Monster Bloom vs Bloombastic: The Bud Bulking Giants Duel

Reading Time 2 minutes
Two marijuana plants represented by two super monsters, one named Monster Bloom and the other Bloombastic facing off in the middle of a cannabis field
Two marijuana plants represented by two super monsters, one named Monster Bloom and the other Bloombastic facing off in the middle of a cannabis field
Alan Martínez Benito
CEO of Pev Grow, expert grower with more than 20 years of experience.
In constant struggle for the regulation of cannabis, mainly in the medicinal field.
29-12-2023 09:00:00 - Updated: 29 December, 2023


If you’re on the hunt for the perfect marijuana fertilizer for your grow, you’ve likely heard of Monster Bloom and Bloombastic. Both have a solid reputation, but which one fits your needs better? In this article, we offer a detailed comparison to make your choice easier.



👾 What is Monster Bloom?


Monster Bloom by Grotek is a highly concentrated bloom enhancer, known for its high phosphorus and potassium content. It is designed to be used in the middle of the flowering cycle, boosting the development of large and dense buds. It comes in a very concentrated powder form, so dosages are minimal and must be calculated very carefully to avoid over-fertilization. For many people, Monster Bloom is the best fertilizer for the bud bulking phase.



🚀 Comparative Table


Feature Monster Bloom Bloombastic
Product Type Bloom enhancer Bloom enhancer
Application Phase Middle of the flowering cycle Throughout the flowering cycle
Concentration Very high in phosphorus and potassium High in phosphorus, potassium, biostimulants, and amino acids
Key Benefits Increase in bud size and density Increase in size, weight, taste, and potency of buds
Dosage 0.3 grams per liter 0.5-1 ml per liter
Price Generally more affordable Can be more expensive



📖 Detailed Analysis


Effectiveness in Flowering

Monster Bloom is excellent for a concentrated boost in a crucial phase of flowering, while Atami Bloombastic offers a continuous and complete improvement throughout the cycle.


Ease of Use

Monster Bloom, with its specific application at one stage of the cycle, can be simpler for those who prefer a less constant nutrition regimen. Bloombastic, although requiring more continuous attention, offers consistent benefits.



Monster Bloom is usually more economical, making it ideal for growers on a budget or those who prefer to try a bloom enhancer for the first time.



✨ User Experiences

Growers who prefer Monster Bloom highlight its effectiveness in increasing bud density. Bloombastic users, on the other hand, praise its ability to improve not only the size and weight but also the overall quality of the buds.



🚀 Conclusions

The choice between Monster Bloom and Bloombastic comes down to your specific preferences and what you expect to get from your grow. If your focus is on maximizing the size and density of your buds with a more economical solution, Monster Bloom is a solid choice. On the other hand, if you’re willing to invest more in a product that offers a wide range of benefits throughout the entire flowering cycle, Bloombastic is ideal.



🎬 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Can I combine Monster Bloom with other fertilizers?

Yes, but it is important to follow the instructions and avoid overfeeding.


Are Bloombastic and Monster Bloom suitable for beginners?

Both can be used by beginners, although Bloombastic requires a bit more attention to dosing.


Where can I purchase these products?

You can find them in specialized gardening or cannabis cultivation stores, as well as in various online stores like Pevgrow, where you can buy them with the best quality/price ratio.


Is it necessary to adjust the pH of the water when using these products?

It is always advisable to adjust the pH of the irrigation water so that the plants can assimilate all the nutrients without problems.

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