Discover when cannabis buds grow the most and how to maximize their growth

Reading Time 6 minutes



Illustration of different growth stages of a cannabis plant shown on a rectangular platform. The platform has an arrow pointing to a fully developed plant, highlighting “when-do-cannabis-buds-grow-the-most”.
Alan Martínez Benito
CEO of Pev Grow, expert grower with more than 20 years of experience.
In constant struggle for the regulation of cannabis, mainly in the medicinal field.
15-08-2024 07:01:57 - Updated: 15 August, 2024


Cannabis buds usually bulk up the most during the last weeks of the flowering phase. This critical period, generally the last 2-3 weeks before harvest, is when the plants concentrate most of their energy on flower development. It is essential to provide the right conditions of light, nutrients, and care to maximize the growth and size of the buds.



✅When Do Buds Grow the Most?



Understanding when and how cannabis buds grow the most can be the key to a bountiful and high-quality harvest. This article will delve into the factors that influence bud bulking, from growth phases to optimal cultivation practices.


Growth Phases of Buds

Vegetative Phase

  • Duration: 4-8 weeks
  • Focus: Development of the plant structure (stems and leaves).

During this phase, the cannabis plant focuses on vegetative growth, developing a strong root system and dense foliage. Although there is no bud formation, a robust plant at this stage will establish a solid foundation for successful flowering.

Pre-flowering Phase

  • Duration: 1-2 weeks
  • Focus: Transition from vegetative growth to flowering.

Here, the plant starts to show the first signs of sex and small pistils begin to appear. It is crucial to adjust the light cycle to 12/12 (12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness) to induce flowering in photoperiod plants.

Early Flowering Phase

  • Duration: 3-5 weeks
  • Focus: Initial bud formation.

In this phase, buds begin to form and develop. The plant continues to grow in height and width, and the first clusters of flowers become visible. It is important to maintain a nutrient balance to support this growth.

Mid Flowering Phase

  • Duration: 3-4 weeks
  • Focus: Development and expansion of buds.

During this stage, buds begin to bulk up significantly. The plant redirects more energy towards flower and trichome production. Proper administration of flowering-specific nutrients (rich in phosphorus and potassium) is essential.

Late Flowering Phase

  • Duration: 2-3 weeks
  • Focus: Final bulking and maturation of buds.

This is the critical phase where buds bulk up the most. The plant concentrates all its energy on flower development and resin production. Slightly reducing nitrogen supply and increasing phosphorus and potassium can enhance bud growth.


Factors Influencing Bud Growth


Light is one of the most important factors in cannabis cultivation. During the flowering phase, it is recommended to use full-spectrum lights or flowering-specific lights that mimic sunlight, providing between 600-1000 μmol/m²/s of PPFD.


An adequate nutrient program is crucial for bud bulking. During flowering, cannabis plants require high levels of phosphorus and potassium. A PK (phosphorus and potassium) supplement during the last weeks can help maximize bud size and density.


Carbon dioxide is ideal for bulking up cannabis buds. Naturally, the air usually has a CO2 concentration of about 350-400 PPM, but in indoor cannabis cultivation, an extra dose of carbon dioxide up to 1500 PPM can multiply the size and weight of the buds.


Proper watering is essential to avoid water stress and ensure that plants receive enough water to transport the necessary nutrients for growth. It is important not to overwater to avoid root problems.

Training and Pruning

Techniques such as LST (Low-Stress Training), topping, and selective pruning can help direct the plant’s energy towards the main buds, promoting more uniform and vigorous growth.



❤️Tips to Maximize Bud Growth


Climate Control

Maintaining an ideal temperature between 20-26°C (68-78°F) and a relative humidity of 40-50% during the flowering phase can significantly improve the quality and quantity of buds.


CO2 Supplements

Increasing CO2 levels in the grow room can enhance photosynthesis, leading to larger and denser buds.


Continuous Monitoring and Adjustments

It is essential to constantly monitor pH levels, EC (electrical conductivity), and adjust nutrients according to the plant’s specific needs during flowering.


Advanced Training Techniques

  • ScrOG (Screen of Green): This technique helps maximize light exposure and can significantly increase yields.
  • Selective Defoliation: Removing some large leaves can improve light penetration to the lower parts of the plant.


Use of Micronutrients

In addition to macronutrients, ensuring that plants receive enough micronutrients (calcium, magnesium, zinc, etc.) is vital for optimal bud development.



⚠️Common Problems and Solutions


Nutrient Deficiencies

Identifying and quickly correcting nutrient deficiencies can prevent production loss. Using an EC meter to ensure nutrient levels are adequate.


Pests and Diseases

Maintaining a clean environment and regularly monitoring plants for signs of pests and diseases. Using preventive methods such as essential oils and organic insecticides.


Temperature Stress

Avoiding extreme temperatures that can stress plants and negatively affect bud growth. Using fans and climate control systems to maintain optimal conditions.



🧐Final Stage: Preparation for Harvest


Flushing the Roots

Flushing the roots with pure water during the last two weeks before harvest can improve the flavor and quality of the final product.


Trichome Inspection

Using a magnifying glass or microscope to observe the trichomes. Buds are ready to harvest when most trichomes are milky with some amber.


Cutting and Drying

Harvesting at the right time and slowly drying the buds in a controlled environment can preserve terpenes and cannabinoids, resulting in a high-quality final product.



👾Bud Growth Chart as Cultivation Progresses


Cultivation Phase Bud Growth (%)
Vegetative Phase (0-4 weeks) 0%
Pre-flowering Phase (5-6 weeks) 5%
Early Flowering Phase (7-10 weeks) 25%
Mid Flowering Phase (11-14 weeks) 50%
Late Flowering Phase (15-17 weeks) 100%


This table illustrates how cannabis buds grow and develop throughout the different cultivation phases. As you can see, significant bud growth begins in the early flowering phase and reaches its peak in the late flowering phase, where buds bulk up and fully mature.



🔥Special Products for Bud Growth


During the cannabis flowering phase, it is crucial to provide the plants with the right nutrients to maximize bud growth and bulking. Specialized cannabis fertilizers can make a big difference in the quality and quantity of the harvest. Below is a list of the best products specifically designed for bud growth, each with its unique benefits.


Best Products for Bud Growth

  • Monster Bloom: A powerful phosphorus and potassium supplement that promotes the explosive development of large, dense flowers.
  • Bloombastic: A concentrated additive that enhances sugar production and increases bud weight and density.
  • PK 13-14: Provides the perfect combination of phosphorus and potassium to stimulate flowering and increase bud size.
  • Big Bud: Designed to maximize bud size and resin production, increasing terpene and cannabinoid content.
  • Organic PK Booster: An organic supplement that improves flower structure and increases overall plant yield.
  • Brutal Buds: A powerful additive that increases bud density and weight, improving overall harvest quality.
  • Mega PK: A high-concentration phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, ideal for maximizing flowering and bud bulking.
  • Bud Booster: A supplement that accelerates bud growth and increases the production of compact, resinous flowers.
  • Potencias (PK Boom): An additive designed to maximize flowering and resin production in buds.
  • Green Sensation: An all-in-one additive that improves flowering, increases resin production, and maximizes harvest yield.
  • Bio Heaven: An organic stimulant that enhances nutrient absorption and increases bud vitality and size.


These products are formulated to provide cannabis plants with essential nutrients during the flowering phase, helping to develop larger, denser, and more resinous buds. Using these supplements properly can make a big difference in the quality and quantity of your final harvest. If you want to delve deeper into this topic, I recommend checking out this other article titled Best Bud Fatteners on the Market.



🎯Frequently Asked Questions about Bud Growth


When do buds grow the most?

Answer: Cannabis buds grow the most during the last weeks of the flowering phase, typically between weeks 6 and 8 for most strains. This period, known as the bulking phase, is when plants concentrate all their energy on developing and maturing flowers. Providing optimal conditions of light, nutrients, and watering during this phase is crucial to maximize bud size and density.

How to know when buds are mature?

Answer: Buds are mature when the trichomes, the small resin glands on the flowers, change color from clear to milky and then to amber. Using a magnifying glass or microscope to observe the trichomes is the best way to determine maturity. The pistils, the small hairs on the buds, should also have changed color from white to orange or brown. Additionally, mature buds will be dense and resinous to the touch.

How long do buds take to mature outdoors?

Answer: The time it takes for buds to mature outdoors varies depending on the strain and climatic conditions, but generally, cannabis plants grown outdoors take between 8 and 12 weeks from flowering to harvest. Indica strains tend to mature faster, in about 8 to 10 weeks, while sativas can take between 10 and 12 weeks or even longer. It is important to observe the specific conditions of the plant and monitor the trichomes to determine the optimal harvest time.

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  1. Avatar for Attila Opancsar

    Thank you for the article, now I know that cannabis buds fatten up more during the last weeks of flowering!