Is cannabis legal in the state of Illinois? What does the law say?

Reading Time 4 minutes
Mapa de Illinois con un fondo de plantas de marihuana
Map of Illinois with a background of marijuana plants.
Fran Quesada Moya

10-09-2021 08:30:39 - Updated: 10 September, 2021


The laws regarding the use of cannabis in many states of the USA are changing during these years. There are more and more places in the United States where you can freely buy or consume marijuana, but there are still many other places where you risk paying a fine, or worse, even going to prison.

So that the latter never happens to you, we have created a series of articles where we talk about the legality of cannabis in different states of this great country of America, and today it is Illinois, land of great growers and consumers of this sacred plant.



⛳ Is weed legal in Illinois?



Yes, totally, since 2019 Illinois approved the use of cannabis for adults of legal age, and thus became the eleventh state in the USA to do so. On the other hand, this state was a pioneer in creating a state law to regulate the cultivation, analysis, and sale of cannabis within its territory.

It is the Illinois department of agriculture that is the body in charge of granting cultivation licenses, while the department of financial and professional regulation is in charge of regulating the dispensaries where marijuana is sold. On the other hand, the public health department is in charge of regulating the program medical cannabis on behalf of patients, doctors, and caregivers of the sick.



✨ What does the law say in this state?


It is necessary to differentiate between recreational and medicinal consumption, because the sale of the same product may be subject to different taxes depending on whether the buyer is ill or a recreational cannabis user.

In Illinois there are different types of marijuana dispensaries, specialized medical cannabis stores that only serve the sick or their caregivers, which pay 1% tax. The growers who supply these dispensaries pay 7% taxes to the country, and each patient can buy up to 2.5 ounces every 14 days, and the transaction can be done by himself or through his caregiver.

The other type of dispensary is similar to a Dutch coffeeshop in that it sells cannabis for recreational use to those over 18 years of age. These stores pay 10%tax sales on any product that contains less than 35% THC, and for products with a THC concentration greater than 35% they pay 25% tax.

Medical dispensaries are exempt from paying state taxes, however Illinois recreational marijuana shops have to pay 6.25% to this state. Obviously, this causes recreational cannabis to be more expensive than medicinal, because in the end all these taxes are borne by the buyer. Cannabis-infused edibles and products are taxed at 20%.



🚀 Recreational Cannabis Limitations


Illinoisans over the age of 21 can possess up to 30 grams of buds or 5 grams of concentrate cannabis. In infused marijuana products the limit is 500 milligrams of THC.

However, visitors who go to this state can only have half of what is established for the inhabitants and residents of Illinois, that is, 15 grams of buds, 2.5 grams of concentrate, and 250 mg of THC in infused products.



✅ Recreational herb dispensaries for adults in Illinois


Logically, most of the cannabis dispensaries in the state of Illinois are concentrated in Chicago, its most populated city. Below you can see a list of the most important dispensaries in this great city:


  • El Herbal Care Center
  • NuMed – Chicago
  • Misión Illinois
  • Columbia Care
  • Cannabis moderno de MOCA
  • Dispensario 33
  • Sunnyside – Lakeview



🎯 Illinois Laws Regarding Cannabis Growing


Even if you are a recreational marijuana user in this state, you cannot grow the plants for your own use. But if you are a consumer of medical cannabis, or the caregiver of a consumer patient, you can request permission to cultivate with certain restrictions.


  1. The culture must be in a private and closed place
  2. The plants must be hidden, they cannot be seen from the public highway
  3. The patient or his caregiver can only have the culture in his residence, or have the permission of the owner of the residence where they live
  4. A maximum of 5 plants per crop is allowed


Illinois seems to have not opted for a model that opts for self-cultivation as a form of supply to cover the personal consumption of adult or sick users who need a large amount of cannabis. In other states of the USA they have been more permissive when it comes to legalizing the cultivation for personal use, however it must be clear that with 5 well-cultivated plants a great harvest can be achieved, especially with very productive varieties such as Critical, Amnesia Lemon, Gorilla Glue, Wedding Cake, or a good Skunk strain


Cannabis laws in Illinois, penalties and permitted uses
Cannabis laws in Illinois, penalties and permitted uses



👾 Hydroponics stores and supply of materials for growing marijuana in Illinois


If you are a consumer of medical cannabis or caregiver of a sick person who needs weed in this state, there are a large number of Grow Stores where you can buy all the utensils you need to grow your own medicine. Below you can see a list of the most important growing supply establishments in Illinois:


  • Simple Soil Hydroponics
  • Chicago Roots Hydroponics And Organic
  • Big Grow Hydroponics
  • Roots Hydroponics
  • Park Ridge Hydroponics
  • Brew & Grow
  • Easy Grow Hydroponic Garden Supply
  • Rainmakers Supply
  • Grow Big Hydro
  • Grow Masters


However, from our Grow Shop Online Pevgrow we send all the necessary material to grow marijuana plants indoors and outdoors, to the entire state of Illinois, as well as to the rest of the USA and all of North America. Do not hesitate to check our prices, we deliver fast, cheap, and discreet.



⚠️ Conclusion


The legalization of marijuana in the state of Illinois is not perfect as we have seen, but it is the first step towards normalizing the use of this plant in this beautiful land of the United States. If you plan to travel to Illinois keep in mind what you have read, and please respect the laws marked to visitors in this regard.

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