Pure water for your plants, high-quality filters and membranes, and expert advice. Shop online at the best price!

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Are you looking for a solution to improve the cannabis plant watering? Well, you're in luck for stumbling upon Pevgrow, where you'll find a wide variety of water osmosis systems. If you are passionate about cultivation and want to give your plants the best possible care, you've come to the right place. Here you will discover everything you need to know about reverse osmosis systems, their benefits, and how to choose the right equipment for your needs.

Water Osmosis Systems Sale

At Pevgrow, we specialize in offering you the best water osmosis systems. We know that for high-quality crops, the water you use is crucial. Reverse osmosis is an advanced technique that allows obtaining pure water, eliminating impurities and minerals that can affect the growth and health of your plants. Our systems are designed to provide the highest quality water, ensuring that your crops receive the best care.

Benefits of Using Osmosis Systems

  • Pure and Clean Water: Removes up to 99% of impurities present in the water, including chlorine, fluoride, heavy metals, and other contaminants that can be harmful to plants.
  • Improves Plant Health: Provides soft water that facilitates nutrient absorption, which is essential for vigorous and healthy growth.
  • Efficiency and Savings: Reduces the need for fertilizers and other chemical additives, as pure water allows better nutrient dosing.
  • Versatility: Suitable for any type of cultivation, whether indoors, outdoors, hydroponic, or in soil.
  • Long Duration: Reverse osmosis systems are durable and require little maintenance, making them a long-term investment for any serious grower.

Order Your Reverse Osmosis Here to Get Soft Water for Irrigation

If you are looking for soft water for your crops, reverse osmosis is the ideal solution. At Pevgrow, you can find a selection of reverse osmosis equipment designed to ensure a constant supply of pure water. Reverse osmosis is especially beneficial for cannabis cultivation, as it allows precise control of the nutrients that plants receive. If the water is too hard, you won't be able to add many nutrients, therefore the plants will not feed well. Another problem is that if you water many times with hard water, it is most common to generate a nutrient lockout problem, especially magnesium due to the excess lime in the water. You can check the hardness of the water with an EC meter.

Why Choose Reverse Osmosis?

  • Total Water Control: Adjusts the quality of the water according to the specific needs of your plants, allowing you to create an optimal cultivation environment.
  • Ease of Use: Intuitive and easy-to-install systems, perfect for both beginners and experienced growers.
  • Versatility: Ideal for various types of crops and irrigation conditions, ensuring that you always have access to the best quality water.

Tips to Make the Most of Your Osmosis System

  • Regular Monitoring: Periodically check the water quality and the state of the filters to ensure that the system operates optimally.
  • Filter Replacement: Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for replacing the filters and the membrane, usually every 6 to 12 months.
  • Water Pretreatment: If your incoming water has very high levels of chlorine or sediments, consider pretreating it with specific filters to extend the life of the osmosis system.

Choose Osmosis Filters and Membranes of Different Types

A fundamental aspect of osmosis systems is the quality of their filters and membranes. At Pevgrow, we offer you a variety of filters and membranes that adapt to different needs and budgets. Activated carbon filters, for example, are excellent for removing chlorine and organic compounds, while reverse osmosis membranes are responsible for retaining salts and heavy metals.

Types of Filters Available

  • Activated Carbon Filters: Remove chlorine and improve the taste of water. They are ideal for water pretreatment before it passes through the reverse osmosis membrane.
  • Sedimentary Filters: Retain large particles such as sand and rust, protecting the reverse osmosis membrane from clogs and damage.
  • Reverse Osmosis Membranes: The core of the system, they remove salts, heavy metals, and other dissolved contaminants in the water, ensuring pure and soft water.

Filter Comparison

Filter Type Function Benefits
Activated Carbon Removes chlorine and organic compounds Improves the taste and smell of water
Sedimentary Retains large particles Protects the main membrane
Reverse Osmosis Membranes Removes salts and heavy metals Provides pure and soft water

How to Choose the Right Filter

Choosing the right filter depends on the quality of the incoming water and the specific needs of your cultivation. If the water in your area is very hard like in many areas of Spain and Europe, or contains high levels of chlorine as happens in other regions, an activated carbon filter is essential. For waters with a lot of sediment, a sedimentary filter will protect your osmosis system. The reverse osmosis membrane is always necessary to ensure the removal of dissolved contaminants.

Install a Reverse Osmosis Equipment to Give the Best to Your Plants

Installing reverse osmosis equipment in your cultivation is an investment that will allow you to significantly improve the quality of water and, therefore, the health of your plants. Reverse osmosis equipment is easy to install and maintain, and offers long-term benefits that translate into more abundant and better quality crops.

Installation Advantages

  • Easy Maintenance: Systems designed for minimal maintenance, with easily replaceable filters.
  • Proven Results: Visible improvement in the growth and health of plants thanks to a constant supply of pure water.
  • Sustainability: Efficient use of water, reducing waste and promoting more ecological cultivation.

Installation Tips

  • Suitable Location: Install the system in an accessible place and close to a water source and drain.
  • Complete Installation Kit: Make sure you have all the necessary tools and components before starting the installation.
  • Initial Tests: After installation, perform tests to ensure there are no leaks and that the system is working properly.

How to Install a Reverse Osmosis Device

Installing a reverse osmosis system may seem complicated, but with the right instructions, it is a straightforward process. Here we offer you a step-by-step guide so you can install your equipment without any problems.

Step by Step for Installation

  1. Prepare the Installation Area: Make sure you have enough space and access to a water source and a drain.
  2. Install the Sediment Filter: Connect the sediment filter to the water supply.
  3. Connect the Activated Carbon Filter: After the sediment filter, install the activated carbon filter.
  4. Install the Reverse Osmosis Membrane: Connect the main membrane after the carbon filter.
  5. Connect the Storage Tank: Secure the storage tank to the filtration system.
  6. Install the Water Faucet: Connect the purified water faucet to the system.
  7. Verify Connections: Make sure all connections are well adjusted and without leaks.
  8. Start the System: Open the water supply and allow the system to fill and purify the water.

Order of Osmosis Filters

It is important to follow the correct order when installing the filters to ensure the efficient operation of the system. The recommended order is:

  1. Sediment Filter
  2. Activated Carbon Filter
  3. Reverse Osmosis Membrane

*This is a standard installation, but not all osmosis equipment is the same.

Buy Osmosis at the Best Online Price at Pevgrow

At Pevgrow, we offer you the opportunity to buy osmosis systems at the best online price. We have a wide range of products that adapt to all needs and budgets. Additionally, our team of experts is always available to advise you and help you choose the perfect osmosis system for your cultivation.

Don't wait any longer and improve the quality of your cultivation water with our reverse osmosis systems. At Pevgrow, you'll find the best selection of equipment, filters, and membranes to ensure that your plants receive only the best. Visit our online store and place your order today. Your plants will thank you!


What is osmosis?
Osmosis is a natural process whereby water passes through a semi-permeable membrane from a solution of lower concentration to one of higher concentration. In the context of reverse osmosis, external pressure is used to reverse this flow and obtain pure, impurity-free water.
How does a reverse osmosis device work?
A reverse osmosis device works by pressurizing water that is pushed through a series of filters and a semi-permeable membrane. This process removes impurities, minerals, and contaminants, providing pure and high-quality water. The system generally includes sediment filters, activated carbon filters, and a reverse osmosis membrane.
Is it good to drink osmosis water?
Yes, drinking osmosis water is safe and beneficial. Water purified by reverse osmosis is free of contaminants, chlorine, and heavy metals, making it ideal for human consumption. Additionally, it improves the taste and quality of the water, providing a healthy option for hydration.
How often should I change the osmosis filters?
Osmosis filters should be changed regularly to ensure their effectiveness. Generally, sediment and activated carbon filters should be changed every 6 to 12 months, while the reverse osmosis membrane can last between 2 to 3 years depending on use and the quality of the incoming water.
What are the advantages of using osmosis water in cannabis cultivation?
Using osmosis water in cannabis cultivation has several advantages, including the elimination of unwanted salts and minerals that can affect nutrient absorption. It also allows more precise control over nutrient levels in the water, which can improve the health and performance of the plants.
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