Matanuska Thunder Fuck

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Matanuska Thunder Fuck
Matanuska Thunder Fuck
Alan Martínez Benito
CEO of Pev Grow, expert grower with more than 20 years of experience.
In constant struggle for the regulation of cannabis, mainly in the medicinal field.
11-05-2018 10:00:36 - Updated: 11 May, 2018


You want to blow your brains out? ?Well, maybe it’s time for you to meet these marijuana seeds: yes, yes, yes, how you read! A great name for a great grass: Matanuska Thunder Fuck.


Jokes aside, this is a mild and by no means overwhelming cannabis, perfect for a night when you need peace and quiet or to enjoy a long summer sunset.


⭐ Main characteristics of the Matanuska Thunder Fuck



Although it is supposed to be a balanced hybrid, its effects as a sativa are more than pronounced. Even so, the sedative properties of its Indian side should not be underestimated at all. We’re sure you’ll love them!!?


The ice crystals present in its large, dense buds, which come from Alaska, may influence the configuration of this herb, whose exact genetic lineage is still unknown. We do not know if this is a kind of claim, as other experts suggest that the origin of Matanuska Thunder Fuck could be in the Matanuska Valley meadows. Who knows!


Regardless of its origin, what we are sure of is that the legendary Matanuska Thunder Fuck is no longer available. However, what you can find on the market are hybrids of the original strain of this cannabis.


 great name for a great herb: Matanuska Thunder Fuck.
great name for a great herb: Matanuska Thunder Fuck.


▶ Growth


Matanuska Thunder Fuck can be grown both indoors and outdoors, as well as in a greenhouse. One of the reasons this herb is a great choice for growing is that it never exceeds 60 centimeters, making it a luxury alternative for people who live in a small space and want to grow marijuana in their homes.


Therefore, as long as the plant is grown in a Mediterranean climate it should grow well. However, some work is needed, as the plant is thick and, because the buds are large and heavy, some support may also need to be installed to prevent stems or branches from breaking.


Indoors, although it can be grown in the soil, it is best to use the technique of hydroponics combined with the Screen of Green (SOG) method. This will result in explosive growth that reduces the vegetation period. What are you waiting for to add the Matanuska Thunder Fuck to your seed bank?


👌 Flowering time


* Indoor

In 8 to 9 weeks, producers planting Matanuska Thunder Fuck indoors or by hydroponics could get their hands on a reminder from Alaska. If seeing the icy crystals that cover the shoots is a delight for the eyes, it is even better to have a harvest that averages up to 400 grams per square meter.


* Outdoor

Outdoor cultivation takes a little more time. Despite this, producers should have no less than 400 grams per plant by the end of October. Have you ever smoked or harvested your own Matanuska Thunder Fuck? If yes, please let us know what you think about this variety. We love it!



✨ Aroma and taste


Somehow, the aroma of this variety is different from that of the vast majority. Regular cannabis users would recognize the smell of marijuana, but Matanuska Thunder Fuck has a unique dominant fragrance. It smells of chocolate with a persistent fruity smell. Most smokers, and even non-smokers, will find the fragrance very pleasant.


This aspect is also reflected in the taste. Cannabis users will be delighted to know that the great aroma of this strain is transferred to their liking. After all, who doesn’t love chocolate? In addition, the fruity smell translates into a sweetness that results in one of the best flavors of cannabis in the world.


🚀 Effects


What can you expect from using Matanuska Thunder Fuck? While we list the strain as a balanced hybrid, there is a good chance that it is Sativa-dominant. Instead of starting with a thunderous start in our brains, this grass is first felt in a gentle way and then intensifies its effects.


A euphoric sweeping sensation begins not too long after using Matanuska Thunder Fuck. One of the good things about this variety is that users feel a greater sense of concentration. As mentioned above, it also has some properties similar to those of sedatives. You’ll be able to feel extremely relaxed!!


And no, relax because this cannabis is not known for knocking anyone out,  as long as you consume it in a moderate way. In most cases, physical and mental relaxation leads to general happiness..

Features Matanuska Thunder Fuck
Features Matanuska Thunder Fuck



⚠️ Adverse reaction


As you know, cannabis use can lead to some adverse reactions. While it is common to experience dry mouth and dry eyes, this strain is often very thirsty: you will almost certainly want to drink an ocean of water.


Although the effects begin mildly, some people may find them too strong and feel dizzy. Others, although rarely, may also experience paranoia or anxiety.


➕ Medicinal properties


Recreational cannabis users have their own reasons for consuming marijuana. One such reason is medicinal: the main benefits of using Matanuska Thunder Fuck are related to stress management.


Here, the sedative property of the strain helps to relax the body. As a result, stress levels can be significantly reduced. It also helps to control the effects of depression.


On the other hand, this strain is useful for pain control, a very interesting aspect for people suffering from chronic pain.


Other people, especially those with high tolerance levels, may experience a slight increase in energy. As a result, many people have seen their fatigue reduced as a result.


Finally, and always as the effects of the Matanuska Thunder Fuck wear off, some may feel hungry. The good news is that this variety doesn’t usually cause laziness, so you won’t have any trouble preparing a good snack.


And one last point to keep in mind: remember that there are variants of this strain that can be indica dominant. If you use this variant and not the Sativa, you can be sure that you will stay KO on the couch. We warned you!!


✅ Conclusion


Finally, let me ask you what you thought of this article about the famous Matanuska Thunder Fuck, did you like it? It will be a pleasure to read your opinion about this post and your experiences with this well-known seed. Don’t hesitate, share now in your social networks and let more people know about it!!?


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  1. Avatar for Larry Hurley

    Great article

    • Avatar for Alan Martinez

      Thanks Larry