New Growdiaries competition with new prizes

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Representative image of the Growdiaries' PEV crop follow-up competition*.
Representative image of the Growdiaries’ PEV crop follow-up competition*.
Fran Quesada Moya

06-08-2020 12:00:44 - Updated: 6 August, 2020


Welcome, growers!

I have the pleasure to announce the most interesting contest in this 2020, the Spanish breeder PEV Seeds pulls the boat out and offers really interesting prizes for just writing a diary of any of its varieties.

This contest will be active for 3 months starting on August 1st, and growers from any country in the world can participate. If you want to join just follow the steps below, it’s very easy.


New Growdiaries competition with new prizes



⭐ Guidelines for participating in Pevgrow’s 2020 Growdiaries Tracking Competition



Follow these 4 simple steps and soon you will receive the cannabis seeds you like best from our collection. Post regular updates to show the evolution of your crop and with some luck you can get great prizes… What else can you ask for!


STEP ONE: Complete the application form

*You just have to tell us your nickname in Growdiaries, years of growing experience, the seeds you prefer and the shipping information so you can receive them. We ask you to mention 3 varieties, and you will receive one of the varieties you have chosen. This is to ensure maximum diversity in the competition.


STEP TWO: Wait for PEV Seeds representatives to contact you to know if you have been selected.

*In the shortest time possible we will send you an email to let you know if you have been selected to participate in our contest, don’t worry, we are not very demanding.


STEP THREE: Receive your growing package and start your diary.

*In a few days you will receive a package with the seeds you have chosen, we recommend that you put them to germinate as soon as possible and while they are doing so continue with step 4.


STEP FOUR: Join the contest.

*Our Growdiaries “Summer Contest 2020” tracking contest is already active here: and you can start your diary as soon as you receive the seeds, good luck!


Screenshots of the Growdiaries website showing how you can easily add your crop data
Screenshots of the Growdiaries website showing how you can easily add your crop data*



✨ What’s in the gift you’re about to receive?


We send you a package with an information and thank you leaflet for participating, and 2 packages of 3 seeds of the variety you choose from the PEV Bank Seeds catalogue. You can choose from 28 photodependent feminized genetics, 13 feminized autoflowering strains and 5 CBD-rich varieties. Among them you have authentic European classics like White Widow or Jack Herer, American classics like OG Kush or Blueberry, and some of the most demanded plants nowadays like MAC or Wedding Cake Strain.


New Growdiaries competition with new prizes



👌 Increase your chances of winning by following these tips


  1. Update your diary often: You don’t have to update it every day, but the more you can tell about the changes since the last update the better.
  2. Provide all possible crop data: Environmental parameters, type of lighting and ventilation, cultivation system, feeding, etc.
  3. Comment on changes: It is highly valued when the grower informs about transplants, pruning, irrigation PH and EC, phytosanitary applications, cultivation techniques, tricks, etc.
  4. Include as many photos as you can: A picture is worth more than 1000 words, and in cannabis growing diaries even more, so I advise you to share many of them.
  5. Share your impressions: Looking at the photos and reading the data you share we can get an idea of the varieties you are growing, but there are things we cannot perceive this way. It is a great idea to include your ratings in terms of aromas, textures, and other sensations so that we can imagine them.
  6. Be methodical: There are many ways to get a great crop of weed. Ideally, you should find the fertilizers that work best for you, the growing system that seems most practical, the type of lighting that gives you the best yield, and the growing techniques that work best for you, and then repeat what has worked best for you over and over again.
  7. Hygiene and cleaning: Try to keep the crop as clean as possible, it is essential to avoid the visit of pests, fungi and some diseases. If you visit other crops, be careful when you go home, you may bring mites or spores and infect your girls.


A Growdiaries user shows the status of cannabis plants in their tracking
A Growdiaries user shows the status of cannabis plants in their tracking



🚀 Disclaimer


PEV Seeds will select and send 6 seeds from a variety of the three selected by you, to provide diversity in the competition, you can choose between autoflowering, photodependent or CBD-rich genetics. It’s up to you!

A member of our team will contact you during the months that the draw is active on GrowDiaries to let you know if you have been selected for the competition. Don’t hesitate, come in and choose the strains you like best, you can win one of the great prizes we offer. Do it now!

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  1. Avatar for Mordy S

    Fran! Hi im glad I found you here after talking to you on Rollitup forums.
    I do not see PevGrow as official breeder on GrowDiaries 🙁
    Have you contacted them yet?

    • Avatar for Alan Martinez

      Hi Mordy,I’m glad to see you here, too.
      I share with you the link where PEV Grow as a breeder in Grow diaries PEV Seeds GrowDiaries
      happy New Year my friend.

  2. Avatar for Matt Soma

    I wish I knew about this before! Next spring I can’t wait to grow your Bruce Banner outdoors this time! I also can’t wait for your new breeds, I love sativas I hope to see more crosses.

  3. Avatar for L W

    Can I get the coupon credit by growing Spanish bulk seeds, I have started 2 diaries but it is white label and seed stockers, but I bought them here.

    • Avatar for Alan Martinez

      Sorry friend, the follow-up has to be with a variety of PEV Seeds.

      The seeds you received as a gift in your order are our bank, right?
      You could do it with those seeds.

      Thank you for your time.

  4. Avatar for Eric walker

    When will I receive the 100€ I just created a diary and will be updating almost daily

    • Avatar for Alan Martinez

      Hi Eric,
      When the diary is finished let us know and we will give you a coupon of 100 euros so you can buy what you need on our website.
      Thank you for participating.