Complete Guide to Bio Heaven: Usage and Dosage for Cannabis

Reading Time 2 minutes
A bottle of Bio-Heaven on top of stones with a background simulating a multicolor water explosion
A bottle of Bio-Heaven on top of stones with a background simulating a multicolor water explosion
Alan Martínez Benito
CEO of Pev Grow, expert grower with more than 20 years of experience.
In constant struggle for the regulation of cannabis, mainly in the medicinal field.
24-11-2023 09:00:00 - Updated: 24 November, 2023


Welcome to this comprehensive guide where you will discover how to maximize the health and performance of your cannabis plants with the use of Bio Heaven by Biobizz. This biological energy enhancer is key to improving nutrient absorption and retention, boosting the vigor of your plants.



⚠️ Bio Heaven: How to Use


Bio Heaven is a product that must be handled with care to ensure maximum effectiveness. Before using it, it is essential to shake the bottle well as is normal with organic fertilizers. This product should be mixed with soft water, whether it is osmosis, distilled, or tap water as long as it does not have a hardness above 0.4 EC. It is important to combine Bio Heaven with other products from the Biobizz range, following the grow chart provided by the manufacturer to get the right dosages for each phase. Once you have added the recommended amount of each fertilizer in addition to Bio Heaven, it’s time to adjust the PH so that the plants can assimilate all the nutrients. Lastly, and this is optional although advisable, you can heat the water to 20-22º C to avoid causing any shock to the root system. Once used, remember to store Bio Heaven in a cool, dry, and dark place to preserve its quality.



👾 Bio Heaven Grow Chart

The Biobizz grow chart is essential for administering Bio Heaven correctly throughout the life cycle of your cannabis plants. Based on the information provided by the manufacturer, here we offer you a simplified and clear chart for Bio Heaven, distinguishing between the growth and flowering phases:

Week Growth Phase (ml/L of water) Flowering Phase (ml/L of water)
1 2
2 2
3 2
4 2
5 2
6 2
7 3
8 4
9 4
10 5
11 5
12 5

Note: The weeks of growth and flowering may vary depending on the strain and environmental conditions. Adjust the chart according to the specific developmental phases of your plants.



🧐 Bio Heaven Dosage

The dosage of Bio Heaven can vary depending on various factors such as the growing method (soil, coco, hydroponics), the cannabis strain, whether they are autoflowering varieties, light intensity, or the use of CO2, among others. Although Biobizz provides general recommendations, observation and experience with your plants will guide you to adjust the dosage to their specific needs.



✅ Conclusions

In summary, Bio Heaven is a biological additive that significantly improves nutrient absorption in your cannabis plants. Remember to follow the grow chart provided, adjust the dosage according to the circumstances of your grow, and store the product properly. With the correct use of Bio Heaven, your plants will reach optimal development.



✨ Frequently Asked Questions Related to the Use of Bio Heaven


Can I use Bio Heaven from the start of my grow?

Yes, you can start using Bio Heaven from the early weeks following the grow chart adapted to the growth and flowering phases.


Is Bio Heaven compatible with other fertilizers?

Absolutely, Bio Heaven can be used in conjunction with the full range of Biobizz products and other fertilizers.


What happens if I overdose on Bio Heaven?

An overdose can cause toxicity in the plants. It’s better to use conservative doses and adjust according to your plants’ response.

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