Expanded clay use for hydroponics

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This lightweight ceramic aggregate and mixed with iron is widely used in different types of hydroponics for effectiveness. Two main benefits, first, that it is a natural product and, secondly, that avoids frost soil.

To care marijuana plants from Piensa en Verde, always recommend using, as far as possible, products that are as natural as possible and today we want to focus just on one of them: expanded clay (Arlit).

It is a natural clay containing a high amount of iron and is very useful for the conservation of the soil which our plants are cultivated, besides being particularly employed in different types of hydroponic cultivation by absorption capacity having the arlita water, thereby maintaining adequate moisture the plant needs.

It is curious that this type of natural material is also used in other areas, especially in the construction industry, for thermal insulation and the results are superb.

However, we just want to focus on the benefits of using the Arlita inside marijuana cultivation and how to use it to give the best possible results. We begin!

Appearance and functions


This is a type of substrate, usually has a round shape and is inert, allowing it to be reused, but there is a biodegradable product.300px-Hydroton

Arlit function is to absorb water by capillary action, and retain moisture for a long time. Besides allowing aerate the roots, what is needed in the marijuana plant, and this material allows us to perfectly.

Other advantages and benefits of using this type of substrate in the indoor growing of marijuana is to avoid frost in the ground, lightening the final mixture and, being a natural product, it does not have any harmful effect on plant undoubtedly another of its great advantages.

How and in what kind of crops using the arlita

As mentioned at the beginning, this type of substrate is ideal for use in some of the different types of hydroponics.

Specifically, where it is recommended for use in recirculating systems such as drip irrigation via potted or tray and flood or tide.

Prior to include it in our culture, it is always recommended to wash as being a natural product, it may contain traces of residues or 1115_medidor-ph-wassertech-piensaenverdeimpurities, and therefore, the best thing to do is, after cleaning, stabilize correctly. How?

Arlita have to enter into a bucket with water whose pH is stabilized (5.5.) And leave it in the same for 24/48 hours. At this time the water should be changed every day, so that the pH stabilized again.

From that moment we can use the arlita on our growing marijuana.

Turning to the type of crops that can be employed arlita worth mentioning that, as far as the system flood or tide is concerned, the arlita affixed to the great large deep pan that is used in them.

This tray you must have a drainage system that allows the land where you have placed the said substrate is wet but not drowned in water, so we can water our plant whenever necessary.

system flood or tide
system flood or tide
Alan Martínez Benito
CEO of Pev Grow, expert grower with more than 20 years of experience.
In constant struggle for the regulation of cannabis, mainly in the medicinal field.
26-08-2015 07:00:01 - Updated: 26 August, 2015

As far as drip systems that are grown in Arlit, it is important the placement of drip systems, since it must be able to cover the entire container, not just part of it, so that our plant has not no problem for further development.

drip systems
drip systems

Similarly, it is also important to control ventilation systems, so that the moisture content of the closet or room in which the plant is grown, always the best for the proper development of our plant. You can check the list of extractors and fans we have in Piensa En Verde for the proper care of your plant in this type of cropping system.
By Noelia Jiménez, Team Piensa En Verde

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